Chapter 1825 Promise

   Slowly move forward at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

  After adding medicinal materials three times, and the medicinal materials were about to be consumed, I barely saw the Gu worm move.

  Cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the Nanjiang Saintess. The old lady next to her was about to take the blood of the county king, but was suddenly stopped by the Nanjiang Saintess.

The Nanjiang saint raised her head, looked at the eldest princess, moved her lips, and said, "Your Highness, you promised me a request earlier, and I want to confirm that as long as you don't touch the interests of the family, it will be fine, right? "

   "Yes." The Eldest Princess heard that she meant to make a promise, and said it very bluntly: "If the saint can cure Xiao Yi's illness, I agree to your terms, and I will never go back on my word."

   "...Your Highness, okay, I will try my best."

   "No matter what I do next, I hope Her Highness the Eldest Princess can help hide it. If Your Highness agrees, I..."

  When the eldest princess heard it, she said without any hesitation, "Okay, I promise, I will definitely not spread the word."

  The Nanjiang saintess seemed to have made some decision, and suddenly asked the old woman to hand her the dagger.

  The old woman was startled and wanted to persuade, but she didn't know what to persuade, especially in front of the eldest princess, she could only wink at the saintess of Nanjiang behind her back.

  Nanjiang saintess shook her head lightly: "I have made up my mind."

   As he spoke, he put the dagger on his finger and made a cut. When the blood dripped into the copper box, a special aroma that was more attractive than before came out.

I saw the Gu worm who was still lingering on the wrist and was unwilling to leave, as if smelling some deadly food, ran forward without hesitation, I saw a Gu worm who couldn't see what species suddenly came out of the flesh. popped out.

  Xiao Shizi's body trembled subconsciously in pain, and the Gu worm that was about to move forward also stopped.

  Lu Sangqi quickly stabbed down, and at the same time he calmed down, the Nanjiang Saintess squeezed in blood again.

   With a bang, the Gu worm jumped into the copper box. The old woman had quick eyesight and quick hands, and closed the copper box with a bang. The copper box vibrated for a while before quieting down.

  The eldest princess saw this scene, and stood up in surprise: "Is it all right? Xiaoyi's body..."

  Lu Sangqi hurriedly gave Xiao Shizi acupuncture to stabilize his condition.

Here, the Saintess of Nanjiang wiped the sweat from her forehead and said, "Your Highness, Gu worms have come out, but Xiao Shizi's body has been seriously deficient over the years. Although it needs to be raised for many years, it is not life-threatening at all. Just now thing..."

   "I will do what I promised." The eldest princess finally felt relieved at this moment. Thinking of the **** act of the saint in southern Xinjiang just now, she was surprised, but at the same time she was not prepared to do anything.

  Seeing the gaze of the Saintess of Southern Xinjiang looking at Lu Sangqi.

  The Eldest Princess understands what she means, and has already pointed out: "Saint, don't worry, little doctor Lu came to the house, and he promised me that he would not speak nonsense to the outside world."

  The Saintess of Southern Border moved her lips and forced a smile: "I believe in little doctor Lu's character."

Lu Sangqi had long expected that he would get involved. When he thought of the captured Southern Xinjiang witch doctor, he was not worried. Unless the Southern Xinjiang witch doctor was useless and everyone in Southern Xinjiang decided to turn their faces and be ruthless, they would not attack him. of.

  Lu Sangqi said: "Saint, don't worry, I know what to say and what not to say."

  Nanjiang Saintess looked at him, but said nothing.

  Lu Sangqi stayed at the mansion to see the doctor for Xiao Shizi, always paying attention to his condition.

  The eldest princess sent someone to send a letter to Lu's Medical Hall.

  (end of this chapter)

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