Chapter 2121 Argument

  Even the old scholar couldn’t help thinking, if this content was written in a serious article, it would be great.

  Don't mention the thoughts in Baiguan's mind.

  Chu Heng stood up and saluted Emperor Xuanming.

  Received by Emperor Xuanming raising his hand, he asked in a neither humble nor overbearing manner: "Master Zhang, I don't know the script of this story, what's the problem?"

"My lord Chu, don't think that the emperor will use you so much that you will act boldly. I wish the entire court would follow your ideas!" Zhang Yushi seemed angry, but in fact he was thoughtful, and calmly applied eye drops in front of Emperor Xuanming. "In this storybook, it is obviously biased towards the poor student Wu Wulang, and although Yan Sanlang has a bit of arrogance, he is also capable. In the narration, he criticizes Yan Sanlang for being inferior to Wu Lang in various ways. Can't it be explained that Master Chu thinks that If I come from an aristocratic family, can I not compare to a poor family?"

   "Master Zhang, this is just a storybook." Chu Heng was not in a hurry, not at all anxious, and even coped with it with ease.

  He said such a simple sentence.

   It made Zhang Yushi's cheeks flush with anger, and he wished he could do it directly.

   "Master Chu's words are wrong. Although this is a storybook, it touches on the imperial examination. It cannot be written in the first place. It is inductive. It is a bad reading material and should have been banned." Zhang Yushi choked.

  Chu Heng thought about it: "Master Zhang, does it mean that the imperial examinations are no longer allowed in folk scripts?"

   "It is not allowed to write misleading imperial examination content, not to mention that the words in Master Chu's shop are obviously biased." Zhang Yushi argued.

"Master Zhang, I understand, but the bias you said must be because Master Zhang himself is too sensitive." Chu Heng even explained to him with a smile: "This book is just to compare the different situations of two students. , the follow-up content written should not be too biased."

  Chu Heng almost didn't say that he, Mr. Zhang, felt like Yan Sanlang, so he was extra fussy about it.

   "Master Chu doesn't admit it? Just say here, since Yan Sanlang's poems are excellent, and Wu Lang's tends to be simple, why is it that Wu Wulang won the first place in this poetry society, and Yan Sanlang didn't get the first place."

  Chu Heng looked like I couldn't remember the contents of the book: "Master Zhang, can you show me the scriptures? Really, I've been too busy recently, so I haven't had time to study the contents of the scriptures."

  The implication is that Zhang Yushi is too idle, and these days he has devoted himself to researching scripts instead of doing his job.

  Zhang Yushi was so angry that his face was ashen, but for the purpose, he squinted his eyes and gave him the notebook.

Chu Heng looked at it for a while with his notebook, and said after a while: "Well, I understand, Mr. Zhang, let's look at this. The owner of the garden party said at the beginning that there was a poet in ancient times. The industrious people are working hard, so they express their feelings and want to write a poem on agriculture, right?"

   Zhang Yushi was asked by Chu Heng pointing to what he had written. Although he felt that something was wrong, he had no choice but to admit it. He could only nod his neck: "Not bad."

"Since it was written because of the hardworking people's work, then it is natural that the poems are close to the people's work, which is more in line with the meaning of the title." At this moment, Chu Heng didn't need Zhang Yushi to answer, so he smiled without warmth. He continued on his own: "Yan Sanlang's poems are good, but they are only superficial."

  (end of this chapter)

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