Chapter 1899 Picking up cheap

  The people on both sides of Qi Shangshu and Deng Taifu directly quarreled in the court.

  Chu Heng didn't care about anything, even if he was called out, he didn't get involved at all.

  Both sides saw that Chu Heng didn't help anyone. Although they both had resentment, they also knew that it was the best at the moment. It was better to be neutral than Chu Heng's side.

  Teacher Deng grabbed Deng Jieyu and acted pitifully.

   Qi Shangshu repeatedly argued that the matter had nothing to do with Qi Zhaoyi.

   There was a lot of trouble.

  In the end, after the early court, there was no dispute. As for the matter of meeting King Huainan and Prince Beirong, it fell on King Rong Li Chongjin somehow.

   Take a look at the early morning.

  Chu Heng prepared to leave the palace as usual.

  Suddenly Qi Shangshu stopped him behind him: "Master Chu, let's go together?"

  Chu Heng waited for him to approach, and the two walked out of the palace side by side.

   Qi Shangshu walked for a while, seeing that he was stunned and didn't speak up, he couldn't hold it back, so he took the initiative to speak out.

   "Lord Chu, what do you mean the Deng family has united with the queen?" Qi Shangshu made a very obvious test.

  But this time the two sides fought, Li Chongjin profited entirely because Emperor Xuanming was bored, and the current Chief Assistant Zhong Ge took advantage of the situation to propose the name of King Rong.

  Being stunned because of this, King Rong took such a big advantage.

   Qi Shangshu and Deng Taifu obviously turned green with anger.

  Actually, even today, when the Great Prince and the Second Prince obviously do not have any ability and power to inherit the throne, there are only three princes in the court.

  Although the fifth prince is young, he has been raised by Deng Jieyu himself. The Deng family's thinking is also simple. The fifth prince can't do these things himself, but the Deng family can.

  After all, the Deng family was not as rich as the Qi family. The Deng family slowly got up because Deng Jieyu was favored. Even so, they didn't have much background.

  For King Rong, although the Lin family withdrew from the court, after all, Queen Lin's child, King Rong is still the son of Empress Yuan. From an orthodox point of view, although his competitiveness is weak, it is not without it.

   In this way, if the Deng family fights with the Qi family, isn't it the King Rong's profit?

  Chu Heng had long expected that Qi Shangshu would not be able to calm down.

  Hearing the words, his face remained unchanged, and he understood his hint: "Lord Qi, we don't know about the matter of the harem. It is really inappropriate to say such things."

  Qi Shangshu smirked, seeing that Chu Heng clearly understood and made excuses, but he didn't want to express his position, he was still as slippery as before.

  He smiled: "Master Chu, you are right, but, why is Mr. Zhong Ge so optimistic about King Rong? Is it because of what King Rong has done recently?"

   "I heard that King Rong often goes to the barracks for training recently."

   "I don't know about it either. I've been too busy recently, and I discovered some cases that need to be dealt with urgently."

   It was the first time that Chu Heng revealed about his handling of the case. Qi Shangshu was slightly startled, but couldn't stop his curiosity.

   "Oh? Master Chu is too busy recently, I don't have time to ask you, if you don't mind, just ask for help."

   "There is really one thing that needs the help of adults." Chu Heng did not delay this time unexpectedly.

  Qi Shangshu knew that Chu Heng would not show affection to him for no reason, or have a deep relationship with him, his eyelids twitched slightly, and he felt all kinds of precautions and guesses in his heart.

  There was a smile on his face: "Lord Chu, just say that if I can help, I will naturally not postpone it."

   "Recently, the officer is investigating a disappearance case, and I need to help investigate the household registration of these victims."

  (end of this chapter)

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