Chapter 1977 Hands-on

Everyone in the Ministry of War knows that Hu Hua has strong connections and belongs to Mr. Xiang, but he is a real civil servant. In the Ministry of War, he has always relied on Xie Zhao as his trump card. Although people feel angry, they can still use him no way.

  In the past, Xie Zhao only listened to Hu Hua.

  Now he suddenly accepted Zhou Tianqi's challenge.

  If Xie Zhao is defeated by Zhou Tianqi.

  Maybe Hu Hua may not be able to sit in that position.

  Of course, these people only dare to discuss in private, no matter how displeased with Hu Hua, they will not offend Hu Hua in front of him.

  When Hu Hua heard the news, his face suddenly became ugly.

   He was unceremoniously slapped in the face by Zhou Tianqi in the morning.

   Now Zhou Tianqi wants to step on him again.

   It's too rude!

  Hu Hua is not a generous person, on the contrary, he is stingy and caressing.

   Shen Sheng sternly ordered his subordinates to go down and bring Xie Zhao back!

   "Lord Hu, I have a way to deal with Zhou Tianqi." Zhou Rong came over at some point and spoke to him meaningfully.

  Hu Hua knew that the relationship between the two was not good, so he didn't suspect anything, and asked, "What is the solution?"

   "Master Hu, come here, let me tell you."

   Zhou Rong lowered his voice and offered Hu Hua a suggestion.

   This suggestion is also very simple, let Hu Hua frame Zhou Tianqi.

  Nowadays in the capital, the guards are on a shift system, and Zhou Tianqi will also be responsible for guarding the soldiers at the gate.

   Just need to get Zhou Tianqi involved with the people from Beirong.

  Regardless of whether it is true or not, at this sensitive time, once it is reported, it is impossible to satisfy the emperor.

  Then, Zhou Tianqi's competitiveness will be gone in an instant, and he can be arbitrarily arranged for a crime of collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country, so that he can be sent to prison.

  Hearing this, Hu Hua's eyes lit up.

   "Master Zhou has a better idea." Hu Hua praised him generously.

   Zhou Rong smiled, seeing Hu Huayi move, a dark light flashed in his eyes.

Although Hu Hua is stingy, he is not a smart person, but he has a characteristic that he will not show up in person when he does anything, let alone this kind of thing, he only needs to arrange people to do some tricks when Zhou Tianqi is on patrol. , for him, there is no harm at all, so naturally he doesn't worry too much.

  Hu Hua is planning to attack Zhou Tianqi.

   Zhou Rong stared at Hu Hua and took the opportunity to attack Hu Hua.

  However, neither of them felt that Zhou Tianqi could escape from their arrangements, and they didn't pay much attention to what he was doing for a while.

   While Zhou Tianqi and Hu Hua were fighting against each other in the Yamen.

   While not forgetting to collect evidence in private.

  His movement is not obvious, no one even notices.

  Everyone's attention was drawn to his apparent conflict with Hu Hua.

  Although Zhou Rong has been looking for someone to watch him in order to ensure the success of the plan.

  But Zhou Tianqi knew the little Jiujiu in Zhou Rong's heart a long time ago, but he just followed the trend.

   These times.

  Chu Heng has been busy in the Ministry of War.

   Ye Muyu, following Tang Dongfeng, has selected more than a dozen people to form a caravan, and this caravan will be responsible for collecting medicinal materials in the future.

  Ye Muyu was lucky, the people he was looking for were veterans.

   I used to run a business.

   It’s just that because he met bandits on the way to run a business, many brothers in a team died, and this person was unwilling to run a business again.

   But if you don’t run a business for a long time, and your family has no money and food, it won’t last long at all.

  Now I have no choice but to find odd jobs at the pier, carrying bags every day, and my income is only twenty or thirty yuan, which is really little.

   In addition, family members are sick and need more money.

  (end of this chapter)

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