Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 1015: Come in the middle of the night

  Chapter 1015 Midnight visitor

  Eunuch Ren snorted coldly: "The miscellaneous family clearly called Zhizhou Lin to enter the county quietly, but he made a big fanfare, obviously to inform County Magistrate Sun that he is coming."

   "I didn't expect this to be a scheming one."

"Elder-in-law, don't be angry, foreign officials naturally have their own set of rules of survival." Ye Muyu had long suspected that the Lin family also had problems, but could not find any evidence. Now it seems that it is so obvious that the Lin family is not monolithic. Evidence is not out of the question.

  Eunuch Ren told Ye Muyu to take good care of her injuries. He would leave a guard to protect her, while he went downstairs and went back to the county government office with Zhizhou Lin and County Magistrate Sun.

   "Ma'am, you just need to rest, and your subordinates will watch outside the door." Cheng Qing stepped back.

  Ye Muyu really couldn't bear it any longer, and fell into a deep sleep.

  In the middle of the night, she vaguely heard voices.

   Her heart skipped a beat, and she opened her eyes, only to see two people standing by the window.

   "Is the medicine ready?" The man's voice was a little rough, and he was of medium build. Ye Muyu could only see his back clearly by the moonlight.

  Another tall, thin man nodded respectfully: "It's already been put in the tea, as long as you drink it, you will disappear without knowing it."

   "What will be found out?" the man asked with a frown.

   "He will die within three days, and no evidence can be found."

"That's good."

   Immediately following, the man came over and stood by the bed.

  Ye Muyu closed her eyes, controlled her heartbeat, and calmed herself down extremely.

  Even with her eyes closed, she could still feel that there was someone beside her. She felt that her wrist was taken out, and someone felt her pulse.

   After half a sound.

  The people in the room disappeared.

  Ye Muyu waited silently for a while before opening his eyes and found that the room was empty.

  She suppressed the anger in her heart, and waited for a while, when there were footsteps outside the door, and Cheng Qing's voice came from outside the door: "Ma'am?"

  Ye Muyu didn't respond. She wasn't sure who those two people were, and she couldn't wake up in such a short period of time. The only downside of the inn was that there were too many people, and someone might have been staring at her room long ago.

   Sure enough, Cheng Qing asked twice more before leaving.

  The pain in her chest was unbearable, but Ye Muyu could only let herself rest as much as possible. The other party had already taken the medicine, so she would not use other methods to deal with her. Tonight is still safe.

  Ye Muyu didn't know when she fell asleep, but she woke up just after dawn the next day.

  He casually touched the water glass beside the bed, and Cheng Qing came in when he heard the sound.

   "Ma'am, how was your rest last night?" Cheng Qing's eyes were dark, showing that he didn't have a good rest.

   "What's wrong?" Ye Muyu asked.

Cheng Qing said: "Last night, my subordinate was keeping watch at the gate, but I fell asleep at some point. When I woke up, it was half an hour later. I went to ask the guard sent by Eunuch Ren, and he said that he also beat one in the middle of the night. nap."

  Ye Muyu understood that the other party must have used some kind of medicine to make the guard faint, so he dared to come in openly.

   It's just that she didn't see the faces of those two people clearly, only heard the voices.

   But now is not the time to talk about this.

   "Is there any news from the master?" Ye Muyu glanced at the teapot beside the bed, his eyes darkened.

   "Yes, I guess I will be back in the afternoon."

   "Pay attention to the county government."

   "Go and take out the water bottle in my luggage."

  Cheng Qing nodded, quickly walked over to open the bag, and took out a kettle from inside.

  (end of this chapter)

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