Peach Blossom

Chapter 83:

Princess Da Chang is mainly the king of Han to be alone, and the king of Han follows his words and devotes himself to water control in the country.

Zhao Wang listened to Wei Xiu's words and never attracted Han Wang. However, the King of Jin sent envoys to Han, and wanted to order the King of Han to enter his command. The King of Han avoided seeing him. The envoy of Jin waited for a few days and was very embarrassed that he could not see the king of Han, and was about to enter the palace.

The rest of the kings saw that the two king brothers let the Han king go regardless, and for some unknown reason, they unknowingly became jealous of the Han king and did not dare to embarrass her. When the king of Han controlled the floods to the territory of Daiguo, the king changed his indifference and sent ministers to help him.

Han Wang is very happy, with someone helping her, she will act faster. After the water is cured and the people are settled, she can go with A Yao.

But the rain never stops. Sometimes it is difficult to stop for a day, and soon it will be poured down again. The minister in charge of the ephemeris has repeatedly said that such continuous rain has never been seen in history.

The king of Han was exhausted physically and mentally, and the river embankment could not be repaired. The river was also impassable, and the silt was dug with great pains, and countless sand and driftwood were washed down and blocked again.

Fortunately, the people are sensible.

The common people do not know the general trend of the world, but they have eyes and can see. The lives of thousands of civilians are as important as the throne above the ninth level. The imperial court was busy quelling the rebellion, and the kings were busy fighting the Wudao. Except for the King of Han, no one will take care of them. Therefore, as long as they are useful to them, everyone is at their disposal.

Han Wang can only repay with more dedication. She dined and slept with her vassals in the open air, along the river to control water, and rarely returned to the palace. Every time she found a gap, but left for a moment, she rushed to the palace in a hurry, hoping to see Jun Yao.

But she was too tired again. When she saw Jun Yao, she didn't have time to say a few words, so she lay on the couch and fell asleep. When she woke up, she wanted to leave again. The King of Han was reluctant to give up, and could only hold back.

Only Jun Yao who supported her promised her that she would take her away. At that time, she will be able to be with Ayao every day, ask Ayao to touch, and want Ayao to hug, if one day, they are happy, and they can have Ayao kiss.

But she didn't know that Jun Yao was always by her side.

The demon is not omnipotent. Especially the way of heaven, which cannot be violated. All things in the world are closely related, mutually reinforcing each other and complementing each other. If one moves, it is bound to be related.

Jun Yao can't keep the sky from raining, let alone make the river not full of water. What's more, she is not allowed to interfere in the affairs of mortals.

Even so, Jun Yao also tried it. Da Wei is now a quagmire. At the beginning of King Han's flood control, Jun Yao took action repeatedly.

However, within three or two days, there was another accumulation of sediment.

The king of Han led people to repair a river embankment, and it was not easy to transport the required stones. Jun Yao cast a spell to help the people carry it. However, when one was repaired, the other was broken, and it was completely impossible to repair.

Jun Yao has been a demon for three thousand years, and she has never been short of anything. She is so powerful that no one in the demon world dares to go against her. .

When the embankment burst, she repaired it one by one, but the river couldn't be blocked, so she tried to divert it. When the people could not eat, she opened a warehouse to put grain, but there was no grain in the warehouse, and she sent people to buy it elsewhere. When the silver money in the warehouse ran out, she sold the treasures in the palace and then subsidized the people.

She is not stingy with money, and she is not too troublesome. She knows that she is weak, so she does it bit by bit like a fool moving a mountain. Besides, no one else has done these things except her.

Jun Yao looked at her, and worked hard to lead a group of vassals, recruiting many people, digging channels and repairing river embankments. She suddenly realized that she has cultivated Buddha for thousands of years. She has a pure heart and few desires, and she is indifferent to everything. It is not that Buddhism is indifferent and that she does not care about the suffering of the common people, but that she has never opened her eyes to look at all beings.

His Royal Highness is from a noble background, so she may not know the suffering of the people, but she is kind and soft-hearted, and she is willing to share the joy and suffering with the people.

Hanwang has made a lot of efforts, and it always pays off.

In autumn, the rainwater gradually subsided.

The rest is to help the people pass this winter, and in the spring of the coming year, all things will sprout, and this year of disaster will pass.

The king of Han was happy, and happily rushed to the low-lying place with his subjects, trying to drain the accumulated water there, and the water was cured.

It is late autumn, there is frost in the morning, the wet soil is extremely hard and slippery, the water in the trees in the mountains is dry and cold, the trunks of the trees are extremely brittle. A giant tree broke off in the middle and rolled down the hillside.

Han Wang just stood on the shore, the giant tree was rolling, and went straight to Han Wang. Everyone was shocked and shouted to His Highness. The King of Han looked back and saw that the giant tree was flying, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he hurriedly walked to the side to avoid it, but unexpectedly, the weeds beside her feet tripped her up.

