Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 2075: Sour plum soup

  Chapter 2075 Sour plum soup

   "However, the daily meals are enough, so there is no need to buy more."

  Lu Chuan was tall and tough, and because of his high status in martial arts, no one else dared to make mistakes.

  Li Mingde was more in awe of him. Seeing him explaining forcefully, although he was not kind, he was not such a treacherous villain, so he became more at ease.

  He nodded quickly in response to express his hard work.

  At this moment, Li Shuang's eyes widened suddenly, and the eyeballs almost stuck to the bowl carried by the strong man passing by.

   "Dad, look quickly." He was not very old, only seventeen or eighteen years old, and stretched out his hand to squeeze Li Mingde's arm.

   Li Mingde followed his son's gaze, and was a little surprised, because the food was very solid.

  There are quite a lot of shredded pork on the bright side. It looks both color and flavor, and it is very fragrant. You are willing to add oil and seasoning to have this taste.

  In fact, there are not many seasonings, only soy sauce and bean paste, there is nothing missing.

  Of course, I will not be reluctant to put oil, so that the taste will be very good. Now the people of Dachu still mainly use soybean oil and lard.

  Although beans are cheap, they are not easy to extract oil, let alone lard, after all, even pork is not cheap.

  Even the people living near the capital are not particularly well off. Of course, compared with some remote areas, the people here have no problem with food and clothing.

   Soon, it was the turn of the three of Lu Chuan to eat.

  Lu Chuan ordered three steamed buns, but the sweet potato rice was less. He usually eats more, and the steamed buns make him feel fuller.

   Li Mingde and Li Shuang only ordered 80% full meals according to their own appetites.

  Li Mingde thinks so. Although Guanshi Lu just said that he is full, but he has just arrived, so it is not easy to open his stomach to eat. If the host thinks that he eats too much and feels dissatisfied, it would be good to fire him.

   Lu Chuan accompanied the two of them to dinner.

   Not to mention that Li Shuang ate with his head buried in his mouth, that would be a satisfying meal.

   When Liu Ye brought Ye Muyu's food in, she saw Ye Muyu sleeping peacefully, not waking up.

  She looked at the food hesitantly, fearing that the lady would lose her appetite when it got cold.

  Because all the meat is delivered from Zhuangzi, and the pigs raised at home are all squashed, grow fast, and have no smell, so cooking is usually a combination of soybean oil and lard.

  Although the temperature is high in summer, lard is not easy to condense, but the taste is not very good when it is cold.

   "Ma'am." Liu Ye walked over and gently called Ye Muyu to get up.

  Ye Muyu rubbed her eyes, opened them, and stretched: "How long have I been asleep?"

   "It won't be long, just over half an hour." Liu Ye hurriedly brought the basin to wash her hands, poured tea, and rinsed her mouth.

  Ye Muyu washed his face and hands before sitting down at the dining table, took a sip of tea and rinsed his mouth. It was hot and he just woke up with no appetite.

   I drank some sour plum soup first.

  The sour plum soup was specially taught by Ye Muyu to the cook in the house to make it.

  The cook I brought here this time is also one of them.

   After brewing, put it in a well and freeze it. Ye Muyu also put ice cubes in it. It tastes very appetizing.

   "Well, by the way, have Zhu San and the others been idle recently?" Ye Muyu asked after taking a sip of sour plum soup.

  Liu Ye was at the side, eating together with him, and nodded when he heard the words: "Usually, when Zhu San and the others have nothing to do, they go around looking for short-term workers. Even in our garden, there are Zhu San's subordinates."

  When choosing eyeliner, Ye Muyu has seen it all.

  (end of this chapter)

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