Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 138 Both parties are ready

When Qi Xuansu returned to the Jade Palace, it was already late at night. He looked at the time and saw that it was already the next day at the beginning of the day.

Today is the 20th day of the twelfth lunar month in the 42nd year of Jiushi. The five-person team arrived at the Imperial Capital on the seventh day of November. In the blink of an eye, a month and a half has passed. It can be said that the days have passed very quickly.

Tomorrow morning is the "sealing" day for the capital's Yamen, that is, sealing the big seal and starting the annual vacation. Many things have to be completed before the start of the annual vacation. The Ministry of Revenue has to clear the tax revenue of various states, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate has to conduct performance appraisals of officials in various ministries and yamen this year. The payments will be made to various ministries on the 16th day of the first month of the next year. Therefore, every year on the 16th day of the first lunar month, the chief and deputy officials of the six ministries and nine ministers and the censor stationed in Beijing would come to the lobby of the Metropolitan Procuratorate as usual. The more than twenty days in between are the annual holidays for the officials in the capital.

After today, the entire Imperial Capital will enter the New Year state, and the undercurrent that has been raging for several months will finally reach its peak.

The most obvious feeling is that the atmosphere in the Jade Palace is not only not festive at all, but also becomes very tense.

Although Taoist people do not attach great importance to the New Year festival, in order to cater to the general public, various local governments will also hold various celebration activities. This is the first time this year. Even the most obtuse person knows that something is wrong.

The ones who created this tense atmosphere were naturally the senior officials of the Imperial Palace. To be precise, it was Li Ruoshui, the real person in charge of the palace, and Shi Bingyun, the second deputy palace owner.

Since the last time Qi Xuansu was suspended, the two of them had fallen out with each other. Now the conflict has intensified, which is expected by many people.

Logically speaking, the real person in charge of the government is the real person who is aware of the situation. Therefore, in order to maintain the three-legged situation of the local Taoist government, the candidates for the second deputy head of the palace must be carefully selected. Generally, they are those with respected status, deep background, strong strength, and not the real person who is aware of the knowledge. But it is better than knowing the real person, such as Li Tianlan of Jiangnan Daofu.

The same is true for the Imperial Palace. After all, Shi Bingyun almost became the real person of Cihang. She is not lacking in status, background, or level of cultivation. However, many of the things she did were a little outrageous, so after so many years, she has not yet become a member of the imperial family. Know the real person. Originally, the Imperial Capital was half of the Li family's home court, but Shi Bingyun also had the help of the dignified King Jin. In addition, there were many discords among the various princes of the Li family. Although they would not openly embarrass each other, they might not really help each other, so in this regard It's a tie.

The two are competing against each other, and the two major factions under their command also dislike each other, and the smell of gunpowder is strong. On the contrary, the chief deputy palace master Zhou Jiaoxian did not participate in it, and his group generally adhered to neutrality.

Qi Xuansu is very interesting here. He has both Shi Bingyun and Li Ruoshui's men under his command. Both sides were also influenced by the two leaders and were about to make a move, but they were quickly suppressed by Qi Xuansu. Qi Xuansu was not good at enlightening people, nor was he good at reasoning. He suppressed people with violence in a literal sense. It is not difficult for him to have both the reputation of a boss and the strength of a heavenly being.

Furthermore, in terms of position, Qi Xuansu is Shi Bingyun's subordinate, but in terms of faction, he should be on the side of Zhou Jiaoxian, who represents Quanzhen Tao. In fact, Qi Xuansu did not participate in the struggle between the two, because he Knowing that Shi Bingyun was responsible for containing Li Ruoshui, he gave Zhou Jiaoxian enough room to move.

In this way, although Qi Xuansu realized it later, he could still infer that Zhou Jiaoxian was the "index finger" or "big finger". The so-called "five fingers" of Buddha finally had someone who could stand up to the stage. They couldn't really be just a bunch of people. The juniors of the third and fourth grades went to suppress the "Heart Monkey".

Qi Xuansu rarely went back to his residence, and more often lived in the pledge room so that he could handle various matters. As soon as he returned to the pledge room, he saw Zhang Yuelu sitting in his seat again.

This time, he wasn't surprised, he was used to it.

Ke Qingqing is an unreliable girl and has the potential to be a traitor. She forgets everything after seeing Zhang Yuelu. She responds to every request and takes the initiative to do something even without asking. She actually gave Zhang Yuelu the key to the room he signed for, so Zhang Yuelu always Every time I open the door and come in openly, instead of sneaking in, let alone forcing my way in.

Although husband and wife are one, they are not yet married. Even if we get married, we still have to leave some space for each of us. Is it really possible, as in the words, to pinch you and shape me with a ball of clay, then smash it to pieces, squeeze you again, and mold me again? Living people are not mud. Beat one into a pulp, beat the other into a pulp, and put them together to create two living people. It is horrifying to think about it.

Zhang Yuelu's face was not very good, a little pale.

Qi Xuansu put aside these irrelevant thoughts for the time being and asked with concern: "Are you injured?"

"It's a good thing that he wasn't injured." Zhang Yuelu opened the isolation formation with the key given by Ke Qingqing, "I followed the Heavenly Master's wishes and went to see..."

She wrote the word "purple" on the table with her finger and then disappeared.

Qi Xuansu was not surprised. Instead, he almost blurted out, "Have you joined the secret society too?" Fortunately, he stepped back from the cliff in time, otherwise the word "ye" would have been self-inflicted.