The King of Han fell to the ground, seeing that he was doomed, but the giant tree suddenly stopped in front of her.

Han Wang's eyes were round, and he was breathing heavily, his legs were weak. Everyone rushed forward and helped her up. The King of Han was still in shock. With the support of everyone, Fang Yi stood up straight, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his leg. The King of Han bowed his head blankly, only to see that the scarlet silk trousers were stained with blood, sticky and dazzling. King Han felt dizzy for a while, grabbed the hand of the prime minister, and it took a while to recover.

"His Royal Highness!" Guolian called twice. Han Wangfang calmed down and looked at him.

The Minister of State hurriedly said: "His Royal Highness is injured, please return to the camp as soon as possible, and call the doctor to come over."

There is a circle of people around, it is inconvenient to say more. The King of Han endured the pain and said, "The minister of state will send me off."

The Prime Minister has nothing to say.

Not guaranteed.

The King of Han arrived at the camp and entered the king's tent to rest. The minister of state was busy and wanted to send someone to summon the doctor. The King of Han stopped him: "It's just a minor injury, there's no need to work the doctor."

The Minister of State stood in front of King Han and said solemnly: "His Royal Highness is a daughter of gold, and the body is injured, how can I not see the doctor."

Han Wang pursed her lips, she was clumsy, she couldn't make a big reason, she just insisted: "No need, I'll just take some medicine."

The Minister of State was very helpless, as if facing a boy who "was ill and refused to look at the doctor for fear of taking bitter medicine", he tried to persuade him: "Why don't you look at the doctor when you are injured? Your Highness has quite a wound. It's too deep, you can't delay, you should call the doctor immediately."

Han Wang sternly, shook his head, this time he didn't even want to say a word, he just raised his head and looked at the country, very determined. The prime minister couldn't beat her, so he had to let her go and retreat to the outside of the account.

During the flood control, he ran back and forth, and he had to scratch and rub it, and the King of Han was inconvenient to ask a doctor, so he had to do it himself.

She sat back on the couch and cut open the silk trousers with a dagger, revealing her snow-white skin and a long slit. The skin is delicate and delicate, and you can tell it is a woman at a glance, so you can't let the doctor see it.

Han Wang pursed his lips and took a clean cotton cloth to wipe the wound. The wound was quite deep, but fortunately, the muscles and veins were not injured, and the blood flow was not turbulent, but it was still painful to the bone when touched.

Han Wang's eyes were red from the pain, but he still endured it, wiped off the blood, and sprinkled medicinal powder. As soon as the medicinal powder touched the wound, it was a sharp pain, and the king of Han hissed and gasped, tears falling down. The last time she was injured by an arrow, the medicine was also very painful, but A Yao comforted her and bandaged her.

She's all alone at the moment.

Han Wang bandaged the wound, she was very unfamiliar, the bandage was crooked, and it did not look good at all. The King of Han was very satisfied. The water would be cured soon, and she could return to the palace. The wound had to heal as soon as possible, otherwise Ayao would feel distressed when she saw it. She didn't want Ayao to feel bad.

After the wound was treated, Hanwang took clean silk pants from the cage and put them on.

She was injured and could not move around for the time being, and there were reliable vassals at the river bank. If nothing happened, the King of Han stayed in the tent to rest.

She misses Jun Yao very much. She didn't think when she was busy, but when she was quiet, she thought of Jun Yao wholeheartedly.

I don't know what Ayao is doing, whether she misses her too. The little face of the King of Han looked sad, but soon, she cheered up again. After curing the water, she would be able to leave with A Yao. At that time, they would never be separated.

Han Wang was so happy just thinking about being able to separate from Jun Yao. She lay on the couch, closed her eyes unconsciously, and fell asleep.

Until she fell asleep, Jun Yao showed her figure.

Han Wang slept very soundly, unaware that the person she was thinking of was beside her. Jun Yao sat beside the couch and stared at her tenderly. The little His Royal Highness in his sleep looked calm and lovable. Jun Yao raised her hand to caress the center of her eyebrows, her slender eyebrows stretched softly because of her touch, soft and reliant, very well-behaved.

Jun Yao couldn't help but smile, and when her eyes moved to the wound on her leg, the smile froze again.

Han Wang woke up two hours later. She sat up, remembering the injury on her leg, and rolled up her trousers to check. The wound was still bloody, but not so painful.

She didn't know that Junyao had been here, and she had warmed and nourished her wounds, but because she was young and fleshy, she was quick to heal. Immediately there was a lot of confidence.

She is so powerful, she will go away with Ayao in the future, and you can also take good care of Ayao and prevent her from suffering!

Jun Yao was beside her, listening to her full of confidence in her heart, she couldn't help laughing, and secretly groaned.

Everything is developing in a very good direction. In winter, the king of Han finally cured the water and began to resettle the homeless people. After counting the time, in the spring of next year, she can get out of her body and leave with Junyao.

The author has something to say:

Poor and positive energy.

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