Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 180 Meeting Ceremony

Zhang Yuelu looked at this calligraphy and could not help but think of the Fenglinzhou war that was about to begin.

It's just that the use of troops against Fenglinzhou was a matter unanimously approved by the three deputy headmasters Da Zhenren and Jin Que, so the focus is not on "an ominous weapon", but on "using it as a last resort".

This war in Fenglinzhou was not the Taoist sect's original intention, but an unexpected incident. On the surface, the Taoist sect did use troops as a last resort. If the war is won, then the one who will benefit the most is Taiping Dao, and it is hard to say whether Taiping Dao has already laid out the plan to support the invaders with self-respect.

If you really want to lay a hidden clue, you won't take action only when things are about to happen. The foreshadowing may have been laid in previous generations, and it was not until this generation that the foreshadowing was revealed. The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants enjoy the shade.

From this point of view, the aristocratic family has many disadvantages, but it can do a very good job in maintaining the consistency of decision-making. Especially for a family like the Li family with orderly inheritance and strong cohesion, there is almost no possibility of the death of the people. Not to mention changing orders day and night.

To put it bluntly, Zhang Yuelu suspected that the Li family was fueling the Fenglinzhou war. At all times and in all countries, military exploits were the most important and most effective. Others, such as finance, administration, etc., are difficult to achieve as immediate results as military exploits.

It's just that Zhang Yuelu didn't ask the doubts in her heart because she knew that even if she asked, the Heavenly Master wouldn't tell her. If the Heavenly Master wanted to say something, he would take the initiative to tell her. And judging from the current situation, it doesn't matter whether it is yes or no. The Taoist sect cannot lose this battle.

Unanimity to the outside world is the only remaining consensus among the three Taoisms. This "outside" probably does not include the Daxuan court. In a sense, the court is also part of the Taoist sect. The Taoist sect is the upper Taoist sect and is in charge of ghosts and gods. The imperial court is the lower Taoist sect. Face the people.

But this "outside" must include Fenglinzhou. In the last war in the Western Regions, Taiping Dao, as the farthest orthodoxy from the Western Regions, did not participate much. The main force was Quanzhen Dao. This is why Ning Lingge, as the Quanzhen Dao's counselor, did not Because he had served as the headmaster of Tiangang Hall for a period of time, Taiping Dao did not hold back Quanzhen Dao at this time. Furthermore, in order to prevent two lanes from being restrained or stabbed in the back, Taipingdao will definitely tie the other two lanes to the chariot.

Sure enough, foreign enemies are always the best way to unite the inside. It is no wonder that when internal conflicts cannot be reconciled, they launch wars to divert conflicts, which is always detrimental.

While Zhang Yuelu was thinking, the Heavenly Master just looked at this most promising granddaughter calmly. Tianshi did not marry and have children, so he naturally had no granddaughters. However, he was the patriarch of the Zhang family, so all the girls of the Zhang family who were born in the "Yue" generation were his granddaughters. There is a huge gap between parents and children only one generation apart, and there are two gaps between grandfathers and grandchildren that cannot be bridged at all. But probably because of the great distance, the grandfather and the grandchildren no longer have too sharp conflicts, can develop a sense of beauty, and can often get along harmoniously. It's probably like grandparents treating their grandchildren as ignorant children who don't care. Grandchildren are too ignorant to think of themselves as grandparents, and they don’t care. Everyone takes a step back, the sea and the sky are brighter.

"Master Tian." Zhang Yuelu said softly.

The Heavenly Master waved his hand: "I have said that you should use honorific titles in front of others, but you don't have to do so in private."

Zhang Yuelu smiled: "Ah Weng."

My father is called "Dad" and my grandfather is "Aweng".

Zhang Yuelu couldn't help but think about what Li Changge would call him when he met the National Preceptor. Both of them were of the same generation, so they wouldn't call him "Eldest Brother" or "Brother", which would be a bit funny.

