Chapter 1580 Wool

  Then, it will not only make people feel out of place, but also embarrass the master of the family.

  This is why once something is popular, everyone basically has a copy.

  Ye Muyu took advantage of this feature.

"Before, I just thought that Ziluo and Nuanbao looked good in clothes, so I wanted to use parent-child clothing to make a fortune. Now that I have wool, I just happen to make some wool linings, which are comfortable, warm, and feel good. It's nice, and it doesn't look bulky."

   "What do you think?" Ye Muyu blinked at him.

  Chu Heng grabbed her hand and put it to his lips and kissed her, his eyes were deep and his voice was hoarse: "Very good."

   "Then I will arrange to do it."

   "It just so happens that the workshop has already made a lot of finished parent-child clothing. I have to find a way to make the wool lining." The more Ye Muyu talked, the more he felt that his idea was good.

  However, she doesn't know much about the combination of wool lining and satin.

  However, silk and wool should have been combined in this era, and the finished product is very beautiful. She has seen unearthed ancient objects in museums.

   "Don't be too tired. Sitting upright is not conducive to recuperating. Go and lean on the soft chair next to you." Ye Muyu was really worried, and reached out to pull Chu Heng.

  Chu Heng followed her, took the envelope and went to sit beside her.

  Ye Muyu returned to the soft couch, took out the unfinished design drawings and continued to work.

  In the morning, she drew several pictures, and when she finished, she asked Sumei to send them to the workshop. There were not only some good embroiderers in the workshop, but also a female steward who specialized in making design drawings.

Ye Muyu's paintings are not many, but parent-child outfits can't be the same, otherwise the rich and powerful people who buy them may feel uncomfortable, especially since it's a family, wouldn't it be embarrassing to bump into an outsider? .

   Therefore, on the design drawings, it is very troublesome and needs different patterns. In the final analysis, the entire capital is too small, and it is embarrassing for anyone who is ugly to bump into a shirt. Ye Muyu doesn't want to do such an offending thing.

Even though she has been drawing some patterns one after another a few months ago, she has received over two hundred copies of the finished product alone. Since the materials are all silk and satin, she invested a lot of money in it and waited. pay back.

  Even so, she still felt that just thinking about these styles made her brain go numb. If it wasn't for a long time, she wouldn't be able to come up with these design drawings.

  The finished products are all ready, and it is the most convenient to add a lining. A thin layer is also very convenient.

  As for direct wool and silk fabrics, they can be used for new summer products.

  Ye Muyu opened the plan book, and wrote the plan and time limit on the back.

   "Speaking of which, these wools are not enough." Ye Muyu sighed softly.

   "I have to send some people to buy some wool and come back, but it's not long before the spring shearing time, and it will be cheaper to buy it then."

  Chu Heng saw that she seemed to be serious, and arranged everything well, without disturbing her.


  Chu Heng took Ziluo out, and Nuanbao was left to Chu Heng to take care of him. With Chun Xing around, she wasn't worried that she wouldn't be able to take Nuanbao with her.

  The two mother and daughter left the house in a carriage.

   Along the way, I first went to the Meimian Rouge shop.

  At the door of the shop, most of the people coming and going are female relatives. Even outside the door, the fragrance is full.

  Chu Ziluo lifted the curtain of the car and walked down first, "Mother, the business in the shop is really good."

   "I just came here to see how the suits sold during the Chinese New Year."

  (end of this chapter)

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