Chapter 1014 Injured

   "Who knows what they have in their hands, they have been at the house all this time!" Aunt Gao persuaded him by tugging on his sleeve.

  Magistrate Sun hesitated in his heart after hearing this, and finally made a decision, he waved his hand.

  In the blink of an eye, 20 guards wearing ordinary hospital clothes but with much higher skills appeared in the dark night.

  Eunuch Ren and Ye Muyu saw this group of people appearing, with a smile on their faces.

   It's a pity that magistrate Sun didn't see it at all.

   "Eunuch, is the person really here?"

"Hurry up, the miscellaneous family has a token from the emperor. Lord Lin must come, if you don't come, you will be against the order." Eunuch Ren didn't expect to use the token. Before he went out, he never thought that these people would be so arrogant .

   But thinking that the emperor is far away, there may be officials in other places who are so arrogant.

  Although he was angry in his heart, there was no way to change the status quo. After all, he was just an eunuch, and he could only hope that there would be more officials like Chu Heng.

  Emperor Mingzong has always been benevolent. Even if Eunuch Ren became a father-in-law, his life would be better than that of the eunuchs in the period of the first emperor.

   "Bang bang bang..."

   During a fight.

  The sound of gongs sounded in the distance.

   County magistrate Sun was anxious because he had called out all the private guards, but he still couldn't do anything to Eunuch Ren and his party.

  Hearing the sound of the gong now, his face turned pale.

   "What's going on?" He grabbed another master beside him.

  Master also looked confused: "I don't know, master."

   "Go and see first." County magistrate Sun felt a little uneasy.

   Soon the person he sent out came back, "Master...Master, it's not good, Zhizhou Lin is here."


   "Quick, go back quickly." County magistrate Sun hurriedly called the private guard away.

  Ye Muyu didn't know when she had already retreated into the lobby of the inn, and a private guard who chased her to kill also entered the inn, seeing his knife slashing towards her, Ye Muyu dodged to hide.

  Unexpectedly, the private guard actually had hidden arrows hidden in his sleeve, and shot directly towards her chest.

  Ye Muyu couldn't hide at all, so he could only raise his hand and grab the bamboo tube on the table to block it.

The bamboo tube shattered with a thud, Cheng Qing cried out in surprise when he saw this scene, and only had time to knock the private guard unconscious, Ye Muyu felt a pain in his chest, stepped back several steps, finally bumped into the counter, stopped When I got down, I felt a sharp pain in my chest.

   "Ma'am, how are you?" Cheng Qing turned pale with fright, and subconsciously wanted to draw out the arrow feathers from her chest.

   "Hide that private guard first, and then go to the doctor." Ye Muyu sat down, not daring to touch the wound at will.

   Cheng Qing knew that the two matters were very important, so he didn't dare to delay, so he could only go to Eunuch Ren to help find a doctor, while he took the private guard who had been knocked out.

   "Oh my god." Eunuch Ren turned pale when he saw her injured, "Madam Chu, wait a minute, the miscellaneous family has already called someone to find a doctor."

"Okay, I'm fine." Although Ye Muyu smiled reluctantly, it was just painful. She knew that she didn't hurt her internal organs, but she would suffer accidents if she lost too much blood. Simply, Eunuch Ren had already prepared for it, and the fighting outside was over. up.

   Soon, the doctor was brought over, and Ye Muyu had already lost a lot of blood.

  Eunuch Ren found a strong woman and sent Ye Muyu back to the room upstairs. When the doctor pulled out the arrow feathers and administered the medicine, Ye Muyu's face was already white.

   "Eunuch, you can just entertain Lin Zhizhou." Seeing Eunuch Ren walking up and down the house anxiously, Ye Muyu said.

  (end of this chapter)

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