Chapter 1949 Accident

  He didn't care about other things, and hurriedly said: "I think this is very good, and the business exchanges between the two countries are good for the people of the two countries."

  Other household officials also followed suit.

   When Grand Tutor Deng heard this, he was not willing to let go of such a good opportunity, so he followed suit: "Your Majesty, I believe that the trade between the two countries is a good thing for the country and the people, but the selection of officials is also very important."

  Emperor Xuanming did not respond, but looked at King Huainan: "What do you think of Aiqing?"

King Huainan hurriedly put down his teacup, and there was nothing unusual. Hearing the words, he hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, I also agree with this matter. Beirong trades grain, tea, porcelain and other items with the people of the Northland with cloth, which can solve the severe cold in the Northland. The hard life of the people can also make the people of Beirong full, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, so naturally there will be no wars."

"What Aiqing said is justified, and I feel sorry for the people and soldiers in the Northland. Fortunately, now that there are high-yield rice seeds, the lives of the people are better. Aiqing has been in the frontier for many years, can you feel this change?" Emperor Xuanming suddenly Change the topic to food.

  Many officials were puzzled.

   But there are also old foxes like Qi Shangshu, who immediately guessed that maybe Emperor Xuanming was testing Huainan Wang.

  King Huainan was stunned for a moment, and then nodded after a while: "What the emperor said is very true. Since last year, the lives of the people in the north have become much better. It is the blessing of my court and the wisdom of the emperor."

   "Of course I believe Aiqing's words."

  The two came and went. When it came to the Northland, although military power was not mentioned, food and trade with Beirong were sensitive enough.

   You know, King Huainan is an iron-blooded general with an army of more than 200,000.

  If there is food and grass in hand, it is easy to rebel.

  Prince Beirong also came back with King Huainan all the way.

  Who knows if the two of them have any contacts in private.

  Do not mention the secret thoughts of the hearts of the people.

  At the banquet, the wine and drinks passed by every ten days.

  In the capital.

   Suddenly something big happened.

  The quiet Ministry of Criminal Justice and Dali Temple both welcomed a group of 'victims', who sued several well-known officials in the capital for committing crimes, or indulged in sex.

  Even the female relatives of the almost official family were directly splashed with an unknown liquid by the emotionally unclear victim when they went out, and were seriously injured.

  Similar accidents occurred one after another in several urban areas.

  Officials above the third rank and above from the Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment all went to the palace to attend the banquet again.

  So, by the time the yamen reacted, it was already too late.

  When Ye Muyu heard the news, he was having dinner with Nuanbao and fed him custard.

  Chu Ziluo's scars on her face have also fallen off recently, and she can finally touch some foods that she couldn't eat before.

  While the family was enjoying the delicious food, Sumei walked in quickly and told the news in Ye Muyu's ear.

  After Ye Muyu listened, her hanging heart suddenly let go.

  She had been feeling uneasy before, and her instinct was not to go out, but she didn't expect something to happen.

   "Mom, what's wrong?" Chu Ziluo asked suspiciously.

   Seeing that Ye Muyu had no intention of hiding anything, Sumei repeated the news to Chu Ziluo.

   "Which ones are there?" Chu Ziluo asked nervously.

  Sumei didn't think much about it, and said: "I heard that there are female family members of the Shangshu family of the Ministry of Punishment, the female family members of the Andehou Mansion, and the female family members of the Shangshu family of the Ministry of War..."

   There are still a few remaining companies, all of which are somewhat involved with these high officials.

  (end of this chapter)

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