Chapter 1900 So it is

   "Originally, this matter did not need to bother the Ministry of Officials, but there were several victims who seemed to be the children of officials."

   When Qi Shangshu heard this, his eyes flickered.

  In fact, he has heard a little bit about it, knowing that Chu Heng is helping Emperor Xuanming investigate the case recently.

  However, the content of this case involved southern Xinjiang, so how could there be another victim?

   Is there any relationship between the two?

  Chu Heng is not worried about him thinking too much, on the contrary, he also hopes that his brain can be bigger, so that he can help himself.

   "Master Qi, will I disturb you?"

   "No, it's just a trivial matter. Master Chu just sends the list and promises to find out the identities of these people within a day."

   "Thank you." Chu Heng smiled, "Master Qi, please."

   After leaving the palace, he saw Chu Heng leaving in a carriage.

Qi Shangshu squinted his eyes, and was somewhat puzzled by Chu Heng's actions today. You must know that Chu Heng has never been so easy to talk on weekdays. It can be said that he is a difficult opponent to deal with. Besides, their relationship is not good. .

  If Chu Heng wants to help himself, it is absolutely impossible.

"grown ups…"

  Amidst several calls from the servants beside him, Qi Shangshu finally came to his senses.

  Squinting his eyes impatiently: "Take me to the Yamen."

   "Call someone to wait at the gate of the yamen. If Chu Heng sends someone over to make friends with something, remember to notify me immediately."

   "Yes, my lord."

   Qi Shangshu received the list sent by Chu Heng after half an hour.

  He immediately sent his henchmen to investigate the identities of these people and determine their locations.


  The subordinates he sent out to work hurried back.

  Seeing Qi Shangshu, he quickly handed him the contents of the investigation.

  Qi Shangshu couldn't wait to open it, and suddenly found that the people on the list that Chu Heng gave him were probably dead, and some of them might not even find their bones.

  Some were unable to determine their identities because they did not have specific portraits, and their lives and deaths were unknown.

The remaining 20% ​​of the people stayed in the capital, trying to survive, and these people, 60% of them have one thing in common, that is, they have entered the Ande Hou Mansion, and the death of these people seems to be related to Ander's death. It is related to Hou Fu.

  Besides that, the rest of the people are scattered and related to the houses of several well-known prodigal sons in the capital.

Thinking of Andehou himself who has been wandering all his life, even now in his sixties, he is still indulging in women's belly every day, eating meat and vegetables, and his only son, the current Xiaohou, is even more eccentric. He also has some special hobbies, but he only plays outside and never brings him home, and he is barely better looking than his own father.

   After reading these contents, Qi Shangshu still couldn't understand.

   I'm afraid it's the men and women who killed people, and the lives involved, according to Chu Heng, may be the children of some small officials' families.

  If it is normally brought into the mansion, it will be fine.

  But Anderhou had long been rumored to be playful in that matter.

   Dead bodies are often carried out.

  In recent years, very few women from good families have been sent to Ander's house.

  The reason is also simple, with so many dignitaries in the capital, and the Andehou Mansion, a down-and-out Marquis Mansion, maybe a small official will be tempted, but anyone with a little brain will not be infected.

  Andhou has no real power.

  The next generation is even less abundant, which is visible to the naked eye. When the next generation comes, the title will be hereditary and will only slowly decline.

   Then, these women who had accidents, I guess, really have some problems.

  (end of this chapter)

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