Chapter 1948 Banquet

  The woman's eyes became more and more crazy: "Why, when my whole family was bullied, why didn't you stand up and scold those beasts? Now, I can use my own hands to avenge, so why do you stop me?"

   "My lord, I misread you." The woman looked at him sadly, and slowly, a tear fell from the corner of her eye.

  When the tears slid down her chin, the emotion in her eyes slowly subsided, she could no longer see the slightest bit, she just looked back at King Huainan calmly: "My lord, this time, I want to avenge them with my own hands."

   As she spoke, she had an extra iron box in her hand. After opening it, a Gu worm was released from it and fed into King Huainan's body.

  The Gu worm disappeared in the blink of an eye.

  The shock in King Huainan's eyes became slack, and it took a while before his mind slowly regained consciousness.


  In the palace, the banquet was surrounded by hundreds of officials.

  Chu Heng took his seat in the Ministry of War, and after talking with familiar officials for a while, he became quiet.

   He was not familiar with the officials of the Ministry of War, and he did not take the initiative to approach. On the contrary, he kept looking around.

   King Huainan was not seen.

  He already had some guesses in his mind.

  Seeing that the time for the banquet was approaching, even the officials who had refrained from speaking before talked about the absence of King Huainan.

  Chu Heng glanced at a guard in the dark and made a gesture.

   Soon, the guards hidden in the dark disappeared.

  Chu Heng sat down and just took a sip from a cup of tea.

  Suddenly, a shout sounded, and it was Emperor Xuanming who came.

   All the ministers quickly knelt down and saluted.

   "I refer to the emperor, long live the emperor, long live, long live..."

  Emperor Xuanming's eyes were kind, and he couldn't see any clues at all, "Everyone loves you flat."

  When Emperor Xuanming walked to the upper seat and sat down, Deng Jieyu sat in the lower seat. Except for the empress, no other concubines were present.

   "Report, King Huainan is here..."

  This voice made all the ministers, who were already apprehensive, subconsciously look at the door.

   You know, Emperor Xuanming has arrived, and King Huainan has not yet appeared, so is King Huainan too courageous?

  In addition, King Huainan was in charge of the military camp officers and soldiers in the north, and many officials with bad attitudes turned pale.

   have speculated about the inside story.

  Emperor Xuanming was calmer than any minister, he smiled, and raised his hand to let King Huainan calm down: "Why did Aiqing come so late today?"

   "The emperor forgives the sin. Before entering the palace, I met a horse and had an accident in the downtown area. I went to solve it, so I was late." King Huainan explained apologetically, neither humble nor overbearing.

  Other officials: “…”

   I couldn't believe that King Huainan would use such an obvious excuse to declare Emperor Ming back and forth.

  For a while, the surrounding area was so quiet that a needle could be heard.

  Emperor Xuanming didn't seem to understand the perfunctory in Huainan Wang's words, and raised his hand: "No wonder I see blood stains on your clothes, Ai Qing, please take a seat."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty." After the salute, King Huainan turned around and sat down in the seat next to him.

  Because the atmosphere was a bit condensed, other officials did not dare to intervene, but it was Prince Beirong who spoke out and directly pointed out the matter of this cooperation.

   "Oh? Really? The items brought by your country this time are indeed rare in our dynasty. Since your country has the idea of ​​doing business, I also find it interesting. What do you think?"

  Qi Shangshu couldn't figure out the meaning of Emperor Xuanming's response on the spot, but he also knew that once the two countries signed a covenant, the interests of the trade would be insignificant.

  (end of this chapter)

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