Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 140 Fate and Merit

After Yao Pei and Zhang Yuelu left, Qi Xuansu sat in his signing room and carefully sorted out the various changes in the recent period.

As Yao Pei said, it's finally time to show off.

On the last New Year's Day, he met Wu Luo. This New Year's Day seemed to be spent at Five Elements Mountain, which was so impressive.

But time does not pass slowly. In the blink of an eye, two years have passed, including Fengtai County, Yujing, Xiyu, Yishan City, Yunjin Mountain, Cuowenbu, Bohai Palace, Jinling Palace, Wanxiang Taoist Palace, and Imperial Capital. Along the way, he went to Luzhou, Xizhou, Yongzhou, Wuzhou, Liangzhou, Shuzhou, Huzhou, Qinzhou, Zhongzhou, Qizhou, Jiangzhou, Zhili, the nineteen states in the world in the traditional sense. Counting Zhili, he left eleven, experienced dozens of big and small battles, narrowly escaped death several times, and suffered severe injuries and broken arms several times. However, the realm has also been raised again and again, rising three stages from the Kunlun stage to becoming a heavenly being.

In two years, he was promoted from a seventh-grade Taoist priest to a fourth-grade wine-offering Taoist priest, and from a wandering Taoist priest without a position to the Taoist priest in charge of Ziweitang, which is not unpleasant.

It's a pity that this kind of rapid promotion comes at a price, and it must be supported by "war merits". The greater the "war merits", the closer the line between life and death. Sitting in the signing room all day long, you can't get such many merits.

Qi Xuansu still has two "Xuanzi Gong" in his body. The other "Xuanzi Gong" was obtained when he and Yao Pei handled the Zhang Wuhen incident in the Shang Palace. Yao Pei took the big head and he took the small head. There is also a "Xuanzi Gong" because he has merit in exploring the Five Elements Mountain. After all, it involves pseudo-immortals, which is extremely dangerous. There are not many "Xuanzi Gong". The reason why it was easy was because Qi Niang was escorting Qi Xuansu, so it was easy to enjoy the shade under the big tree. It can be seen that if Li Changge and Yao Pei want to earn credit, it will be easier than Qi Xuansu.

To be promoted from a fourth-grade Jiji Taoist priest to a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest, you need three "Di Zi Gong", which is also a "Tian Zi Gong". If converted into "Xuanzi Gong", there are nine "Xuanzi Gong", and Qi Xuansu is still seven "Xuanzi Gong" short.

In addition, the suspension year system stipulates that the promotion of a fourth-grade Jiji Taoist priest to a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest requires three years of suspension of years. This is also the last suspension of the year, because the promotion of a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest to a second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest is by choice.

Qi Xuansu is definitely not old enough. In fact, when he was promoted from the fifth level to the fourth level, he was also not old enough. He had already made an exception once. It is unlikely that he will receive special treatment for a second time. He will probably have to endure the years. However, there is a special system within the Taoist sect. The supplement to the year-off system is the job grade system.

The job grade system is actually based on the fact that the Grand Master is bound to the Super Grade, and the Deputy Chief Master is bound to the First Grade. Therefore, the job grade is determined according to the position held by the Taoist priest. After the position is removed, the job grade will disappear. The formal grade will not change with the change of position unless it is deprived under special circumstances.

For example, the job rank of "third-grade deputy palace master" is only considered a third-rank Youyi Taoist priest when he is the deputy palace master. Once the deputy palace master is relieved of his position, his third-rank job rank will disappear and his original official rank will be restored. As for the official third-grade Youyi Taoist priest, even if he becomes a wandering Taoist priest or goes to the Requiem Division to guard the tomb, he is still a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest.

Qi Xuansu felt that if he could successfully complete the "Calming Ape" mission and survive, he would probably be able to get a job rank. In Qiniang's words, it would be "half-step to third rank", and everything could be done in half-step.

But the premise of everything is to survive.

If you die in Five Elements Mountain, everything will be in vain.

