Chapter 2122 Irony

"I even asked about the source of Yan Sanlang's inspiration later, saying that he went to Zhuangzi to see the work of long-term workers and expressed his feelings, calling for food to be cherished. In the whole article, Yan Sanlang didn't know where the hard work was. It only involved work. often, and the hot weather makes it very tiring."

"And Wu Wulang's poetry talent is not as good as Yan Sanlang's. This is not denied in the story book. From the test, Yan Sanlang's grades in this subject are worse than that of Wu Lang. It can be seen that the author is also a fair and just selection .”

"But this time, Wu Wulang won the first prize. Mr. Zhang only needs to read his poems to understand." Chu Heng said, and suddenly smiled, "However, Mr. Zhang has studied for so long, but he has not produced any poems. What's so good about Wu Wulang's poem is probably because he doesn't understand farming, so he can't understand it."

  His last sentence, it can be said, directly slapped Zhang Yushi in the face.

   Pointing to his nose, he said that an official like him doesn't know how to grow the land, so why would he talk about farming.

   "You..." Zhang Yushi didn't expect Chu Heng to be so courageous, he dared to mock himself in front of the emperor: "Lord Chu, please don't change the subject and make excuses."

"Your Majesty, I heard that this scripture was written by Mrs. Chu's wife. How can a female family member write such poems? It must be Mr. Chu who wants to help, so she vents her dissatisfaction with the court through the script." Zhang Zhang Yu Shi knew in his heart that when he argued with Chu Heng about the content of the script, he definitely couldn't argue with him.

After being questioned by Chu Heng for a few sentences, he suddenly realized that the contents of this scripture had definitely been carefully considered. He couldn't find too many loopholes, but he only needed to catch one sentence. Chu Heng used this scripture to He can attack Chu Heng by creating conflicts between the children of the poor family and the children of the aristocratic family!

"Your Majesty Mingjian, this book is indeed written by my wife, but I dare not admit to the charges of impeachment of Mr. Zhang. This book is just admonishing scholars not to only focus on the content of the book, but also to focus on practice. Mr. Zhang made a groundless accusation, and I am wronged." Chu Heng retorted back.

  Emperor Xuanming listened to the two arguing.

  Ask other officials for advice.

  Since Qi Shangshu called Zhang Yushi to go into the water to deal with Chu Heng, when he was asked at this moment, he naturally had to express his opinion, saying that what Chu Heng said in the book was indeed somewhat controversial.

And Zhong Ge touched his beard, and said in a spirited way: "Your Majesty, I am busy with official duties on weekdays, so I don't think there is any problem with this book. Besides, the content behind it has not been published yet, so it is not easy to say anything. It is better to wait and see." Come out with all the scriptures and talk about it?"

   "The ministers also think so." Most of the royalist officials are not from some big families, and there are even more students from poor families.

  Naturally follow the boss, not expressing his position, nor favoring anyone, for fear of being implicated.

   "In this case, let's wait until the scriptures are finished." Emperor Xuanming said.

Zhang Yushi was a little reconciled, and pretended to snort coldly: "Your Majesty, you don't know something. There are students today. I suspect that Lord Chu arranged for someone to change the content of the script. The content of the matter will be discussed at that time, and there is no evidence."

   "Master Zhang, as the censor, shouldn't he be impeached with evidence in hand?"

  (end of this chapter)

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