Chapter 2015 decision

  Speaking of this, Dr. Lu is having some headaches. The reason why he can achieve the position of doctor is not only because he is old and has good medical skills, but also because he is the emperor's man.

  Although the emperor is not young now, he has been in good spirits before. According to Lu Yizheng, he can live for another ten years without any problem.

  Of course, that's also because Emperor Xuanming has been cooperating with watching the Ping'an pulse, and also cooperating with treatment when he is sick.

   Don't shy away from diseases and avoid medical treatment.

  However, too many things have happened recently, and Doctor Lu is always a little uneasy.

   "Grandpa, you rushed me back today just to talk about this?" Lu Sangqi said dissatisfied.

   Doctor Lu was so angry that he hit him with a stick.

   It's just that the strength is not heavy, and Lu Sangqi didn't even hide.

  Seeing this, Doctor Lu couldn't help but sighed.

   "You child, you have been staying in the capital all these years, and you are not too young. Should you promise grandpa to find a suitable wife?"

  Lu Sangqi acted as if he hadn’t heard it. He took a sip from his teacup and then stood up and walked out: “Grandpa, there are still many patients in my shop, so I won’t talk to you.”

   "Stop for me, the girl from the Ye family will come to see you in a while." Doctor Lu stamped his crutch angrily.

   Lu Sangqi only left him a back view, and waved his hand: "Grandpa, then I will leave it to you to entertain."

   After speaking, the person walked away.

Doctor Lu was so angry that his chest fluctuated and he had some headaches. He calmed down when he was far away, and said a few helpless words: "You child, if you don't calm down, you will be in danger if you enter the palace in the future. .”

  Ye Muyu was busy building a shop.

  I also heard about what happened in the capital recently.

   King Qi was sent to southern Xinjiang to resolve the matter in southern Xinjiang.

  The prince of Beirong also took the opportunity to request to return to China as soon as possible.

  But Emperor Xuanming refused, and said that the trade between the two countries needs the support of Prince Beirong.

  The atmosphere on both sides was momentarily stagnant.

  Qi Shangshu and others even stated several times in the court that they would send people to deal with the trade between the two countries.

  Chaozhong goes to the morning court every day, and it can make trouble.

   On the contrary, Chu Heng had a much better life.

  In addition to continuing the reform of soldiers, he did not get involved in these two matters. Basically, his opinions on these political affairs were similar to those of Elder Zhong Ge.

  So that, after a long time, some officials speculated that Mr. Zhong Ge had a close relationship with Chu Heng.

  Chu Heng did not explain anything to the outside world.

  As I used to communicate with Mr. Zhong Ge, I will continue to communicate with Mr. Zhong Ge now.

  Elder Zhong Ge is even more so.

  He was not influenced by public opinion at all, he did what he had to do, his political views hardly changed, and he seemed a bit stubborn.

  But because most of the time, his political opinions were approved by Emperor Xuanming, and for a while, Zhong Ge's reputation became more and more famous.

   Just half a month passed when Ye Muyu went to the shop to oversee the work in the morning and studied medicine in the afternoon.

   And this time.

  Chu Jin also went to sea with the caravan.

  Chu Liu and Chu Zhiwen finally decided not to return to the capital for the time being. Now their hometown takes good care of the shop, guarding the old house by the way, and they can also help Chu Zhang’s wife take care of the children.

  Chu Cai’s family is in the capital.

  Chu Zhang was in a hurry, and it would take a year or two before he returned from a sea trip. Finally, under the auspices of his uncle Chu Lin, he married the county magistrate's girl.

  Plus Chu Zhang's daughter-in-law is pregnant.

   I can’t travel long distances to the capital, so I can only stay in my hometown first.

  (end of this chapter)

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