By noon, Ke Qingqing and Wang Chongnian were back.

Qi Xuansu explained to the two of them that the main reason was that the new year was approaching and it was best to finish many things as soon as possible instead of delaying them any longer.

This statement is reasonable and reasonable. No one would have thought that this year's New Year's Eve would really become a new year. It would be difficult for the poor as they were afraid that creditors would come to their door. It would also be difficult for Taoist families and the imperial court to pass through the New Year's Eve.

Both of them agreed. This was actually what all the government offices were busy with in the past few days. Before the seal was sealed, they should hurry up and settle the matters at hand, and then have a happy New Year. It’s just that Taoist sects don’t pay attention to New Year’s Day, and there is no such thing as annual leave, so after the 20th day of the twelfth lunar month, it is still the same as before. Only on the New Year’s Eve, Taoist priests with families will be given a day off, and the Taoist priests who are monks will be responsible for this. day’s duty.

As we all know, most Taoist monks are concentrated in Quanzhen Taoism, so over the years, Zhou Jiaoxian has been responsible for the duty on New Year's Eve, and he is unstoppable. Li Ruoshui is from the Li family, and Shi Bingyun will also go to the Jin Palace, usually not in the Jade Palace.

In addition, according to custom, His Majesty the Emperor will also give a banquet to all ministers on New Year's Eve. The emperor and ministers will have fun together. The Taoist sect will also send people to participate, usually one of Li Ruoshui and Shi Bingyun, such as Zhou Jiaoxian A solitary person would not participate in such a thing.

In other words, on New Year's Eve, the Imperial Palace will be completely under Zhou Jiaoxian's control.

It can be seen that although Master Donghua is not in the Imperial Palace, he has a deep understanding of the Imperial Palace, and his choice of New Year's Eve is purposeful, rather than just to catch him by surprise.

Qi Xuansu asked the two of them to prepare earlier and said deliberately: "If it can't be completed before New Year's Eve, then stay on duty with the Quanzhen Tao disciples. Don't blame me for being ruthless."

Ke Qingqing's eyes lit up: "Deputy Hall Master Zhang is here too?"

Qi Xuansu said in a bad voice: "If you are not here, Deputy Hall Master Zhang will go back to Yunjin Mountain to celebrate the New Year."

Ke Qingqing's eyes immediately dimmed. It was obvious that her immediate boss was not attracted to her, but her immediate boss's future Taoist monk was very attractive to her and she admired her.

Qi Xuansu signaled that the two of them could leave.

Ke Qingqing asked again: "The next rectification of Xicheng, won't the chief go there? The chief used to lead the team in person. I haven't seen the chief in the past few days. Chief Su even asked specifically."

Qi Xuansu shook his head and said: "I won't be going in the next few days. I have to prepare, and then I will go back to Yunjin Mountain with Deputy Hall Master Zhang to celebrate the New Year. You also know that the threshold of the Zhang family is high. If you don't prepare well, I'm afraid it will be a disaster." Can't even get through the door."

Ke Qingqing smiled.

Wang Chongnian also laughed.

It is not easy to be a son-in-law.

The bigger the family, the harder it is to have a son-in-law.

Although Chief Qi is not considered a son-in-law, there are some similarities.

This reason is indeed perfect, and no one can say anything. At most, it can be said that Qi Xuansu is giving himself special treatment, but it is also human nature.

After the two left, Qi Xuansu activated the formation and took out the "Golden Purple Fish Talisman", preparing to contact Qiniang and report to Qiniang the news he had just received.

Although there is a high probability that Qiniang has already known about this matter through other channels, in Qiniang's words, I know it is my business, and you tell me it is your business. These are two different things. You cannot think that I may already know. Just don’t tell me, don’t take it for granted and make decisions for me.

What he said makes so much sense, especially the last half of the sentence. It would be even more convincing if Qiniang could implement it to the end.

Compared with ordinary Zimu talismans, Jinglu or Fish talismans, which have one-to-one contact, have better confidentiality. Qi Xuansu doesn't need to speak clearly, but he is not afraid of leaking secrets.

