Chapter 2014 Changes

  The wood and so on have all been transported back, and materials are available immediately if needed. "

   "Well, very good, now let's repair it according to my requirements." Ye Muyu walked in, and there was a group of craftsmen standing in the shop with the roof removed.

  After the steward introduced Ye Muyu's temporary identity.

  These craftsmen have no doubts about her identity.

   After listening to Ye Muyu's request.

  Not only is the construction of the first floor a little strange, but also the luxurious second floor. After all, many details are different from the current one.

  Some old carpenters heard this and felt that this was a nonsense.

  But he didn't dare to say anything in front of Ye Muyu.

  The steward also had some doubts in his heart. If another person came, he could still speak out directly.

   But now Mrs. Ye Muyu came to ask for it in person.

  The steward is very clever, even if he is wrong, he can't tell it!

   "Everyone starts working, don't stand still and waste time, you can start working." The steward yelled, and a group of craftsmen began to work.

  Ye Muyu did not leave.

  In some special places, she also needs to be the supervisor herself.

   There are also issues such as size.

  Maybe it was because she used her identity well at the beginning. When ordering these craftsmen to work, although some carpenters thought these "innovations" were nonsense.

   But he didn't dare to say anything in front of her.

  Only during the break, I complained to my own people.

  Although Ye Muyu overheard it once or twice by accident, she didn't say anything.

  The reason is simple, as long as the group of people are obedient and do their job well, as for questioning, it doesn't affect what she has to do.

  Ye Muyu just started her busy days.

  Because she is caring.

  I spend less time at home during the day.

   Even so, she did not forget to study medicine.

  This afternoon.

  Ye Muyu is studying medicine with Lu Sangqi.

  The servant next to Lu Sangqi hurried over.

   "Master, the old man is back and is looking for you urgently."

  Lu Sangqi raised his eyebrows: "What does the old man want from me?"

   "The old master just came back from the palace. He didn't say the reason, but only said that he wanted to see you, young master."

  Lu Sangqi pondered for a while, and felt that there should be something really wrong. If not, the old man wouldn't be in such a hurry to call him back.

  After talking to Ye Muyu, Lu Sangqi ordered the servants in the clinic to take good care of Ye Muyu, then turned around and left, and returned to the mansion.

   Just returned to the house.

   I saw Doctor Lu drying the medicinal materials in the yard.

   "Grandpa, what do you want me for?" Lu Sangqi sat down on the stone bench and watched the old man busy.

   Lu Yizheng has gray hair, but looks good.

  Only this time, he frowned, looked at him for a while, and suddenly asked: "I heard that you are good at medical skills in southern Xinjiang?"

   "And then?" Lu Sangqi raised his eyebrows.

   "The emperor asked about you today." Doctor Lu was stretching out his hand behind his back, with a thoughtful expression on his face, with his hands behind his back, he turned around on the spot: "What do you mean by this, Your Majesty?"

   "Didn't you hear that envoys from Southern Xinjiang came to Beijing recently? Maybe the emperor wants to send doctors to learn the medical skills of Southern Xinjiang?" Lu Sangqi took a sip of tea and said.

   Doctor Lu was stroking his beard and shaking his head: "It's not that simple."

   "Before the matter of King Huainan was so big, I don't know who the emperor sent to check the body of King Huainan, and I don't know whether it has been confirmed whether King Huainan was poisoned."

   "And recently the emperor's thoughts are unpredictable, even the Pingan pulse, the emperor does not see a doctor on time."

  (end of this chapter)

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