Chapter 1033 Return gift

  She is a married woman, but she has contact with a boyfriend.

  This is too embarrassing.

   In Ye Muyu's eyes, a banquet that was supposed to be a Hongmen banquet ended inexplicably. She had nothing to lose except that Yuzhou's wives circle rejected her.

   Lin Mianmian, on the other hand, smashed a lot of things in her house as soon as she returned to the mansion.

  Ye Muyu just pretended not to know, anyway, it was her own dowry that was smashed, and there was no loss in the mansion, so she didn't bother to care about it.

   Have a good night's sleep.

   Early the next morning.

  Ye Muyu took out the gift list and asked the housekeeper to deliver the letter of apology written by Ye Muyu to the place where King Qi stayed, and let it go along with the gift list.

  Now the various houses in Yuzhou Mansion have deliberately isolated her, which means that it is much more difficult for Chu Heng to handle affairs, so she naturally does not want to offend another prince.

  This gesture was done enough to not embarrass King Qi. She expressed her own attitude when some bad words came out, which made the matter a complete misunderstanding.

  In the afternoon, Butler Luo came back.

   "Ma'am, the old slave didn't see King Qi, and only sent the letter and the gift list."

   "King Qi's subordinates accepted it and said not to mention it again."

   "That's very good." Ye Muyu didn't want to have anything to do with King Qi at all, and he didn't want to get involved with Lin Mianmian's matter. In this way, the matter was settled.

  Unexpectedly, Lin Mianmian suffered a dark loss. Speaking of which, it was thanks to Qingqing's help.

  Ye Muyu told Butler Luo to leave, while she went into the kitchen.

  Sumei and Chunxing help her.

   "Ma'am, are you cooking so much food as a gift?" Sumei asked curiously.

  Ye Muyu has been handing over to Fuzhong with Sumei recently, and found that Sumei is a practical and cautious person, so she often keeps her by her side, and the relationship has become closer.

   "Well, you will go and give it to Qingqing in person later." Ye Muyu said.

   Sumei understood, she also went to the painting boat yesterday, so she naturally knew who Zhao Qingqing was.

  Ye Muyu made marinated chicken feet, fish with pickled cabbage, Dongpo pork, West Lake vinegar fish, steamed meat with lotus leaf powder, etc., as well as various types of pastries.

  After finishing her work, Ye Muyu asked Sumei to send her to the Zhao Mansion, and she went back to the yard, continuing to look at the ledger.

  That night, Zhao Qingqing received the meal cooked by Ye Muyu.

  She refused Mrs. Zhao's call to eat in the front yard, and directly opened a small stove in her own small yard to heat up every dish.

  When the dish came out, it was full of aroma, and Zhao Qingqing was so greedy that she was drooling.

  The maid beside her was also attracted by the fragrance: "Miss, who made these meals, why are they so fragrant?"

   "My sister Ye." Zhao Qingqing smiled triumphantly. After the plates were set, she couldn't wait to pick up the food with chopsticks. She didn't move fast, but in the shocked eyes of the maids, the food was wiped out at the speed of light.

  Until Zhao Qingqing burped, and looked at the remaining half of the meal pitifully: "Ah, it's so delicious, why can't I have two stomachs!"

   "Miss, is it really so delicious?" Although the maids have already smelled the fragrance, they haven't eaten it in their mouths, and it doesn't feel very real.

  Zhao Qingqing reacted greatly when she heard her question: "Quickly, help me freeze all these dishes, I will eat them tomorrow!"

   "Miss, do you want to eat leftovers?" the maid whispered in surprise.

  Zhao Qingqing was confident and confident: "You don't understand, such a delicious meal, even if it's leftovers, is still delicious. If it wasn't that my stomach couldn't eat it anymore, I would definitely continue to eat it."

  (end of this chapter)

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