Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 139 The 30th of the twelfth lunar month

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu chatted for a while. They said it was just chatting, but in fact it was still related to the "Focusing Ape".

Before I knew it, it was morning.

Ke Qingqing has been following Su Li recently and won't come over until the afternoon, so there are still only two people in the pledge room.

Zhang Yuelu had other things to do, so he got up and left, but he left and returned after a while, with Yao Pei behind him.

Qi Xuansu immediately knew that something had happened.

Yao Pei has been sober recently, and people can't help but wonder if she has used up all her year of sobriety. After entering the signing room, she directly blocked Qi Xuansu's signing room with the "Gong Candle Stick". Then he took out a stack of cipher text and said, "It saves me the trouble of finding someone again."

The three of them sat separately in the living room of the mortgage room. This living room was quite Western-style. Yao Pei sat alone on a single chair, while Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu sat on a bench for two people.

Yao Pei did not hide his dignity, first looked at Qi Xuansu, and then turned to Zhang Yuelu: "This is the latest secret text of 'Buddha'. I have already translated it initially. You two please read it." "

Qi Xuansu reached out to take it, held it in his hand, and looked at it with Zhang Yue's deer head next to him.

At first sight, both of them were shocked.

Because the title of the line is so impressive: The Taoist Golden Palace consults with the real people to discuss matters.

The next content shocked the two of them even more: twenty-four real people who knew about it discussed the special record.

Both of them hesitated a little, and Qi Xuansu said: "According to the rules, we can't read the records of this level yet. Only real people can read them."

Yao Pei said: "We've reached the point where we can't see anything. There's nothing we can't see. Look, you can see what I can see."

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu looked at each other and started watching together.

Yao Pei continued: "While you are watching, I will also briefly talk about our mission. According to the principle of the minority obeying the majority, a unified opinion has been reached within Jinque. Beilong is related to the general trend of the world and cannot be damaged in the slightest, so everything All actions related to Beilong must be suppressed and stopped. The key lies in the Five Elements Mountain. The Five Elements Mountain is located in Zhili and is very close to the Imperial City. The Qingluan Guard's pro-army governor's office, the Shenshu Forbidden Army, the Tianchen Division, and the Xuanhui Academy are also there. They are all close at hand, and there are many obstacles. At that time, Jinque will appoint a great master Pingzhang to come to the imperial capital in person to prevent accidents. In principle, this great master Pingzhang will not take action directly, nor will the immortals of the imperial court. We won't take action. Our main task is to assist the Great Master Pingzhang to enter the Five Elements Mountain and suppress the "Heart Monkey". Or we can put it more bluntly, our "Five Fingers" are the main force, and Pingzhang Dazen is just an attitude and a deterrent. "

"The key points and difficulties are mainly twofold: one is to break through the many obstacles inside the Five Elements Mountain, these obstacles include the heavenly beings in the infinite stage and the creation stage, and even pseudo-immortals. The second is to suppress Beilong without hurting him." "Mind Ape", this is the core mission of this "Mind Ape". "

"In principle, no one within our Taoist sect will directly participate in it and cause obstacles, but there are no absolutes in the world, and we must be on guard. Especially the Imperial Palace, the Imperial Palace does not rule out the possibility of unauthorized actions, nor does it rule out the possibility of two completely different paths. Opposite orders are possible."

For a long time, the signing room was silent.

There was only the sound of Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu turning papers.

Fighting without breaking also has the advantage of fighting without breaking. As long as Jinque makes a decision, no one will openly violate it. Immortal Qingwei is Immortal Jinque’s Second Chief Consultant. Since it is Jinque’s decision, Immortal Qingwei must also obey and implement it.

From this point of view, Quanzhen Dao is not only a line of Qi Xuansu, but also has other lines, which may come from within Taiping Dao or from within the imperial court. In short, various evidences gathered at Jinque and finally overwhelmed Taiping. Dao, so that the resolution can be passed.

However, since it is a secret record, it means that only a few people know that the imperial court knows that the Taoist sect is going to take action, but they don't know how to take action, nor when exactly.

During the meeting, it was determined that Master Donghua would be solely responsible for this matter. In other words, Master Qingwei had no way of knowing the specific plan, and even Master Cihang and Pingzhang, who was in charge of the imperial capital.

Even a real person cannot see the whole picture.

Soon, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu finished reading the record together, without anyone speaking.

Maybe one day, the three people here will come to Jinque, participate in this kind of discussion, and become the protagonists, but not yet. Now they can only watch, and they still look up.

After a while, Qi Xuansu broke the silence: "What's the specific time?"

Yao Pei still didn't speak, but handed over another cipher text that she translated.

Qi Xuansu took it and took a look.

There is only one word "三十" written on it.

Qi Xuansu was startled and subconsciously thought that this was the number of the cipher text. Then he realized that it was either the cipher text or the result of translation.

The time to take action has been determined, the 30th.

It is already the 20th of the twelfth lunar month, it will not be the 30th of November, otherwise things will change later, and it will not be delayed until the 30th of the first lunar month, so it will be the 30th of the twelfth lunar month, commonly known as New Year's Eve.

What a great day.

Zhang Yuelu muttered: "This's easy to guess but hard to guess. It's easy to guess because it's too special, but it's hard to guess because it's too special."

Yao Pei finally said: "There are still ten days. I hope that after ten days, we can stand on Five Elements Mountain and watch the fireworks."

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu both smiled bitterly.

