Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 1065: Come here specially

  Chapter 1065 is here specially

   "Now my wife has opened a bookstore in Yuzhou City. The bookstore is the same as the one in my hometown. People are willing to borrow books. They also tell the people how to make sweet potato noodles and how to make noodles."

   "Of course, those merchants also know that many people have made noodles and sold them."

   "So the price of noodles in Yuzhou City is relatively low, but my wife didn't lower the price, and the grocery store's business is also good, because everyone knows that our family's store first sold noodles, and the taste is also the best."

   "Now Madam doesn't compete with local merchants for profit, and directly asks the caravan to send the noodles to further places for sale."

   "Many people in Yuzhou City now say that our He'an shop is a good person. As long as we put up the sign of He'an shop, even if there are other similar shops nearby, the people are more willing to come to our shop."

  The more excited Lu Chuan said, the more he knew that as long as his wife was around, the people there would have a better life.

  Thinking about it this way, the master is responsible for maintaining the stability, and the wife is teaching the people more skills.

  Chu Heng waited for him to finish speaking before opening his thin lips lightly: "Who did you hear this from?"

   "The maids next to Madam, they usually help Madam with things, and they are very clear."

   "Sir, do we still have to keep up with Madam?" Speaking of this, Lu Chuan couldn't help but look at Chu Heng several times, and asked tentatively.

  Chu Heng didn't answer, but he stood up and walked directly outside.

  A smile flashed in Lu Chuan's eyes, and he quickly followed.

  Chu Heng saw Ye Muyu in the field on Zhuangzi.

  She was holding up her skirt, squatting down and holding a wooden shovel in her hand, digging something.

  When he walked over, he just heard Ye Muyu's brisk voice saying: "It's ok, you have done a good job, winter is coming, the charcoal fire you usually burn, and the ashes left behind are well preserved, and can be used in the next year."

  Growing potatoes requires the use of wood ash, which seems a bit rare to Zhang Shi and others, but considering that sweet potatoes grow on wild mountains in the past, no one has ever grown them before, so it's normal if they don't know how to grow them.

  Madam said what they did, I just hope there will be a good harvest in February next year.

   "I'll go to the greenhouse to have a look." Ye Muyu stood up, clapped her hands, and saw Chu Heng when she turned her head.

   "Why are you here?" Ye Muyu was a little surprised: "Aren't you going to accompany the children?"

  Chu Heng: "..."

   "I'll be there in a while."

  Ye Muyu just nodded, when a person ran over from a distance, it was Sumei.

   "Ma'am, Miss Zhao is here, and she said she came here to look at the greenhouse on the Zhuangzi."

   "Where is he?" Ye Muyu didn't expect Qingqing to follow.

   "I have already entered the Zhuangzi and put down my luggage."

   "I'll go back right away, you go back and treat me first." Sumei nodded, turned and went back.

  Ye Muyu patted the dirt and ashes on his hands, and suddenly there was a handkerchief in front of him.

  She looked up in astonishment, and saw Chu Heng took the kettle from Lu Chuan's hand, and wanted to wash her hands with water.


  Seeing that Ye Muyu didn't respond, Chu Heng made a sound.

  Ye Muyu was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, she reached out and found that the water in the kettle was warm, and washing her hands was not cold at all.

  After she finished washing her hands, Chu Heng handed the water bottle to Lu Chuan, and he wiped her white hands clean.

  After being served by Chu Heng, Ye Muyu looked at him suspiciously for a while.

  Chu Heng lowered his eyes, no matter what he did, he acted very seriously.

   "What's the matter?" Seeing her looking at him, he just asked softly.

  (end of this chapter)

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