Chapter 1891 Opening a shop

  Adding a small vest is enough.

  His hair is also black and straight, soft to the touch, and shoulder-length, and is packed into a single bun and tied up.

   "Mother." Chu Ziluo came in.

   smiled and handed her the sachet in his hand.

   "This is a sachet I embroidered recently, and there are mosquito-repelling medicinal materials in it. Isn't my brother the most likely to be bitten? Try it and see if it works."

  Ye Muyu reached out to take it, looked at it, the embroidery on it was very beautiful, and the craftsmanship was very mature at first glance, and she was a little proud: "My daughter is awesome, this embroidery skill is getting better and better."

  Wearing the warmer on the belt around his waist.

  Chu Ziluo smiled happily: "Mother, just as long as you don't dislike her."

   "You have done a lot better than me." Ye Muyu praised without hesitation.

   "Nuan Bao, come, tell mother, thank you sister." Ye Muyu taught Nuan Bao word by word.

   Nuan Bao spoke clearly, but a little slowly. She held the sachet in her hand and looked at it curiously for a while, then bent her eyes at Chu Ziluo: "Thank you, sister."

   "Oh, you're welcome." Chu Ziluo couldn't help reaching out and rubbing his head, eyes full of love.

   "By the way, mother, are you planning to open a shop?" Chu Ziluo asked.

  Ye Muyu was surprised: "Ziluo, how do you know?"

   "I guessed it because I heard that there were guests visiting the house in the afternoon, and I found out it was shopkeeper Tang." Chu Ziluo scratched her head in embarrassment.

   "However, you sometimes look at the account books with shopkeeper Tang. You may not be opening a shop, so you want to ask."

  Ye Muyu nodded when she heard the words, and asked her back: "What's wrong? Do you have any ideas?"

   "I also want to try to open a shop." Chu Ziluo said honestly, "I have been studying housekeeping with my mother for this year, and managing the shop will also be put on the agenda in the future."

   "I want to learn more."

"Since you want to learn, I will definitely support you. Are you going to learn from me, or from shopkeeper Tang, or you can choose a manpower yourself, and I will give it to you." Ye Muyu thought about it for a while, and then she felt free to let her do it. .

   Now that Xiao Jin has been out in Hangzhou for so long, he is much more independent than at home before. At some point, his relationship with Master Zhou got better, and he blocked several calculations.

  The case in Nanjiang almost implicated him this time, so Ah Heng interrogated the news in advance.

   It's just that the transmission of letters is too slow, and I don't know what's going on there.

   Because of these things, Ye Muyu realized that the children are not safe. No matter how many people are arranged around her, they are not as capable as themselves, and self-protection comes quickly.

Seeing that Ye Muyu didn't stop, Chu Ziluo agreed, and his eyes rolled with joy, "Mother, I want to open a jewelry shop. I made a lot of money for the design of Yonghe Clothes Shop, but I want to buy another one." There are not enough shops."

"I want to borrow a hundred taels of silver from you, and pay you back in half a year. If I have a hand, I'm welcome. I need you to give me a shopkeeper." with a pause.

  Ye Muyu listened and nodded: "Well, that's good, since you already have an idea, then follow your own idea."

   "Sumei, go get a hundred taels of silver."

   "Slave is going now." Sumei couldn't help smiling.

  Chu Ziluo hugged Ye Muyu's neck coquettishly: "Mother, you are so kind."

   "You girl, managing a shop is very hard."

  (end of this chapter)

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