Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 178 Power (Part 1)

The power structure of Taoism has many similarities with the power system of ordinary people, but it is fundamentally different. The root lies in realm cultivation. Everything for ordinary people comes from power. After breaking away from power, they have no strength at all. Once they lose power, no matter how great you were before, two jailers can now manipulate you at will.

But the Taoist sect is different. Even if those great masters lose the power given by the Taoist sect, they still have the realm of immortals. They themselves are huge strength and a kind of power. If they really want to leave the Taoist sect, they can immediately pull themselves up. A team, so many political methods cannot be used in Taoism.

This is just like in troubled times, when there are many vassal towns, how many soldiers you have, how much power you have. The so-called seizing power with a piece of imperial edict is very unrealistic. Naturally, those political methods can play a certain role, but they cannot play a decisive role.

Similarly, the power struggle within a Taoist sect will be extremely cruel. Since simply seizing power cannot kill the opponent, then directly eliminating the opponent from the physical level becomes a better choice. As the saying goes, armed with a sharp weapon but with a murderous intention, so Many people have dragon-slaying and killing skills, but if they don't put them to use, wouldn't they learn them in vain?

So Qi Xuansu walked along the way and saw swords and swords, bloodshed, life-and-death fights, killing people at every turn, but the power struggles of ordinary people seemed tender and affectionate.

Logically speaking, the power structure should be like a pyramid in the Western Posas continent, with a small top and a big bottom, so that it can be stable. Such killings would greatly undermine its stability. But again, the existence of immortals greatly violates this principle. They are like Optimus Pillars, they can support such a large structure with their own strength. Ordinary people have limited energy and have to decentralize their powers. But the energy of immortals is unlimited. They can even differentiate into many themselves. They decentralize their powers. The only reason is that they need time to pursue a higher realm of cultivation. If it comes to the point where nothing can be done, they will retreat to a structure similar to the Lingshan Witch Cult and overlook the common people as "gods".

Therefore, the structure of the Taoist sect appears to be extremely stable under the blessing of these giant pillars.

It is this special elimination environment that gives young people opportunities. As long as their cultivation is high enough, their background is strong enough, and their abilities are strong enough, they will be able to get ahead without too many rules and restrictions.

Qi Xuansu became the third-grade deputy hall master. Although he did not have any actual power, it showed everyone the fact that he had cultivation, background, and ability, which meant that he had a bright future.

Outliers like Wang Danqing are in the minority after all. More people want to make friends with Qi Xuansu, but they have never found the opportunity. There was no way, Qi Xuansu took the Imperial Master's ship back to Yujing, and landed directly in Zifu. No one else knew his whereabouts at all, and even if they knew, they couldn't enter Zifu. After confirming his whereabouts, he had to take the Tianjin Mansion. The division's ship has left Yujing.

As for how to make friends, it's nothing more than drinking, sex, and wealth.

These things, apart from the more special "qi", Qi Xuansu didn't pay much attention to the other three except wealth. But even this "wealth", Qi Xuansu would not ask for. When the two hundred thousand peace money was placed in front of him, he didn't ask for it, and now he would not be tempted. He understood one thing very well. Yeah, these are just numbers.

Gong Jiaojun led Qi Xuansu out of the Kunlun Cave and towards the residence of Master Donghua in Ziweitang. Along the way, he met many beautiful female Taoist priests. It was not that Master Donghua liked this, but that Where power and money gather, beautiful women are naturally attracted. Ziweitang holds the power of personnel, and these beautiful women are like moths flying into the flame, unable to stop them.

When these beautiful female Taoist priests saw Qi Xuansu, they were surprised at first, and then quickly noticed the subtle attitude of Gong Jiaojun, the great steward, and took the initiative to salute and say hello. When they learned Qi Xuansu's identity from Gong Jiaojun, they He became even more enthusiastic, and everyone's eyes were wandering. Their eyes were wrapped around Qi Xuansu's body, and they refused to let go for a long time. There was no so-called reserve at all.

Qi Xuansu naturally understood that these beautiful women who seemed immovable in the past were not cold and arrogant, nor were they reserved, but ordinary men were not worthy of them showing their passion. They wait for the price one by one and will not devalue themselves.

If it was Qi Xuansu in the past, they probably wouldn't have looked at it twice, but now Qi Xuansu is different. He is the promising deputy hall master Qi. They either want to gain some benefits from Qi Xuansu, or they want to Make a long-term investment to change your destiny.

Qi Xuansu had no doubt that as long as he showed a little bit of meaning, he would be able to practice dual cultivation directly in ten days and a half, or tonight.

Of course, if he really does this, then Zhang Yuelu will teach him the anger of the daughter of the Zhang family tomorrow morning. No, with Zhang Yuelu's resolute and resolute character, he should have come to him with his sword in the middle of the night to seek revenge first, and then cut off his robe and sever his righteousness. He would not wait until tomorrow morning.

