Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 2074: Li Mingde Li Shuang father and son

  Chapter 2074 Li Mingde and Li Shuang father and son

  Where ordinary people have the opportunity to come into contact with these.

   Not to mention firing kilns, every year Da Chu earns a lot of money by exporting porcelain.

  In ancient times, there has always been a saying that the disciples of the church starved to death of the master, and this is not unreasonable.

  In the same first place, if the purchasing power of the people is too low and the demand is low, this phenomenon will naturally appear.

   "In this case, let the two of you help repair the cave first."

   Liu Ye said.

  Lu Chuan and Liu Ye have the same idea, and decided not to disturb Ye Muyu's rest. Anyway, the cave dwelling has not been repaired yet, and he doesn't need his wife's advice for the time being.

   "Follow me." Lu Chuan walked forward with Li Mingde and his son.

  When I arrived at the kiln repairing place, I made it clear to the craftsmen who were working, and these people also welcomed Li Mingde and his son.

  After all, repairing a house and firing a kiln are two different things. If professionals come to give advice, you don’t have to worry about problems with the repaired things.

  Lu Chuan also stayed and built an earthen kiln together.

   Half an hour later.

   It's time for lunch.

   There is an hour for lunch at noon.

  The two cooks invited had already brought the cooked meals to the dining hall.

  The dining room is very large, and there are some long tables inside. One table can seat twenty or thirty people, and four wooden tables are enough.

  The strong men and craftsmen working here have long been used to it.

  When they heard the sound of the gong, they all stopped, went to the water tank to wash their hands, and then took the bowls and chopsticks and went to cook.

Lu Chuan took Li Mingde and his son: "These are the bowls and chopsticks you will use for eating in the future. Take them by yourself. After you finish eating, put them in the lockers in the rest room. Each of your lockers has a number over there." With the name, and the copper lock, you usually have some valuable items, put them in there."

   "Working here, the meals are different every day, but it is absolutely guaranteed that you are full."

"Today's lunch is three dishes and one soup. I made shredded pork with green peppers, stir-fried chrysanthemum chrysanthemum, minced meat with vermicelli, and egg drop soup. Of course, if you don't like soup, you can also choose drinks. The weather is hot recently, and most of the time it's sour plum soup. Relieve the heat."

Li Mingde nodded repeatedly after hearing this. He was a little surprised just to hear that there was meat in the names of these dishes, but he didn't expect too much. While he was working in the cellar, he didn't eat very well.

  What he values ​​more is still working for the family, and he can get more than one tael a month.

  Li Shuang was a little pleasantly surprised, and said sweetly, "Don't worry, Mr. Lu, my father and I will do well."

   "Yes." Lu Chuan is not a talkative person either.

   First took them to get a private locker, then took the bowls and chopsticks, and went to the cafeteria.

  The people working in the cafeteria are all lined up.

  Lu Chuan also queued up, and didn't mean to jump in line.

  Li Mingde was a little surprised. He thought that Lu Chuan was in charge at such a young age, so he must be valued by the master, so he could go to the side to eat alone.

  The fact is that this is beyond his expectation.

  He thought of the meaning of the other party leading him here, and said a little nervously: "Guard Lu, I already know how to eat, so I won't hinder you."

"I eat here too." Seeing that he had misunderstood, Lu Chuan didn't want to say more at first, but thinking of his wife's emphasis on talents, he patiently explained: "Everyone eats here on weekdays. If you need to eat alone For small stir-fries, you need to pay the cook for extra money."

  (end of this chapter)

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