Chapter 2013 Overseer

   Maybe it will really affect the reputation of the bookstore, and then affect the reputation of your own adults.

  The reason is also simple.

  Most of the content in the agricultural book was reviewed and approved by the adults.

  If it is really questioned on a large scale, it is easy to cause other troubles.

"Since some of you feel that there is something wrong with the contents of the book, come here now and explain the problem clearly. I will record it for you here, and then I will check the situation of your fields in your home. Then, I invite you, students, to be witnesses. How about helping to verify and find out the reason?"

  After the shopkeeper’s words fell, a servant came over immediately, carrying the desk, paper, ink, brush and inkstone over.

   Several men want to continue to make noise.

   but lost the best opportunity.

  Continuing to argue casually will only make the passers-by feel that they are looking for trouble on purpose.

   Several people looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

  The shopkeeper acted resolutely.

   Immediately closed the door of the bookstore, and asked someone to write down the reason, and put a notice outside the door, so that only the scholars who came to the bookstore would know about it.

  The reason why the shopkeeper can make this decision immediately is because of the welfare prizes sent from the Chu Mansion yesterday.

  There are some fresh vegetables and fruits inside.

  The shopkeeper is in charge of this matter, so we can know that the output of the owner's Zhuangzi is very good, and it is all according to the book.

   At this time, the content written in the storytelling book is suggestive, but after all, it is a sold agricultural book, and the authenticity cannot be faked, otherwise it will easily lead to conflicts.

  The shopkeeper gained confidence, and felt that other people must have deliberately made mistakes in other places, so that there would be different results.

  In short, the content of the book is true or false, and the owner Zhuangzi has already given the result.

   Now what he has to do is to take this opportunity to prove it!

   Taking advantage of the trend can also help your own adults become famous!

   This is why he hired some students as witnesses.

  Of course, these students are relatively clean in identity.

   This news was really spread out like this. At that time, many students in the capital knew about it and were a little curious.

   But the result will not come out so quickly.

  Some students held a poetry meeting with the theme of agriculture, which was extremely lively for a while.

   This side.

  In the Yonghe clothing store, some troublemakers also came.

   There are also Yonghe Restaurant, Yonghe Jewelry Shop and Cake Shop.

  Ye Muyu is drawing design drawings on the house.

   She marked out some details on the design drawing, and even focused on every data. The person who gets this drawing can build a corresponding house according to the above content.

  She heard the news in the afternoon.

   Hearing the words, let several shopkeepers handle it according to their own ideas, and did not see them.

  When the shopkeepers of several shops heard this, they immediately realized that this was just to test their abilities?


  After a few shopkeepers discussed it.

   Responded decisively, using different methods to solve the trouble.

  Ye Muyu drew for two days, and finally finished the design.

  She put on some makeup in the morning, put on men's clothes, and went out with a few guards.

  She is going to be the supervisor herself.

  The carpenter and others have already found them.

  The manager in charge here is also an old man under Ye Muyu, and he is very skilled in his work.

  Seeing Ye Muyu approaching, he hurriedly brought tea and water, "Ma'am..."

   "Call me the second housekeeper." Ye Muyu said immediately.

  The steward nodded quickly: "Second steward, these craftsmen have arrived, and they have already demolished all the places that can be dismantled."

  (end of this chapter)

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