Just as Zhang Yuelu was about to speak, he suddenly felt the "Zhongji Sutra" vibrating.

She glanced at Tianshi.

The Heavenly Master waved his hand, indicating that she could contact him directly.

Zhang Yuelu walked to a nearby corner and unfolded the "Zhongji Sutra". It was Qi Xuansu, with the gate of Zixiao Palace in the background. Zhang Yuelu immediately knew that it was Qi Xuansu who was blocked from the gate of Zixiao Palace.

Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu said a few words briefly, closed the "Zhongji Sutra", and looked at the Heavenly Master: "Aweng, I want to bring someone in."

"The Zhang family's son-in-law who made a shocking leap for you?" Tianshi asked in a rare joke.

Zhang Yuelu felt a little embarrassed when he was in front of his elders: "Anything like a son-in-law is just spread by those people who do good things."

The Heavenly Master smiled and said: "Let me just say, there is a son-in-law of the Zhang family who has never been seen by the head of the Zhang family. That is really a novel news. Since they have already arrived, please invite them in. Don't let them stay all the time." Waiting outside, if someone with bad intentions sees it again, they will think that our Zhang family does not understand the etiquette of hospitality. "

After that, the Heavenly Master wrote another warrant to Zhang Yuelu.

Although this kind of warrant from the Deputy Headmaster Da Zhenren is not as good as the pass token in Zhang Yuelu's hand, it can be regarded as a temporary pass.

Zhang Yuelu took the order, turned around and left Biyou Palace.

Qi Xuansu, who was waiting outside the gate of Zixiao Palace, had nothing to do. He could only walk slowly around Yaochi, occasionally looking up at the huge boat like a hill on the lake.

It's spring after the Spring Festival. The Imperial Capital is still covered with snow, but Yujing is like spring all year round. However, because Zifu has the highest terrain, standing here, you can even vaguely see the mountains in the distance, and the snow falling on Yushan.

Such a contrasting scene can be said to be rare in the world.

Qi Xuansu simply stayed here to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Kunlun, until Zhang Yuelu came behind him and patted his shoulder.

"Deputy Hall Master Qi, I've kept you waiting for a long time. The Heavenly Master is here to invite you." Zhang Yuelu was in a good mood, and his words were not as formal as usual.

Qi Xuansu immediately sensed Tianshi's attitude from Zhang Yuelu's tone, and he breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he passed the test of Tianshi, the rest of the Zhang family would have nothing to worry about.

It is true that there are many Zhenzhi Zhenren, Zhenzhen, and even Pingzhang Dazhen within the Zhang family, but they are neither Zhang Yuelu's direct relatives nor the heads of the Zhang family. Even if they object, they are suspected of being unfair. In other words, Zhang Yuelu himself agreed, Zhang Yuelu's immediate family members agreed, Zhang Yuelu's master agreed, and the patriarch in charge of the entire Zhang family also agreed. If you don't agree, what do you do?

Qi Xuansu naturally gained confidence, but then suddenly remembered that Zhang Yuelu asked him to think carefully about how to face the Heavenly Master. He seemed to be unprepared, and he didn't even have a decent gift.

Qi Xuansu hurriedly told Zhang Yuelu his worries.

Zhang Yuelu waved his hand: "Forget it, you are a junior and you are so poor. What kind of gift should I prepare? Maybe the Heavenly Master will give you a meeting gift."

After saying that, Zhang Yuelu showed the Heavenly Master's order to the spiritual officer guarding the gate, and led Qi Xuansu into the Zixiao Palace.

To be fair, there was a big gap between the Zixiao Palace and Qi Xuansu's imagination. He originally thought it was a heavenly scenic spot, but in fact it was not the case. As the residence of the Grand Master and the three Deputy Masters, the Zixiao Palace naturally had the atmosphere of an immortal family. But it didn't give Qi Xuansu a big shock. But then he thought about it and realized that Taishang Taozu said that I have three virtues, which are compassion and frugality, and I dare not be the first in the world. Since I advocate frugality, I naturally cannot create the style of a heavenly palace or an immortal palace. That is self-defeating. face.