After listening to Qi Xuansu's report, Qiniang didn't have much expression on her face, and she didn't talk about business or various small calculations as usual. She just said: "When the day comes, I may not be able to take care of you. You have to do it yourself." careful."

Qi Xuansu responded.

Qiniang said again: "If you see that the situation is not good, run away quickly, save your life first, don't use your life to earn fame. The sky is big and the earth is big, and the greatest thing is to live. The gathering of three flowers at the top is an illusion, and the clouds under your feet are not real. The only way is to live. , that’s true. Even if you can’t survive in the Taoist sect, it doesn’t matter. The worst thing you can do is continue to be a wandering Taoist priest. The world is so big, isn’t it easy to find a place to establish yourself?”

This time, Qi Xuansu did not just respond and said, "I am an old martial artist, so I still understand this."

"You are nothing but an old Jianghu. You have followed my mother in the Jianghu for several years, and you always think of yourself as an old Jianghu. In fact, you are not just a young kid. You have not traveled as many roads as I have crossed." Qiniang became more serious. A bit of tone, "Don't take my words seriously, and don't die because of others."

Qi Xuansu was silent for a moment and said softly: "I know, you should be careful and don't fall into someone's plot."

Qiniang laughed: "When will it be your turn to worry? Okay, that's all.

So many, whether you like to hear it or not, at the end of the year, I still have to clear out all the accounts on hand. "

Qi Xuansu nodded.

Qiniang ended the conversation.

Qi Xuansu put away the "Golden Purple Fish Talisman", exhaled a breath of turbid air, and strode out.

In the blink of an eye, it’s the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month, the New Year.

Little New Year's Eve is the day when Lord Siming ascends to heaven.

Siming Zhenjun is the Kitchen God known to the people. His full title is "Nine Heavens East Chef Si Ming Taiyi Yuanhuang Ding Fu Zou Shan Tianzun". He is commonly known as "Zao Jun", or "Zao Jun Gong" or "Si Ming Zhenjun" , Luanmen is revered as one of the three benefactors, that is, the head of the family, and all matters in the family, large and small, are under his control. The Kitchen God is accompanied by two gods, one holding a "good jar" and the other an "evil jar". He keeps records of the family's behavior in the jars at any time, and reports them to the Emperor of Heaven after summarizing them at the end of the year. The twenty-fourth day of the twelfth lunar month is the day when the Kitchen God leaves the world and reports to the Emperor what the family has done in the past year. He returns to the world on the fourth day of the lunar month.

This is just what ordinary people say. In the eyes of Taoist people, of course True Lord Siming will not fly up to see the Emperor of Heaven. The so-called ascension to heaven should be the incarnation of True Lord Siming returning to the Kingdom of God, returning to his true form with incense and vows, and then returning to heaven. Return to the human world. It is precisely because of the existence of the Stove Festival that Lord Si Ming can return again, instead of dying completely like Lord Sun.

Huangtianhoutu is a god that emperors of all dynasties have personally worshiped and worshiped at the two altars of heaven and earth. The soul returns to heaven and the body returns to earth. Both parties control the yin and yang of life and death. Taoism believes that Huangtian is the Emperor of Heaven. After the Emperor of Heaven ascended, Huangtian no longer existed in the world, and only Empress Houtu remained. Therefore, Empress Houtu alone controlled Yin and Yang and controlled the underworld.

Later, Empress Houtu transformed into the world and became one with heaven and earth. Heaven and earth no longer needed gods. Most of the powers followed Empress Houtu and returned to the way of heaven. Only a small part of the power of life and death of yin and yang was divided into four parts, each divided by the sun. Jun, True Lord Taiyin, Qing Emperor, and True Lord Siming were in charge. Later, Emperor Qing also disappeared between heaven and earth, so only True Lord Siming was left in charge of part of the wheel of life and death.

For Daomen, this is a festival that is not easy to prohibit openly and is quite ironic.


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