Peach Blossom

Chapter 84:

The King of Han had settled the disaster victims, and he could go back to the palace and bake around a small stove. The injury on the leg healed very quickly, but within three days it did not affect my walking. Now there is only one scar left to heal.

Jun Yao knew what she was thinking, but she didn't know it at all. Only after Han Wang fell asleep every night, he checked her wounds and helped her heal as soon as possible.

There is no need for extravagance, and meals are sufficient. He will also tell the palace that there is no need to buy more clothes for her this winter, as the clothes from previous years are enough for her to wear. All the money saved was used by the prime minister for disaster relief.

She is also actively preparing to leave.

King Han was very smart. She prepared secretly. Only in the dead of night, she leaned into Jun Yao's ear and quietly told her where she was ready.

Jun Yao also encouraged her and praised her for her comprehensiveness. The King of Han was very happy, like a hamster spending the winter, and hoarded the things he needed bit by bit.

When it comes to the needs of mortal life, Jun Yao is not as thorough as Han Wang. Han Wang controlled the floods, went deep into the people, witnessed the tragic situation of the victims, and knew that in a normal life, firewood, rice, oil and salt were indispensable. They can't pack too much, so they should bring more money.

There were many treasures in the palace of the Han Dynasty, but at this time there were very few left. But enough. The King of Han divided the remaining treasures into many parts.

Jun Yao teased her and asked, "Your Highness divided the treasure into many parts, what do you want to do?"

The King of Han said to her, "This is related to the prime minister of the country, this is related to the internal history..." She gave the objects that were not easy to carry, such as calligraphy, paintings, toys, etc., to her vassals, and pointed to the gold and silver treasures and said: "We take these away and sell them for silver, so we can live a better life."

As she spoke, she felt very guilty towards Jun Yao: "Xishan is very good, but we are afraid we can't live there." The king of Han escaped, and his subjects would definitely find her, Xishan was not hiding. the place. But Sister Jun has lived in Xishan for a long time, and she likes it there.

She looked at Jun Yao sincerely and said, "We will find a better place than Xishan, please don't want me." She had been waiting for Jun Yao to take her away for a long time, and she was really afraid that it would come to an end. After a while, Jun Yao suddenly didn't want her anymore.

Where is Jun Yao willing to not want her, she said to her: "As long as there is His Royal Highness, you can go anywhere." (Please add Jun Yang: 110817951)

The king of Han immediately blushed, always felt that Junyao's words had other meanings, but she was not sure, quietly raised her eyes to see Junyao, and saw that Junyao was also smiling looking at her.

The King of Han is endlessly happy, maybe she can really kiss A Yao.

She is looking forward to spring. She doesn't care if the kings and the court have turned the world upside down, she knows what she is capable of, and she can't manage such a big event even if she wants to. They would always decide a winner and become the emperor, and she was already far away from Sister Jun at that time, and the hustle and bustle of the court had nothing to do with her.

Han Wang diligently hoarded many things, all of which are easy to carry. But no matter how easy it is to carry, the more it is, it becomes a burden, and the king of Han is caught in the dilemma of how to choose.

In this way, when spring comes, the people will rebuild the huts that have been washed away, and the crops will be sown in the fields, and there will be no more worries about livelihood. The King of Han finally gets out, carries her small burden, and wants to meet the king Yao escaped together.

Unexpectedly, there were unforeseen circumstances. On that day, dozens of ministers poured into Linzi City to welcome the King of Han as the new emperor.

This was to be expected, the emperor was already weak, and he couldn't have more soldiers than the kings.

After capturing Luoyang, Wei Xiu suddenly mentioned who should be the new king. The kings did not submit to anyone, and it was entirely up to Weixiu to mediate. By this time, he was already ready to make a move and wanted to attack his brothers, so that he could pick the fruit of this crusade and ascend to the throne. After her challenge, it became even more controversial.

The argument turned into a melee. All the kings had soldiers in their hands, and the king of Zhao obeyed Wei Xiu's strategy and started to attack the army of the king of Jin at night. Who knows that someone leaked this secret, King Jin was already prepared. The King of Zhao did not gain the upper hand, but the arrow had already left the string, and he had to bite the bullet and engage the King of Jin.

King Jing, King Dai and King Teng were also involved.

In one night, the soldiers lost more than 100,000, and the five kings died in the chaotic army.

