Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 119: Relics of the Forefathers

Having said that, neither Qi Xuansu nor Zhang Yuelu relaxed their vigilance.

Qi Xuansu looked at the alchemy furnace: "Qingxiao, according to the formula in the storybook, there should be an elixir in the alchemy furnace that has been refined but has not been taken away. As long as we take away the elixir, we will immediately alert the Taoist in front of us. He will turn into a zombie and fight with us."

Zhang Yuelu did not comment, jumped directly, came to the top of the alchemy furnace, and opened the lid of the alchemy furnace.

This thing is quite heavy, but Zhang Yuelu is a heavenly being after all, not a weak woman without the strength to restrain a chicken, so he can pick it up.

"Empty." After Zhang Yuelu carefully looked at the various alchemy rooms inside the alchemy furnace, he replaced the lid of the alchemy furnace.

At this moment, a voice said: "As early as four hundred years ago, the elixir in the furnace had been taken away."

In an instant, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu both had chills running down their backs.

The two of them looked at the Taoist who was facing the alchemy furnace at the same time.

He remained motionless.

But Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu no longer thought this was a simple corpse.

Even if there is no breath of life in him.

The two of them felt like they were facing a formidable enemy.

After a moment, the Taoist slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were gray and white, as if covered with a layer of shading: "Are you also from the Taoist sect? You are so young but have a semi-immortal. It seems that your life experience is not simple. You are from the righteous world. Zhang’s family?”

The three major families recognized in the world, in addition to the imperial family and the Tian family, which often changes members, are the Zhang family of the Taoist sect and the descendants of the saints of the Confucian sect. They are all aristocratic families with thousands of years of history. Even during the Jin and Jin Dynasties, the Zhang family was still a giant. On the contrary, the Li family, which now surpasses the Zhang family, had not yet become prosperous at that time. It will be until the Quanzhen Tao is completely weakened that the Taiping Tao led by the Li family will gradually come to the fore.

Therefore, even if this strange relic comes from five hundred years ago and does not know about the Taoist sect of later generations, it will still know about the existence of the Zhang family.

Qi Xuansu signaled Zhang Yuelu not to tell his origins rashly. Who knew the origin of this being who didn't know whether he was a human or a ghost in front of him? If he had a grudge against the Zhang family, wouldn't he just hit the target?

Qi Xuansu asked: "Senior, who are you?"

Yishang sighed: "Don't be nervous, I have no hostility. As you can see, I am just a poor person who has been trapped here for five hundred years because of the constraints of the corpse. In the past, there was a little girl who would come to visit from time to time. "Me, we made a deal, she helped me out, and I gave her some benefits or help, but for some reason, she hasn't come for a while."

Qi Xuansu asked: "Is the little girl the senior mentioned named Qian Xiangyun?"

"That's her name. Do you know her?" Yishen's voice was very calm, without any anger at all.

Qi Xuansu pondered for a moment and said, "She betrayed the Taoist sect and has already fled overseas."

"Betrayal of the Taoist sect?" Yishuai seemed to find this statement a bit strange. "Betraying the sect is not a rare thing, but what could she do that would cause outrage and resentment and be accused of betraying the Taoist sect?"

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but asked: "Didn't she tell her seniors about the current Taoist sect?"

Yishang was silent for a moment and said, "I didn't ask, and she didn't tell either."

Qi Xuansu carefully considered his words and said: "Five hundred years ago, the Taoist sect was a piece of loose sand. Each branch and sect swept away the snow in front of the sect. There were even many conflicts and fights among themselves. Naturally, there is only one saying of betraying the sect, not the Taoist sect. , only those treacherous evil figures, or those who escape into Buddhism, will be regarded as betraying Taoism. But today's Taoism is different, it is unified, there is only one Taoism in the world, and the Taoism has only one leader. A vassal of Taoism, Buddhism also bows to Taoism.”

Yishang was silent for a long time this time, and said slowly: "The Taoist sect has become another imperial court?"

Qi Xuansu didn't know how to answer.

Zhang Yuelu took over the conversation: "That's understandable."

Yishang didn't speak for a long time. He seemed to be imagining what a unified Taoist sect would look like, subduing Confucianism and Buddhism, and not having to rely on the imperial court.

He couldn't imagine it.

After a long time, Yishang asked: "Who is the current leader of the Taoist sect...?"

Qi Xuansu said: "The six generations of great masters have ascended and passed away. Now the three deputy masters, the great masters, are now in charge of the Taoist sect, that is, the great heavenly master, the earthly energy master, and the great wise master."

This is the predecessor of the Heavenly Master, the Earth Master, and the National Master. It has been passed down for a long time, and the old man can understand it when he hears it.

Yishuo murmured: "The battle between the two divisions of heaven and earth lasted for hundreds of years, but now they are working together in the same dynasty? What about the Yuxu sword fight?"

Zhang Yuelu said: "The last Yuxu sword fight happened two hundred years ago. Now Yuxu Peak is where Yujing is, and you cannot use force at will."

"Isn't Yujing sealed by Taoist Master Nanhua?" Yishang obviously knew many outdated secrets.

Zhang Yuelu continued to explain: "After the last sword fight in Yuxu, the Supreme Taoist ancestor appeared as a saint, and the Kunlun Cave fell to the ground. Yujing then appeared on Yuxu Peak. It was the capital of the Taoist sect. The great leader lived here, and there were Taoist priests in the city. There are more than 100,000 lingguan and Taoist people who travel all over the world by flying boats. Taoist sects have set up Taoist mansions and Taoist palaces in 19 states in the world. "

Yishang once again fell into a long silence.