Qi Xuansu naturally has no such idea. He is a very picky person with a mysophobia. He probably values ​​whatever he lacks. He is an orphan. Growing up, few people take him seriously. Once he encounters someone who values ​​him, He and those who love him will remember them in their hearts and wish they could repay them multiple times. Qiniang was like this, and so was Zhang Yuelu. He had sworn in his heart that he would never do anything to disgrace Zhang Yuelu.

Maybe in the vanity fair, this move is a bit naive, but for Qi Xuansu, this is his persistence. If he throws away all these persistence, then he really doesn't know what he has left.

Qi Xuansu is neither noble enough to fight for the future of Taoism for his whole life, nor is he so despicable that he abandons everything for fame and fortune. He has been trying to find a balance between the two. As a result, he seems a little awkward and not so free and easy at certain times, but in the world, everyone shouts to be free and easy, how many of them can truly be free and easy?

As for pure physical desire, it is nothing to those in the Taoist sect. Not to mention killing white dragons and red dragons, after reaching the realm of heaven, martial arts are ever-changing, and the body and mind can perfectly control every corner of the body. It is naturally not difficult to control the body's desires. Qi Xuansu also has the "Heart of Immortality Stone", which is a genuine heart of stone. Without the blessing of emotion, Qi Xuansu's human desire is very weak, and ordinary women cannot seduce him.

What is really difficult to give up is the desire in the heart. Who can resist this kind of temptation?

Take a young talent like Qi Xuansu as an example. Whether these female Taoist priests flatter him or not has no impact on his health. He can still live without these female Taoist priests. But psychologically, it's very interesting. Those iceberg beauties who didn't look at me in the past suddenly turned into active volcanoes. They were so passionate that they wanted to fall at their feet. The proud phoenix turned into a well-behaved and lovely golden girl. Canary, the psychological pleasure caused by this huge contrast is even far better than the physical pleasure.

This is the desire of the heart.

Even immortals are not exempt from vulgarity. They are also immortals, but they have no one to care about themselves. They only have a few disciples and two or three big cats and kittens. When they see other immortals, they can dominate the change of dynasties and control the fate of thousands of people. They are later... Can people really feel calm when they pay homage?

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They are all people who have cultivated their strength but not their mind. I'm afraid they can't.

If you can't, then you have to fight for it.

So they all fell into the vanity fair. Everyone knows the truth. It is easy to know but hard to do. In the end, no one can escape.

Qi Xuansu felt a lot in his heart and followed Gong Jiaojun to the residence of Zhenren Donghua.

Gong Jiaojun, the secretary, is a man and does not need to avoid suspicion. Therefore, in addition to assisting Master Donghua in handling government affairs, he also takes care of Donghua's daily life. Therefore, he is very familiar with Donghua's residence. He is also like Donghua. Hua Zhenren considered himself to be the great steward, and he personally found a piece of clothing and handed it over to Qi Xuansu, regardless of inside or outside.

Naturally, Master Donghua would not let Qi Xuansu wear his old clothes, so this is a new one. And because of the huge difference in status between the two, Qi Xuansu couldn't wear Donghua's formal clothes, so this was a casual dress.

Qi Xuansu declined the Taoist people who wanted to help and changed his clothes.

This is how people look alike. Everyone is about the same figure and height. Naturally, the clothes are also about the same. Qi Xuansu fit him well after putting them on. If it were someone like Wang Danqing, it wouldn't be possible.

It was only then that Gong Jiaojun said: "This is a treasure given to Master Zhangtang by the Master Master. It's called 'Youyi Yunyi'. It's just that the Master Master doesn't like the color of azure, so he It has been left untouched.”

Qi Xuansu was taken aback and took it off: "It's too expensive."

"No price." Gong Jiaojun immediately stopped, "This is the master's order. As the saying goes, elders can't refuse the gift. If Deputy Hall Master Qi doesn't want it, wouldn't he not recognize the master as the elder?"

These words are a bit serious.

Qi Xuansu could only say: "I would never dare to do this."

"So I'd better accept it, it's just a treasure." Gong Jiaojun said with a smile.

Qi Xuansu remembered that Zhang Yuelu had a "Taiyi Yunyi" that she often wore. His one was called "Youyi Yunyi". I wonder if there was a "Tianzhen Yunyi".

Qi Xuansu originally wanted to go to Master Donghua to express his gratitude, but Gong Jiaojun said that Master Donghua had other arrangements. After thinking about it, Qi Xuansu knew that Master Donghua wanted to deal with Wang Danqing's matter, so he did not force it. In addition, he His leave had been approved, so he left the main lobby of Ziweitang and went to Biyou Palace.

In a narrow sense, Zixiao Palace is the residence of the Grand Master, but in a broad sense, Zixiao Palace includes Biyou Palace, Bajing Palace, and Yuxu Palace. These palaces share a wall, and the palace gate is located high above the Zixiao Palace. If you want to enter Zixiao Palace, you must have a special pass token. Qi Xuansu did not have such a token and was stopped by the spirit officer at the door. He could only contact Zhang Yuelu and then wait outside for Zhang Yuelu to come out and take him in.

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