Chapter 1824 Healing

  Lu Sangqi had already written a prescription for the medicine. After the old lady brought the medicine over, she fed it to the young prince and finished drinking it. Then the saint of Nanjiang took a step forward, opened a copper box, and took out a lot of medicine.

  The Eldest Princess personally helped Xiao Shizi up.

  The medicine was thrown into the copper box and ignited, and a strange smell came out. After the fire was over, the saint of Nanjiang poured the blood taken from the body of the county king into it.

  Xiao Shizi's frail hand was lifted up, and the dagger on his wrist was lightly squeezed, blood dripped out and squeezed in.

  Lu Sangqi stared intently at Xiao Shizi's changes, holding a silver needle in his hand, and putting his other hand on his wrist to check his pulse.

  When Xiao Shizi was about to struggle suddenly, he used the silver needle precisely.

   Visible to the naked eye, Xiao Shizi's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he was in pain.

  The Saintess of Southern Xinjiang was emotionally tense, and she threw medicinal materials into it again, and the tempting smell came out again.

  Xiao Shizi slowly seemed to have some movement in his body.

   Lu Sangqi's gaze was like a torch, and he suddenly saw something living on his chest. Not only he saw this scene, but even the eldest princess saw it.

  The eldest princess's complexion was dark, and she was in a bad mood visible to the naked eye, but she was looking forward to it.

   Angry Xiao Shizi has been tortured by such a dirty thing since he was a child, and he looks forward to really attracting the Gu worms.

   The Gu worm's movements were a bit chaotic at first, and it was never known where it would appear in the next second.

  Lu Sangqi could only try to stabilize Xiao Shizi's physical condition.

  The saintess of Southern Xinjiang once again poured blood into it.

   There was a sizzling sound, and the strange smell became more intense. Even the old woman standing next to her was affected, and subconsciously pressed her forehead.

  I saw that the Gu worms that were still lingering in the chest seemed to have found some direction, slowly agitating along the blood vessels, and after turning around in the chest, they entered the blood vessels in the arms.

  Xiao Shizi was too thin, and his arms were already thin and weak. When such a thing suddenly appeared, his blood vessels swelled instantly, and there was something visible in his body with the naked eye.

  If this scene is seen by outsiders, I'm afraid they will be frightened.

  Xiao Shizi's arm was trembling constantly, and the old lady was busy helping to support it.

  Lu Sangqi went down with another silver needle.

  The Saintess of Southern Border did not expect it to be so smooth, a surprise flashed in her eyes, it was very shallow, but Lu Sangqi could see it clearly.

   "Saint, give it your all." Lu Sangqi reminded in a hoarse voice.

  The Saintess of Southern Border looked at him, but said nothing, not knowing what she was thinking.

   Just put medicinal materials and the blood of the county king into the iron box.

Seeing this, Lu Sangqi only stared at her wrist, thinking of what he read in a medical book in Southern Xinjiang, saying that the blood of every saint in Southern Xinjiang is the favorite nourishment of Gu insects, if it is true , that's interesting, I don't know how she will choose.

  Maybe it was reminded by Lu Sangqi's unclear words that the saintess of Southern Xinjiang added blood and medicinal materials to the iron box, which was more generous than before.

  However, I don't know if it was because the Gu worms in Xiao Shizi's body were too rare, and when he reached the front door, he stopped abruptly.

  Lu Sangqi frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

   Sure enough, the Gu worms advanced and retreated, with the intention of retreating.

  The Saintess of Southern Border also saw it, and increased the dose of the medicine, and the alluring fragrance made the Gu worms stop.

  (end of this chapter)

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