Chapter 1892 Reminder

   "Besides, if you don't have special features, you may not be able to drive it. Mom is not hitting you. In short, if you really need help, just tell mom." Ye Muyu said worriedly.

  Chu Ziluo smiled sweetly, and did not refuse her kindness: "Mother, don't worry, I will definitely find you if I need it."

   "Well, don't be too tired."

  Chu Ziluo breathed a sigh of relief, but she became even more fighting spirit.

   After dinner, Ye Muyu played with Nuan Bao for a while before going to see medical books.

Chu Heng came back late at night, and when she arrived at the break time, there was no one there. Knowing that he would not come back, Ye Muyu yawned, took a pen to write down the opening of the pharmacy, pressed the paper on the coffee table, and then got up Go next door to wash.

  When Chu Heng came back, there was only a small oil lamp burning on the soft couch in the room. Under the dim light, it seemed that he was waiting for someone's return.

  Chu Heng changed his clothes and washed off the **** smell on his body before entering the house.

  Crossed the screen, squatted beside the bed, looked at Ye Muyu who was sleeping under the thin quilt for a while, reached out and touched her cheek, bent down and kissed her forehead, then got up and returned to the soft couch.

  Chu Heng had just sat down when a secret message came in.

  He read the secret letter, and it was impressively written about the miscarriage of Deng Jieyu in the palace. The concubine involved was a South American.

   It's just that after Chu Heng slowly rolled up the paper and lit it, he hesitated. Did Qi Zhaoyi really do it?

   You know, Deng Jieyu was never pregnant again in her previous life.

  However...Deng Jieyu was suddenly favored, which changed her trajectory, and pregnancy is also possible.

  No matter what the facts are, in short, the next two days will probably be lively again.

   Qi Shangshu will not just watch and do nothing.

  As well as the matter of going to pick up King Huainan and Prince Beirong, it was brought up in the early court yesterday. Any of the four adult princes is eligible, but who will go depends entirely on Emperor Xuanming's will.

   All the courtiers are fighting for this holy will.

   Now that Qi Zhaoyi has an accident, the possibility of King Qi will decrease.

  Chu Heng tapped his finger on the table lightly, and after the secret letter was burned out, he slowly looked down at Ye Muyu's letter on the table.

  After reading the content, a smile slowly overflowed on Chu Heng's majestic face.

  The whole person is in a relaxed state.

  Take out a white notebook from the summer vacation, pick up a pen and write the content on the notebook.

  It is impressive that the government offices in various places are allowed to teach the people how to grow medicinal materials.

  At the same time, potatoes need to be spread all over the court again this year.

  Ye Muyu also prepared the donated potato seeds.

   Early the next morning.

  Ye Muyu woke up, and found that the bedside was quiet, and she was the only one. She yawned and sat up depressed.

   Rubbing his eyes, seeing that it was getting late, he was sure that Chu Heng had already left.

   After snorting a little unhappy, she put on her shoes and asked Sumei to come in and help comb her hair.

   "When did the master leave?"

  Sumei: "Leave before dawn."

  Ye Muyu muttered: "Why did you come back later than the dog and leave earlier than the chicken?"

  Sumei's eyes are on her nose, her nose is on her heart, and if she doesn't answer her words, only the madam dares to describe the master like a chicken or a dog so recklessly.

  However, thinking that the master will not be angry after hearing this, I can't help but feel yearning for this kind of feeling.

   After breakfast, Ye Muyu continued to go to Lu's Medical Center to see a doctor.

  Come back in the afternoon.

  (end of this chapter)

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