Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 179 Power (Part 2)

The speed of news transmission in Vanity Fair is always beyond people's imagination.

While Qi Xuansu was still waiting outside the gate of Zixiao Palace, news of Ke Qingqing's promotion had spread throughout the lower floors of the Jade Palace.

Although Ke Qingqing's rank has not changed, he is still a sixth-grade Taoist priest, and his position is still a deacon, everyone thinks this is a promotion. Entering Yujing from the local Taoist government, even if it is an ordinary job, is considered a high promotion, not to mention that you are going to Ziweitang, the head of the nine halls. If nothing else, the place of duty has been changed from Xuan Shang Beifang to Zifu, then It is a place only real people can enter. There are many more opportunities here than in other places.

More importantly, the secretary must follow the right person.

Generally speaking, the first thing is that the person you are following should not get into big trouble. Once something big happens, the secretary, as a confidant, will naturally be in trouble with him. The second is to be friendly to the people you are talking to.

Some real people, even if they retire, still take good care of their secretaries. There are also some real people who rise to the top, and their secretaries will naturally follow suit and ascend to heaven. A more typical example is Mu Jin. With her ability and qualifications, she originally had to work hard for many years, but just because she followed the right Zhang Yuelu, she is now a Taoist priest in charge before she is thirty years old. On the other hand, Sun Yongfeng and others have worked hard for many years, and they can't. He is just a Taoist priest in charge.

Of course, not all secretaries have a happy ending. They all gain and lose. Many secretaries also fell into trouble because something happened to the boss they followed. For example, in the Jiangnan case, many secretaries were dealt with together.

There is also a type of secretary who is more unlucky than a loser. The main reason is that their bosses are not doing their job properly, or have begun to decline, or are even ready to retire to the mountains. Their situation is not very good. Many real people have retired from key positions, but the Taoist priest level is real, and secretaries still have to stay with the real people.

The situation of this kind of secretaries is also very different. Although some real people have retired, their disciples have many old friends and are willing to speak up for the secretaries who have been with them for many years. It is not difficult to find a way out. If you encounter someone who doesn't have much real power, or who is too lazy to do anything, the secretary will have to endure hardship and will probably stay in this position forever. Or they are ruthless and don't treat the secretary as a human being. They don't care about the secretary's future and there is nothing the secretary can do.

In Ke Qingqing's case, there is no doubt that he is following the right person.

Qi Xuansu is less than thirty years old and has already become the third-grade deputy hall master. This cannot be explained by the word "lucky". In addition to his background and support, his own abilities are also extremely outstanding.

The backing stone is stable and he is confident. As long as he doesn't make a big mistake, Qi Xuansu will at least be a Shenzhi master in this life, and may even compete for the position of deputy head master. As the saying goes, one person can achieve enlightenment, chickens and dogs can ascend to heaven, if Qi Xuansu really becomes a deputy master He is the head master of the Da Zhenren, so how can Ke Qingqing, as his confidant, be a second-ranked or first-level Zhenren?

Although that will probably happen many years later, there is no such thing as cramming into trouble when the time comes. For things like forming a good relationship, the sooner the better. Even if you can’t count on it now, for the long-term plan, you must act early and provide help when you need it. Better than icing on the cake.

So after the news spread, people came to visit Ke Qingqing in an endless stream.

Ke Qingqing didn't know that she was so popular. Several female Taoist priests who had quarreled with her in the past came to her in a low voice to admit their mistakes, hoping that Ke Qingqing would be able to ignore the mistakes of others. The Taoist priest in charge, who usually didn't pay much attention to Ke Qingqing, also changed his face, became warm and kind, and asked insinuatingly about her relationship with Deputy Hall Master Qi and whether she had crossed that line.

More people wanted to treat Ke Qingqing to a meal and get acquainted, and the meal was scheduled at the Taiping Inn.

Throughout the afternoon, Ke Qingqing was inundated with various invitations. There were some high-quality Taoist priests among them. They all wanted to see Qi Xuansu but could not, so they took a roundabout route and set their sights on Ke Qingqing.

But how could Ke Qingqing know where Deputy Hall Master Qi was and what he was doing? She was still dizzy. She originally thought that after Deputy Hall Master Qi left, she would return to her previous life and continue to be an inconspicuous little Taoist priest. During this period of time, Chief Su had a good relationship with her, but unfortunately Chief Su was Palace Master Li. As a person of Deputy Palace Master Shi, she had to pay attention to her position and not get too in-depth with him. The spiritual officials have their own system, which is different from the Taoist system. Their promotion

The relocation route has nothing to do with Ke Qingqing.

Ke Qingqing was naturally a little disappointed, but not in pain.

It's just that she never expected that after Chief Qi became Deputy Hall Master Qi, he would ask her to continue being a secretary, and that she would be transferred to Ziwei Hall. This could not be said to be a reincarnation, but a gift from acquaintance.

If Deputy Hall Master Qi is now like a hidden dragon in the abyss, then she is at least a koi carp that follows the dragon.

Unfortunately, she didn't have the mother-in-law talisman and couldn't contact Deputy Hall Master Qi. She had to wait until she went to Yujing to thank him in person.

At the same time, she also thought that Deputy Hall Master Qi and Deputy Hall Master Zhang were a natural couple, so they would definitely become a Taoist couple in the future. As Deputy Hall Master Qi’s secretary, she would inevitably have frequent contact with Deputy Hall Master Zhang. This is another great thing.