Qi Xuansu paused and reorganized his words. From Zhang Yuelu's perspective, it looked like Qi Xuansu was very shocked. Unexpectedly, she, the upright Deputy Hall Leader Zhang, had fallen into dealing with a secret society.

Zhang Yuelu couldn't help but smile bitterly, not knowing what to say.

In the world of fame and fortune, who can emerge from the mire without being stained?

In a sense, Tianshi is already arranging things behind his back. Letting Zhang Yuelu be responsible for contacting Ziguang Society is equivalent to Zhang Yuelu having the backing of Ziguang Society. No matter how reluctant the major forces are, they must recognize Zhang Yuelu. Even if Zhang Yuelu If you cannot inherit the position of Heavenly Master and become the Zhang family's face, you will also become the Zhang family's pride. Of course, if Zhang Yuelu has another chance, Ziguangshe can also help her and make her face.

Now that the Heavenly Master combines face and lizi, he finally gave the lizi to Zhang Yuelu. This is also the bottom line of the bulk. After all, Ziguang Society is different from Qingping Society and "Tianting". As one of the three secret societies, The Ziguang Society is even more terrifying. It is a veritable double-edged sword. The attitude within the sect is also very contradictory. If you want to hold it in your hands, but are afraid of getting burned, it is better to let Zhang Yuelu take over. Since you have an explanation for Zhang Yuelu, you can no longer say that they are not good. It was a dilemma to take Zhang Yuelu seriously while still maintaining contact with Ziguang Society.

Zhang Yuelu also knows the difficulty of the Celestial Master. If the Celestial Master still has thirty years, or even twenty years, he does not have to be so tolerant to the large forces, but it is a pity that his time is running out.

As for what the Heavenly Master was doing thirty years ago, twenty years ago, and ten years ago, why didn't he make arrangements in advance? Naturally, he was dealing with the two great masters of the fifth and sixth generations. Don't look at the evaluation of the sixth generation master. Because they are weak, it takes the three deputy heads to work together to suppress it. As long as one person is disloyal, it is the chief head who has the final say. As for the Fifth Generation Grand Master, the three deputy Grandmasters, let alone the Great Master, were not trying to suppress or even compete. They were just trying to protect themselves and wait for him to ascend. Furthermore, there was no option for Zhang Yuelu at that time. The Heavenly Master did not expect that Zhang Yuelu would be born, so naturally he could not make arrangements in advance.

Zhang Yuelu roughly told Qi Xuansu what happened.

After hearing this, Qi Xuansu smiled and said, "It is indeed a good thing."

Zhang Yuelu put his hand on his forehead: "It's just that after integrating the thunder talisman, it's still a bit too heavy for me."

"Burden?" Qi Xuansu asked doubtfully.

Zhang Yuelu said: "To put it simply, I am full. This term is very unpleasant, but I can't find a more accurate term to replace it. That's it. I can only eat two steamed buns, and I have already eaten them. I ordered two steamed buns, but they forced me to stuff a third steamed bun, but I couldn’t spit it out, so I had to endure it and wait for the three steamed buns to be digested slowly.”

Qi Xuansu came to Zhang Yuelu and pressed her belly: "When you have almost digested it, will it be the immeasurable stage?"

Zhang Yuelu slapped his hand away: "Theoretically, that's the case. But what she gave me was the 'Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Zhengfa' before Xuan Sheng summarized and integrated the inheritance of the five immortals. I wonder if it is different from the inheritance left by Xuan Sheng." conflicted."

Qi Xuansu said: "You can find an opportunity to ask the Heavenly Master."

"I think so too, but I have to wait until the incident in the Imperial Capital is over." Zhang Yuelu didn't want to talk about her own affairs, it was just an introduction. Then she changed the subject, "This is just an addendum. The key is that they The other side has agreed to take action and established contact information. What about you, what's the progress on your side? "

In Zhang Yuelu's view, it was inevitable that Qingping would attend, but he didn't know whether Yao Pei or Qi Xuansu would be responsible for liaison.

As for the claim that Qi Xuansu has nothing to do with the Qingping Society, Zhang Yuelu doesn't believe it at all. The question is how deep is this connection? Is it as simple as hers? Or did he directly become a core member of the Qingping Society? After all, she almost became a member of the Ziguang Club. Fortunately, she won the bet.

Qi Xuansu said without changing his expression: "I also met one of the leaders of the Qingping Association."

Zhang Yuelu asked: "Is it convenient to tell you the identity of this leader?"

"It's inconvenient." Qi Xuansu shook his head, "But if you really want to know, I can tell you."

Qi Xuansu has traveled to many places in recent days, not just a Xie Mansion. It is difficult for others to determine who is the leader of the Qingping Society through Qi Xuansu's whereabouts. Moreover, Qi Xuansu has no intention of betraying "Sheng Wuyou" Xie Linyuan. He intends to betray "Seventh Lady" ", who lets the mother-in-law always cheat him? It is not polite to come and go, but we are a family anyway, and an ugly daughter-in-law must see her parents-in-law, and conversely, the parents-in-law must also see their daughter-in-law, sooner or later.

"Forget it." Zhang Yuelu refused, "It's about Quanzhen Tao and Master Donghua. It's better that I don't know."

This is the so-called sense of proportion. Even if Zhengyiyi and Quanzhendao are allies, they should not cross the line. Husband and wife should leave some space for each other, let alone these two giants?

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