Chapter 1978 Business

   Now that Tang Dongfeng came to him, he wanted to hire Xing Wu to be in charge of the caravan again.

  Xing Wu saw a lot of moon silver, and finally agreed.

   Gained such a familiar hand.

  Ye Muyu is very satisfied.

   After all, it takes time to train novices.

   And in this caravan dedicated to medicinal materials, Ye Muyu personally selected the new hands. Let Xing Wu help train these hands first, and then they can be responsible for other teams.

  Talents are trained, and there will be enough people to use them in the future.

   After the caravan determined its route, it was the first time that it set off with the Du family's caravan.

  Ye Muyu sent the caravan away.

   At the same time, I was still struggling with one thing.

   "We still need more doctors." Ye Muyu looked at the content of the plan in the notebook, and found that the money invested in the shop in the early stage was secondary, and the most difficult thing was the lack of talents.

  There are not enough doctors, and the pharmacy cannot be opened.

  Tang Dongfeng listened, thought for a while and said: "Otherwise, if we increase the monthly silver, more than the local people's monthly silver, there should be doctors who are willing to come to the medical clinic."

   "It's not enough either."

   "We need to train doctors ourselves." Ye Muyu regrets that there is no school at this time, and all scholars are studying the Four Books and Five Classics. Craftsmen like doctors basically rely on family inheritance.

  Sometimes the juniors in the family are unwilling to study medicine, and may have cut off the inheritance since then.

   "It's too late to cultivate now." Tang Dongfeng pointed out the problem.

   After all, the medical clinic is to be opened directly.

   "So I'm going to hire doctors locally first, and then find some people who are interested in medical skills, and then stay in the medical center to do odd jobs and study. Over time, there will be more doctors." Ye Muyu said.

Tang Dongfeng looked a bit tangled: "Ma'am, your idea is fine, but there is a problem in it, those doctors may not be willing to teach strangers, even if they give money, the other party will not be willing, unless it is a lot of money, but that is completely More than our cost."

   "Did you forget? Lu Sangqi has a lot of medical skills." Ye Muyu said with a smile.

   Tang Dongfeng thought for a while, and then understood what she meant: "You mean, are you willing to show these medical skills to the other party, and then let the old doctor teach those young people how to learn medicine?"

   "That's right, not only old doctors can read our medical books, but also the young people we want to train can have a copy." Ye Muyu doesn't mind promoting more knowledge.

  Although not all doctors who study medicine are good people, only by promoting education can we get more talents.

   As for monitoring the people below, that's another matter.

  As long as she doesn't cause trouble for the shop, she doesn't mind if the other party has some stubborn habits of not wanting to share medical skills.

   Tang Dongfeng heard this, and couldn't help sighing: "Madam, since you are not reluctant at all, then let's do this."

   "Well, I will let people print books here, and I will come and get them when I need them."

  Ye Muyu is not going to send it to a bookstore for printing.

  The main reason is that the prices in bookstores are not low.

  She plans to send someone to print it herself, and the reason is simple. Her own printing cost is very low, and she just sent a lot of oily ink from her hometown a few days ago.

   There is ink, paper, and printing, and it can be done by only one person.

   In addition to this, it can also promote fume ink.

  Nowadays, the bookstores in the capital are full of soot and ink.

   But she is not very famous after all, she decided not to send the books in the bookstore to be printed, but to take care of them herself.

  (end of this chapter)

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