At night, Ke Qingqing thought he could finally take a breath. But in fact, her idea was a bit wishful. As dinner time approached, various invitations increased, including one of Ke Qingqing's enemies.

Strictly speaking, it's not a life-or-death feud, it's mainly just a little friction in official business.

It was still the time to rectify the atmosphere in the imperial capital. Qi Xuansu was busy "calming the ape" and had no time to pay attention to this. Because it involved a branch of the Taiping Inn, Ke Qingqing came to deal with it. The shopkeeper of the branch was extremely unfriendly to Ke Qingqing, and even Make verbal threats. But now, everything has changed. The shopkeeper took the initiative to visit and was very respectful.

This made Ke Qingqing feel very deep. Is this the benefit of power?

She is just a little secretary, has not yet made a fortune, but has a bright future, and already has such a "special encounter". So what will happen to Deputy Hall Master Qi, who is the foundation for her to settle down and live her life?

If Qi Xuansu knew Ke Qingqing's question, he would definitely laugh at her.

Do you know where Yujing is? What does a small deputy hall master mean here? Naturally, he has undergone some changes, but he has gained the discernment of real people and can speak a few words to real people. Will real people still please him? Furthermore, he has won the favor of some female Taoist priests, but can he still do things that are unworthy of Zhang Yuelu?

To put it another way, with so many beauties swimming around like fish, can they really be collected easily? It's easy to accept them, but these mermaids all have a clear purpose and want something in return. Maybe after one night's sleep, they need to solve the problem of a Taoist priest's grade, or they need to find a real problem. In short, they need some visible changes. Love between a man and a woman is just a veil of ambiguity over this naked transaction. Do you really like Qi Xuansu? If you really liked Qi Xuansu, what would you have done so far? To put it bluntly, power is the most beautiful garment. After putting it on, no matter men, women, old or young, tall or short, fat or thin, everything becomes attractive.

If you eat such fish, you will definitely get fishy. They are not a boost or a delicacy, but a poison coated with rouge, a black stone that pulls Qi Xuansu into the abyss.

These are all false and should not be taken as real.

Zhang Yuelu is real.

So in the end, Qi Xuansu had to wait obediently outside the door of Zixiao Palace.

But having said that, the threshold of Zixiao Palace is probably the highest in the world. It is not shameful to be blocked by such a threshold.

As early as when Qi Xuansu went to ask for leave from Master Donghua, Zhang Yuelu entered Zixiao Palace.

As the Celestial Master's favorite granddaughter and the Earth Master's favorite junior, she naturally has a pass, and even the spiritual officer on duty recognizes her. Yao Pei is currently recuperating in Yuxu Palace. Zhang Yuelu went to visit Yao Pei first. Yao Pei was in good health, but his energy was a little low and he was very lethargic. He slept for ten out of twelve hours a day. It seemed that he was sleeping. He recovered from his injuries through sleep, so Zhang Yuelu only stayed for a while, then said goodbye and left.

Then she went to Biyou Palace where the Tianshi was.

Zhang Yuelu walked through the corridor and crossed the hall without encountering any obstruction at all.

The reason is very simple. This is Yujing, not Dazhen Mansion. Biyou Palace is full of close followers of the Celestial Master, not the Zhang family. They know the Celestial Master's attitude better, and their attitudes naturally follow the Celestial Master's attitude. Variety.

The Heavenly Master's attitude toward his granddaughter

The speed is getting better and better. Every time Zhang Yuelu takes a step forward or accomplishes a big thing, Tianshi's attitude becomes more and more friendly. Although it is a bit utilitarian, I have to admit that many people want such treatment. No.

Zhang Yuelu is not a woman who likes to be pretentious, so she will naturally not reject the change in Tianshi's attitude. She is happy to deepen the relationship between ancestors and grandchildren and pave the way for her own ideals. Before the "Calming Ape" project, Tianshi handed over the line of Ziguang Society to Zhang Yuelu. He already valued Zhang Yuelu very much. After the "Calming Ape" project ended, Tianshi even began to fulfill the responsibilities of a grandfather. , instead of being indifferent like before.

Zhang Yuelu walked all the way to the outside of Tianshi's study and knocked on the door gently.

"Come in." The Heavenly Master's voice sounded.

Zhang Yuelu pushed open the door and entered.

Compared with the Imperial Master's black hair and black beard, the Heavenly Master has white hair and white beard, without any mottling. His immortal style and spiritual integrity make him appear to be older than the Imperial Master, and he also looks like many characters in story books. old god with white beard.

So compared to the majesty of the city of the Imperial Master, the Heavenly Master also appears to be much kinder and kinder, without even much sharpness and aura to speak of.

The two people representing the Zhang and Li families respectively are like a yin and yang Pisces.

As for the Earth Master, it is probably the Bagua outside of Pisces.

Zhang Yuelu, who had been in contact with the three deputy head masters, thought so, and walked into the Tianshi's study.

The Tianshi's study is quite simple, but it does not lack the atmosphere that a leader should have. There is no contradiction between the two.

The Heavenly Master is writing behind the desk, and what he writes is Chapter 31 of Taishang Taozu's Five Thousand Words: "The soldier is an ominous weapon; things may be evil, so those who have the Tao will not live there. A gentleman lives on the left." "When using soldiers, you should be noble; soldiers are an unlucky weapon, not a gentleman's weapon; use them as a last resort, and be calm."

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