After all, one is the dark age and the other is the civilized age. One wants to look up to the court and flatter the emperor and the powerful. The other regarded the court as barbaric and claimed to be civilized. The gap is like the top of a mountain to the bottom of a valley.

Zhang Yuelu, who had been laying the groundwork for a long time, naturally had deep meaning. She took out her sutra basket and said in a deep voice: "I am a Taoist priest of the third grade of Taoism, and I have been ordered to trace the evidence of Qian Xiangyun's defection. I hope you can cooperate, otherwise the thunder will come and I will be punished." Must apply.”

Today's Taoist disciples are so domineering.

"Nine-grade Zhongzheng system?" Yishang looked at the sutra basket in Zhang Yuelu's hand, and could tell that it was a treasure. Using the treasure as a proof of identity can better show how powerful the Taoist sect is today. Compared with the past, it is simply The poor man suddenly became a prince and grandson.

Qi Xuansu also took out his own sutra urn and said, "I am a Taoist priest of the fourth grade of the Taoist sect. I hope you will cooperate with me."

The two sutra urns are roughly the same, but the details are different, which makes them more convincing.

Yishang couldn't help but believe it and asked: "Great Heavenly Master, Earth Qi Master, Great Sage Master, what grades are they?"

Zhang Yuelu said: "They are first-grade innocent Taoist priests, and they are higher than ordinary first-grade innocent Taoist priests. They are extremely special first-grade innocent Taoist priests."

Yi Sheng understood and summed it up simply: "The three gentlemen are of the highest quality."

"In this case, the Grand Master is the emperor." Yishang said again.

Zhang Yuelu corrected: "There is no emperor in the Taoist sect. The Taoist sect is not a Taoist sect with one family name. The chief leader is jointly recommended by Jinque, which is composed of a group of real people."

Yi Sheng once again summarized: "The abdication of the ancient emperor, the nine-level Zhongzheng system in the East, and the aristocratic republic system in the West mixed together to create a weird system. The Taoist priests at the bottom seem to have a choice, but in fact they can only choose one of three bad eggs. "What is the difference between the so-called Golden Palace and the Western Senate?"

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu looked at each other.

The Yishen in front of him must have had a great background during his lifetime, and his views on the Taoist sect today are a bit too sharp.

Of course, you can also put it another way, that is, boldness. If the Third Division were here, just by saying this, you wouldn't be able to get out alive.

Fortunately, he met Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu, both of whom belonged to the young sect of the Taoist sect. They did not find these words harsh, and even expressed part of their feelings to a certain extent.

Qi Xuansu has long said that all the children of aristocratic families are competing for the position of the great master. How can they, children of ordinary backgrounds, get ahead?

Of course, at this time, Qi Xuansu also has to reflect on himself. It is still doubtful whether he has Qiniang as his godmother, and whether he is of ordinary origin. From a certain point of view, he and Zhang Yuelu were quite matched. In the eyes of outsiders, they both had backgrounds and status. In fact, in the eyes of real children of aristocratic families, they were both minor sect branches. Take Qi Xuansu as an example. Although Qiniang is from the Yao family, she is an adopted daughter and has no position within the Taoist sect. She really cannot help Qi Xuansu much in terms of promotion in the Taoist sect.

Zhang Yuelu coughed lightly: "Senior."

Yishen no longer thought about these institutional issues and said instead: "You represent today's Taoism and ask me to cooperate. People have to bow their heads under the roof. Of course I can cooperate, just like the deal I made with Qian Xiangyun. You help I can promise anything if I get out of trouble. As for after I get out of trouble, I swear that I will abide by the rules of the Taoist sect. After all, according to you, with the current power of the Taoist sect, I can't compete with it even in my lifetime. "

Qi Xuansu took advantage of the situation and asked: "Senior mentioned his life more than once, dare I ask my name during his lifetime?"

Yishang was silent for a while, then slowly said: "My last name was Lin, and my double name was Lingsu."

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu were both shocked.

Sure enough, it is this Mr. Tongzhen Daling! A master of the Jin Dynasty who once forced a monk to change his name to Deshi.

But a question arises from this. Lin Lingsu was born here, so who was the person who later laid the foundation for the Shenxiao lineage in Huzhou?

The rise of the Shenxiao lineage occurred at the end of the Jin Dynasty and the beginning of the Wei Dynasty. There was a golden period of a hundred years in between. During the reign of Emperor Taizu of the Wei Dynasty, the founder of the Shenxiao sect was named "Qingxu Yuanmiao Zhenjun", and the current leader was named "Tongwei Xianhua". real person". To this day, the representative of the Shenxiao lineage is Master Shenxiao among the thirty-six Masters of Taoism, who belongs to the Quanzhen Tao.

There is no doubt that Lord Qingxu Yuanmiao and Mr. Tongzhen Daling are both ancestors of the Shenxiao lineage and have a very deep connection.

From the last appearance of Mr. Tongzhen Daling Lin Lingsu in the human world to the conferment of Qingxu Yuanmiao Zhenjun, there was a gap of more than a hundred years, which greatly exceeded the time of an immortal person. However, according to Taoist records, Lord Qingxu Yuanmiao survived a heavenly tribulation and could stay in the human world for two hundred years. Mr. Tongzhen Daling was just forty years old when he resigned from the Imperial Preceptor and returned to his hometown after failing in his second battle with Buddhism and Taoism.

If Mr. Tongzhen Daling is Qingxu Yuanmiao Zhenjun, then the time is completely correct.

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