Chapter 1579 Comparison

  Ye Muyu thought that he should know it well, so he didn't say much.

   "There is one thing, I need to trouble you."

   "Just say it directly, why are you being polite to me." Ye Muyu rarely heard Chu Heng visit her for help, with a smile on her face, she put her hand on his shoulder.

   "King Huainan sent some wool over this time, and he sent people to Beirong to buy it. He signed a peace letter before. Although the two countries have no business, it is no problem for King Huainan to send people there."

   "So..." Ye Muyu touched his chin: "You want me to get some woolen products out?"

   "Yes." Chu Heng smiled, took her fingers, rubbed them lightly, and asked seriously: "I heard you said before that wool can also be made into many warm clothes, so I wanted to ask."

"Of course, wool is a good thing. Like cotton and linen, it is the raw material for making cloth. Even the cloth made of wool has its special advantages. I am afraid that cotton and linen will be inferior by then. Wear it in winter." Wool sweaters are more comfortable than satin."

  Silk and satin are not very warm, so rich families have to inlay linings inside.

  But the satin inlaid with the inner lining looks bloated, destroying the original beauty.

Therefore, in the capital, cloaks have become a necessity in winter. The leather needed for the cloak is expensive. Naturally, it is very beautiful, but the cost is high, and it is a top luxury. It also involves some precious animals. cause damage to the ecological environment.

   Da Chu obviously doesn’t have this concept yet. Wild animals have good self-defense capabilities, and only a few can be hit. But if things go on like this, the impact will be huge after decades.

"Wool is different. In Beirong and even in the northern part of the Great Chu, most people also raise sheep. These sheep need to be shaved regularly every year. In one sentence, they can be used effectively. The wool can be sold for money. In the future, people in nomadic areas will have something to live on, and they don’t necessarily have to farm to live.”

   "Of course, there is a difficult point here, and that is the transportation problem."

  Ye Muyu was thinking, and the focus of the topic fell to building roads first if you want to get rich.

  However, Da Chu wanted to build roads, and the imperial court would not be able to pay for the huge expenditure involved. After all, Da Chu was still in a state where the aristocratic family controlled a lot of social resources.

   After hearing her finish, Chu Heng thought about it thoughtfully for a while: "Well, what you said makes sense."

"I already have an idea for wool." Ye Muyu didn't think about what to do at first, but when she saw the design drawing she put in a wooden box next to the soft couch, inspiration came, and she looked at Chu Heng with slightly bright eyes. Said: "You rested before, I didn't tell you, I plan to start selling parent-child clothes on the fifteenth day of the new year."

   "There is still some time before the beginning of spring, and the weather in Beijing is getting warmer late. I think it is barely suitable to sell winter clothes. The main reason is that we drive the trend."

"Look, everyone will see our parent-child outfit when we wear it out. At that time, we will go shopping in crowded places, and then send a set to the few we have made friends with. At that time, we will pretend to be a It's a trend, do you think other people will follow and compare and buy it?" Ye Muyu said cryptically.

  Chu Heng looked at her smiling eyes, which were as bright as stars, and nodded with a smile: "Yes, yes."

  In official circles, especially among women, if everyone is in fashion with a certain accessory, a certain wife does not.

  (end of this chapter)

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