Chapter 1032 Death

  Ye Muyu figured out this joint, and she had a good idea, and happened to see Mrs. Yan looking anxiously but looking forward to the situation below.

   "Ma'am, Miss San accidentally fell into the water and was rescued by the son of the chief envoy's family. Miss Si also fell into the water to save Miss San and was rescued by the guards around Prince Qi."

   "And..." The more the servant girl reported, the more ugly Madam Yan's face became. Seeing the servant girl stammering, she sternly said, "What else, say it!"

   "Aunt Lin from Mrs. Chu's family also fell into the water and was rescued by... her maid and Prince Qi."

   Ye Muyu didn't know what to say when she heard the result.

   Without waiting for Madam Yan to speak, she frowned: "I will go down to apologize to Prince Qi right now, Madam, do you want to come together?"

Madam Yan looked at Ye Muyu, as if she was thinking about the authenticity of her words, maybe she didn't think much of her identity, and she didn't tactfully, she asked directly: "Madam Chu already knew that the aunt in the house fell into the water? "

Seeing Mrs. Yan being aggressive, Zhao Qingqing said she was asking, but her tone was almost the same as cross-examination. She was a little bit aggrieved for Ye Muyu, and took the initiative to speak out: "Mrs. Yan, Mrs. Chu and I were sitting on the outermost floor just now. When something happened downstairs, the first I heard the time, and I have good eyesight, so I recognized that Aunt Lin fell into the water."

   "Qingqing." Ye Muyu hurriedly pulled Qingqing behind her, and replied to Mrs. Yan's words: "Madam, it's true, so I sent a maid beside me who knows water to save her."

"It's a pity that only one of the maids I brought with me can swim." Ye Muyu naturally wanted to clean herself up. She didn't participate in how the ladies below fell into the water, and she didn't want to care about it, if it wasn't for the face of the Chu family. Well, she didn't even want to pay attention to Lin Mianmian, so how could she blame them.

   After listening to Mrs. Yan, she didn't understand that there was nothing wrong with Ye Muyu's actions, and she was in charge of today's banquet. Naturally, if someone fell into the water, she should also arrange good people.

   Said in her heart that Mrs. Chu is really guarded.

   Madam Yan quickly went downstairs and walked past her.

The most important thing for her now is to take advantage of the situation to determine the marriage of her own girl. She thought that Bing Nuan could marry King Qi, but who knows, she has something to do with the son of the chief envoy's family, and Yu Jie, if she is rescued by King Qi How wonderful!

   It was only rescued by an escort. Now, the reputation of the two girls of the Yan family has been affected. If girls from other families fell into the water together, the reputation of the Yan family would be better.

  But it happened to be Aunt Lin!

  Aunt Lin also had intimate contact with King Qi.

   Madam Yan's complicated mood will not be mentioned for the time being.

  Ye Muyu followed.

  The three girls who fell into the water were all rescued and sent to the cabin to change clothes.

   On the painting boat opposite, the three rescuers also just came out after changing their clothes.

  Ye Muyu followed Mrs. Yan and saluted Qi Wang.

   King Qi raised his hand: "You ladies are welcome."

   "My lord, what happened just now disturbed your interest." Mrs. Yan actively sought out a relationship with King Qi.

  Ye Muyu took advantage of the situation and kept silent, keeping a low profile so as not to cause trouble.

   King Qi didn't seem to care.

   Responded twice casually, without even asking about the identity of the girl who fell into the water.

  Madam Yan didn't dare to offend him, and she didn't achieve her goal, so she naturally made the matter smaller.

  The fact that Lin Mianmian fell into the water and was rescued by King Qi spread among the female circles, but King Qi himself did not express his opinion. In this way, as Lin Mianmian was an aunt, all kinds of rumors were spread.

  (end of this chapter)

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