Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 1858: drink medicine

  Chapter 1858 Drinking medicine

  Chu Heng didn't know that Zhang Zhonghai wanted to watch the tigers fight from a distance, and maybe he could take advantage of it behind his back.

   After all, he wanted to see the Qi family fight against him, so that he could solve two opponents without spending a single soldier.

   "Since it's a happy event in Prince Qi's Mansion, the lord must have sent congratulatory gifts there?" Chu Heng threw the question back.

  Zhang Zhonghai's smile froze for a moment, "Master Chu is right, but the month is still low at the moment, we outsiders, how can we break this happy event, it's unlucky, naturally we have to wait for the Qi Palace to hold a wedding banquet, and then send a congratulatory gift."

   "Master Zhang is right." Perhaps it was because Chu Heng refused to enter, or even saw through his plan, Zhang Zhonghai no longer had any patience, and after a few perfunctory words, he turned and left.

   Zheng Lin looked at Chu Heng with a gray face, and smiled bitterly: "Master Chu, what happened today is indeed the fault of the subordinate officials."

  He wanted to say something to beg for mercy, but seeing Chu Heng's indifferent face, he couldn't say anything.

   After leaving, he silently sent the medicinal materials to the Chu Mansion.

  Chu Heng hurried back home.

  The backyard is very quiet, Ziluo and Nuanbao are recovering from their injuries.

  Even meals are used alone.

  When Chu Heng returned to the backyard, he didn't hear any sound, his lips were pursed into a straight line, he raised his feet and strode in, and saw Ye Muyu lying on the bed, sleeping peacefully.

  He moved lightly, walked over and sat down by the bed, stretched out his hand to tidy the quilt, and touched her forehead.

   After watching silently for a while, Chu Heng got up and left the room.

  Sumei waited outside the door with a few maidservants.

   "Have you taken your medicine?"

   "What about dinner?"

  It's not too late for him to come back now, it stands to reason that it was time for Ye Muyu to eat in the past.

  Sumei: "After taking the medicine, Madam said she wanted to rest for a while, and have dinner after you come back, Master."

   "Then go prepare and cook some porridge." Chu Heng ordered carefully.

  Sumei nodded. In fact, the big kitchen has already prepared a lot of food, and it can be delivered directly if I order it now.

   "Are you feeling sick today?"

   Seeing him asking this question, Sumei knew she couldn't hide it, so she nodded honestly: "I still had a high fever in the afternoon, so I didn't eat anything at noon, but I drank some chicken soup in the afternoon."

   "Well, pay more attention to Ziluo and Nuanbao." Chu Heng instructed.

  The servants in the mansion were a little trembling at first. If something happened to the family members, the master might be furious.

   Unexpectedly, although the master seemed really difficult to approach and was in a bad mood, he didn't lose his temper indiscriminately. Instead, he only asked everyone to be more careful and keep quiet.

  Sumei nodded hurriedly, and went down to order things to be done.

  Ye Muyu felt in a daze that there was a big hand on her face, and gently touching it made her feel very comfortable, so she rubbed it subconsciously.

  A soft sigh was heard inadvertently.

   But she was so sleepy that she fell asleep again at some point.

  When Ye Muyu woke up, he saw the lights in the room, rubbed his eyes, and realized that it was dark.

   "Ah Heng?"

   "Are you awake?" Chu Heng, who was sitting on a soft couch not far away to deal with official business, heard the voice, stood up, and strode over.

  Ye Muyu was helped up, touched his forehead, and tugged at his sleeves fawningly: "Hey, my head doesn't hurt at all, it seems that the medicine is quite useful."

  Chu Heng didn't answer, just said: "Eat first, then drink medicine after eating."

   "Then can I drink the medicine first?" Ye Muyu asked cautiously.

  Although I am hungry, I have no appetite.

  (end of this chapter)

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