Qi Xuansu even thought that it would be great if it were Wanshou Mountain. He could get the three evil creatures to take action. If the three pseudo-immortals came together and Master Wan, Mr. Yin and Madam Bai joined forces, the overall situation could be decided.

Qi Xuansu asked: "Is this great master Pingzhang one of Ananda and Kasyapa?" "

Yao Pei answered the question, "There are a total of twelve first-grade spiritual officers in the Taoist sect."

Qi Xuansu was surprised: "So many!"

The position of the spiritual officials in the Taoist sect is similar to that of a tool, and they are not taken seriously. The ones who make trouble and turn things upside down are Taoist priests, and the spiritual officials work hard without complaining. It's a bit like the civil servants controlling the military attachés in the late Wei Dynasty. High-ranking military attachés were often ordered around by low-ranking civilian officials.

Therefore, the presence of spiritual officers is really not high. Qi Xuansu always thought that there were only a few first-grade spiritual officers, but he did not expect that there were as many as twelve.

Looking at Zhang Yuelu, it was not surprising at all. He obviously knew these inside stories for a long time.

Qi Xuansu was helpless. His foundation was too shallow and his time to become a high-quality Taoist priest was too short. You can't blame Zhang Yuelu for not telling him. Zhang Yuelu would not have asked Qi Xuansu: "Tianyuan, do you know that our Taoist sect has twelve first-grade spiritual officers?" Qi Xuansu would probably answer: "What does it have to do with me?"

It really matters now.

Seeing Qi Xuansu's expression, Yao Pei added an additional explanation: "The twelve first-grade spiritual officers are divided into six Ding Liujia, and the six six Ding Linggu are responsible for guarding. They sit in various places and act as gatekeepers. For example, "Ghost Pass" is There is a first-grade spiritual officer who has been in charge for many years, and overseas, like Borneo, there is also a first-grade spiritual officer. Note that such high-grade spiritual officials do not belong to the Three Dao, but belong to the Zixiao Palace. They are the same as the Grand Master's lineage that is independent of the Three Dao. They only obey the orders of the Grand Master. This is also the three Dao's competition for the Grand Master's position. The point is. "

Qi Xuansu thought, no wonder the Five Dynasties Grand Master said he should replace the deputy head master, Dazhenren. He then thought about it. The Sixth Generation Grand Master himself had the cultivation level of immortality. He also had twelve first-grade spiritual officers under his command, as well as the Zixiao Palace. However, he was ignored in the end. No wonder he was evaluated as weak.

Also, the "Tianting" is indeed arrogant. It also imitated the Taoist sect and created a Liuding Liujia. However, they are all innate people and cannot be compared with the twelve first-grade spiritual officials. However, considering that "Heavenly Court" even created a Sanguan Emperor, the so-called Six Ding Liujia is nothing.

Qi Xuansu said: "But now there is no great master."

Zhang Yuelu said: "Only Jin Que can be equal to the Grand Master, so the spiritual officials will temporarily obey Jin Que's orders instead of the orders of the Great Master."

Yao Pei continued: "Six Liujia spiritual officers are the main attackers. In the past thirty years, there have been three records of first-level spiritual officers being dispatched. The most recent time was a first-level innocent Taoist priest and two first-level spiritual officers who attacked Wu Luo's temple. In the country, although they are fighting on Wuluo's home ground, the three of them have different levels of success.

The degree of damage required several years of recuperation, but it still cost Wu Luo a sufficient price. Now Wu Luo can only seal the Kingdom of God. There was also the recent war in the Western Regions, which was led by Jiashen Lingguan. The last time a corpse wave broke out in the Western Region, the Taoist sect directly dispatched a first-grade innocent Taoist priest, a first-grade spiritual official and twelve second-grade Taiyi Taoist priests. There were hundreds of other third-grade Youyi Taoist priests and fourth-grade wine-sacrifice Taoist priests. There are countless Taoist priests and ordinary spiritual officials. All the members of the Zhiming Cult who participated in this incident were executed, both physically and mentally, and no one was spared. "

Qi Xuansu said: "This is the fourth time."

Yao Pei nodded and said, "Yes."

Qi Xuansu asked: "What is the approximate level of a first-grade spiritual officer?"

Yao Pei said: "The bottom line is equivalent to the heavenly beings in the creation stage, but the first level is the top level. Spiritual officers are not like Taoist priests. There are also differences in positions. It is impossible to create a super-level spiritual officer or a deputy chief spiritual officer. , so the strength of the first-grade spiritual officers is also uneven. Some are heavenly beings in the creation stage, and some are pseudo-immortals. It varies from person to person. After reaching this level, it all depends on their own talent."

Spiritual officials are actually quite similar to the containers descended by the ancient immortals. Some containers are naturally suitable and can accommodate most of the ancient immortals' power. Some containers are not suitable and must contain less. The same is true for the spiritual officials. The more they fit into the spiritual official armor, the higher their level of cultivation will be. The Taoist sect is known as the common master of the world and recruits talents from all over the world. Naturally, it is easier to find such talents than a secret society. If any of these first-grade spiritual officials fall into the hands of the secret society, they can allow the ancient immortals to walk freely on the earth.

But everyone knows how to choose. One side is second only to the first-grade innocent Taoist priest and the same as the second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest. The other side is just a container, there is no comparison at all. Therefore, in the past two hundred years, there has only been one first-grade spirit incident in the Taoist sect. Official defection incident.

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