In a broad sense, the Zixiao Palace is very large. When Qi Xuansu entered the gate, he did not see the Grand Master's Zixiao Palace. He only saw a lake along which the palaces of the four masters were distributed.

Zhang Yuelu led Qi Xuansu to the west. There were many spiritual officers guarding him along the way. However, after seeing Zhang Yuelu, they did not stop them and let them all pass.

This made Qi Xuansu realize that although the current Taoist priests in the Taoist Three Shows are not high-level and their positions are not very high, they do contain huge energy. Take the Zixiao Palace as an example. If an ordinary Shenzhi master came in, he might not be able to walk so smoothly, but Zhang Yuelu, a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest, did it. The profound meaning is naturally self-evident.

Qi Xuansu reminded himself that although many people now say that he is the fourth best player, it can be seen from such small things that there is still a huge gap between him and the third best player, and he cannot get carried away.

When he came to Biyou Palace, Qi Xuansu felt a little familiar. After thinking about it for a while, he found that the layout here was somewhat similar to that of Shangqing Palace in Yunjin Mountain.

Soon, Qi Xuansu was led by Zhang Yuelu to the Tianshi's study.

The Heavenly Master was still standing behind the desk, not sitting down, but Qi Xuansu hurriedly saluted.

The Celestial Master was very kind and spared Qi Xuansu's courtesy: "I am only meeting you as a grandfather this time, not as a Celestial Master, so there is no need to be too formal."

The Heavenly Master meant that Qi Xuansu should only uphold the etiquette for his elders and not have to resort to all the same tricks as when facing the deputy headmaster Da Zhenren.

Qi Xuansu followed the good and followed the flow.

The Heavenly Master asked Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu to sit down, chatted a few more words, and then actually gave Qi Xuansu a meeting gift.

It was just this meeting gift that made Qi Xuansu almost jump.

The Heavenly Master took out a file and handed it to Zhang Yuelu, and then said: "A few days ago, after Jinque passed the resolution on Xuan Su serving as the third-grade deputy hall master, Feng Xiantang received a letter of report. Such a thing, Feng Xian Tang should have handled it alone, but it concerned Yue Lu, so it was sent to my desk."

Qi Xuansu's heart tightened.

It’s not because Tianshi calls him by his first name. Tianshi is the elder among elders. Calling juniors by their names instead of words is not an insult, but it is in line with the rules. The key is that the report letter mentioned by Tianshi was something he did in the past. Are those things exposed? No, this kind of matter should usually be handed over to Beichen Hall. How could Fengxian Hall handle it alone? Is it also related to Zhang Yuelu?

Zhang Yuelu had already opened the file. After turning a few pages, he couldn't help but laugh out loud, and then handed the file to Qi Xuansu.

After Qi Xuansu read it, he almost got into a fight.

The matter in the file is very simple. A woman reported that Qi Xuansu had been having trouble with her and then abandoned her. She said that the two were classmates during the Wanxiang Taoist Palace. As early as that time, the two had tasted the forbidden fruit and made a private decision for life. The woman also She aborted a child for Qi Xuansu. Later, Qi Xuansu went to Yujing and lost contact. Later, when Qi Xuansu entered the Tiangang Hall, she came to see Qi Xuansu, but by that time Qi Xuansu had already been favored by Zhang Yuelu and climbed up the high branches of the Zhang family. Then Qi Xuansu became a betrayer, ignoring her and even treating her a few times. A threat...

You can imagine Qi Xuansu's anger. He just wants to do it. The key is that he keeps his integrity like a jade. Even Zhang Yuelu didn't succeed. This woman's red mouth and white teeth were stained by him. The key is that this kind of thing is like yellow mud. If it falls in the crotch, it is either shit or shit.

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