Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 1857: Princess Wei Saiyan is pregnant

  Chapter 1857 Princess Wei Saiya is Pregnant

   "Really?" Zhang Zhonghai said meaningfully: "It seems that you need to apologize to Master Chu."

   "How about I take you there myself?"

   Zheng Lin couldn't figure out what Zhang Zhonghai meant, but he couldn't refuse the idea of ​​apologizing.

  He originally wanted to climb up and borrow the power of the Qi family, but now he was involved in such a trivial matter and became an abandoned child of the Qi family, and he regretted it in his heart.

   Even the bit of self-motivation that finally appeared is gone.

   "Okay, I'll go right away." Zheng Lin wiped the sweat from his forehead, pretending not to see the contempt in Zhang Zhonghai's eyes.

  He knows very well that whether he can keep his official position is still a problem, not to mention the promotion this time.

   In the prison.

  When Chu Heng interrogated the news from the woman and learned that the plot came from the Qi family, although he couldn't find conclusive evidence, he could only implicate some people who helped him.

  Chu Heng cut off these outstretched hands decisively, and at the same time, wrote an excerpt to Emperor Xuanming.

  After dealing with these matters, the yamen servant at the door walked in and told Chu Heng that Zhang Zhonghai was here.

  Zhang Zhonghai is a minister after all, if this is not where Longwei is, he cannot be stopped.

  Chu Heng washed his hands coldly, and went out to meet him.

  Seeing that Chu Heng wants to talk to him in the teahouse.

  A deep meaning flashed in Zhang Zhonghai's eyes, and he cooperated very unexpectedly.

   At the same time, he also took Zheng Lin with him.

  The three entered the private room.

  Zhang Zhonghai took the initiative to lift the teapot and poured Chu Heng a cup of tea.

   smiled: "Master Chu, I have heard about today's incident. No, I brought Zheng Lin here to apologize to you. He is too impatient to cause you trouble."

   Zhang Zhonghai's words, even Zheng Lin, understood that he wanted to clear his suspicions and didn't want to offend Chu Heng on the surface.

  Chu Heng just smiled and said nothing: "Master Zhang, you are being polite, it's just normal office work, it's not a trouble."

  Sweat was dripping from Zheng Lin's forehead.

  The subconscious meaning of Chu Heng's words was that he did not forgive him.

   "Lord Chu, it's the lower officials who don't do things properly." Zheng Lin took the initiative to stand up and apologize.

  Chu Heng just glanced at it, didn't take the teacup, and said: "Your Majesty Zheng, you don't need to say too much."

  Seeing this scene, Zhang Zhonghai could only wave his hand and let him sit down.

  Zheng Lin sat slumped on the spot, sweating profusely on his forehead, unable to taste his food.

  Chu Heng looked at Zhang Zhonghai, "Master Zhang is looking for me today, it shouldn't be such a trivial matter?"

  Zhang Zhonghai was not sure of his true thoughts, not sure whether the trivial matter he was talking about was really trivial.

   Or is it that Chu Heng really doesn't mind?

   "Master Chu has said so, and I will not hide it." Zhang Zhonghai laughed twice: "I don't know what Master Chu thinks about this business deal with Beirong."

   "This matter is naturally decided by the emperor." Chu Heng picked up the teacup, took a sip, his eyes were indifferent.

  Zhang Zhonghai was not angry at his refusal, as if from the bottom of his heart, he persuaded: "I heard that Qi Shangshu is very concerned about this matter."

   "Regarding the dispatch of officials, it is Qi Shangshu's official business." Chu Heng didn't answer, and he didn't reveal any thoughts.

  Zhang Zhonghai was very dissatisfied at being so slippery that he didn't say a single useful word.

  But after all, he has been with Chu Heng for a long time, so he has already made mental preparations.

  A seemingly friendly reminder: "I heard that Princess Wei Saiya was diagnosed as pregnant."

   "Lord Qi is very happy now, after all, Prince Qi's offspring are not too rich, and he doesn't have an eldest son now."

  (end of this chapter)

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