The leading minister burst into tears: "All the kings died, Wei Xiu's disobedient minister entered the palace to kill the king, the descendants of Emperor Gao, now only His Royal Highness is left!"

Han Wang stayed where she was, full of confusion, she had no grief over the death of her brother, nor the tragic death of her nephew, there was only one thing in her mind, what should Ayao do? They said they were going to leave.

He is a courtier, he takes the kings as rebels, Wei Xiu is a rebel, and he is also a rebel. Among the ministers who came with the ministers, there were still kings and their subordinates, and when they heard the words, they refuted it.

Han Wang did not hear a word. She left behind the ministers of the full hall and left in despair. Jun Yao was in the apse, and she could hear clearly what she said in the front hall.

Han Wang walked over in a daze, seeing her, still in chaos. She doesn't know why, something that clearly has nothing to do with her will finally fall on her head.

Han Wang stood bewildered, afraid to look at her. Jun Yao bent her lips with all her might, trying her best to show a gentle appearance, she waved to King Han. The King of Han walked over and whispered, "A Yao."

She didn't dare to look at Jun Yao, so she lowered her head, like a child who made a mistake, blamed herself and was timid.

Jun Yao caressed her cheek, Han Wang shrank slightly, and soon stopped, letting Junyao stroke her. Jun Yao's heart softened, she and the King of Han said softly, "Your Highness, would you still like to leave with me?"

Han Wang hurriedly nodded: "Yes." She said yes, but there was a hesitant look on her face.

Jun Yao tried her best not to look at her expression, and continued: "In that case, let's go tonight."

Han Wang stopped talking, she didn't even dare to look directly at Jun Yao, she just held Jun Yao's hand carefully, begging her not to leave her.

How could Jun Yao be willing to leave her, she actually hoped that she was also a mortal, so even if His Royal Highness became the emperor, she could accompany her.


"Your Highness is the emperor, will you still have time to meet me?"

She can't keep A Yao, and she can't see her from time to time.

She lost her sister, and eventually lost Ayao, all alone.

Han Wang's tears fell, and the tears ran across his face. Her red eyes were full of sadness, her little face was full of tears, and she cried softly.

Jun Yao can't see her being wronged, and she can't see her cry, but now, as a big demon, she has nothing to do.

She went to King Han, took her into his arms, and gently wiped away her tears.

"It's not that I dislike the palace." Jun Yao said.

Han Wang's red and swollen eyes suddenly filled with joy.

Jun Yao looked at it, bent her lips, and did not say the remaining two sentences.

It's not that she doesn't like being in the palace, she's just afraid that she won't be able to be intimate with His Highness, and even more afraid that His Highness will not end well in the end.

The King of Han thought she kept Jun Yao.

A country cannot live without a ruler. The ministers were eager to make King Han the new king. Zhangfu and crowns were made in a hurry, and the timing of the enthronement chosen by Taishi Ling was in a hurry.

The ministers are eager to show their favor in front of the new king. Some of them are the king's vassals, and some are important court officials. , they all praised the virtue of the Han King for water control, and even rolled the giant tree and stopped in front of the Han King, saying that it was destined to return.

Han Wang has never been so boasted since he was a child, he was quite uncomfortable and just wanted to run away. The only place she could escape was Jun Yao.

Dear, how lonely she must be.

The days were chaotic and busy, and on the eve of his enthronement, Han Wang was very nervous. She didn't like being the emperor very much, and she didn't care about the throne, but when that day really came, she was still nervous.

She quietly sneaked into the side hall and climbed onto Jun Yao's couch.

Your Highness's body was soft and warm, sticking to Jun Yao. Jun Yao's body stiffened, and she was full of tension. Unknowingly, King Han moved under the quilt, trying to find a comfortable position.

Jun Yao bowed her head and saw the King of Han trying hard to get himself into her arms, so that he could stick closely to her, the pure-minded little Highness, just wanted to be close to the person he liked , without the slightest distraction.

Jun Yao stared at her for a long time, her heart hurt like a knife, she slowly stretched her body and hugged King Han in her arms. Tonight is the last time. After tonight, she and His Highness will never have the chance to be so intimate again.

The King of Han still didn't know it, she was happy that A Yao was holding her, and she calmed down quietly. No wonder she couldn't sleep well just now, because Ayao didn't hold her. She was only happy if Ayao hugged her.

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