Chapter 2146 Open a shop

   "Is there a problem with my preference for my wife? Ziluo will naturally have her husband's preference in the future." Chu Heng retorted casually, too righteous, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with his idea.

  Ye Muyu choked and stopped talking, because she actually thought so in her heart.

  However, she felt that it was not good to speak so bluntly to her children.

   Doesn't this make the child angry?

  If she didn't know that Chu Heng is not a person who likes to joke, she would have suspected that Chu Heng was deliberately teasing Ziluo.

Chu Ziluo saw the eyes of her father and mother with her own eyes, and her heart was so sad. When she heard her father's words again, she had to say that she was very envious. She also wanted to find a husband who favored her, but she hadn't found one yet. It's really hard to be alone!

   "Father, I got it." Chu Ziluo was thinking a lot in his heart, but tried to keep calm on his face, and decided to be an adult who didn't change his face.

   "Well, Ah Yu, try looking at these ribs." Chu Heng was very satisfied with his daughter's eyesight, and he did not forget to share it with Ye Muyu after eating delicious food.

  Ye Muyu saw that the food in the bowl was full, and she didn't need to pick up food.

  But because every time I ate with Chu Heng, I was used to being fed, and I didn’t think there was any problem, so I fed the food into my mouth, nodded, and said, "You eat too."

   After dinner, Ye Muyu saw that Chu Heng was with Nuan Bao, so she went into the house, took out the title deed box, opened it, and picked out a few shops that were still vacant.

   "Look, these shops are still vacant under the mother's name, and the location is good. If you are not satisfied, then look elsewhere."

  Chu Ziluo was not polite to her, sat down and carefully selected.

In the end, I chose a shop in the west city. It wasn’t too big, but it was in a good location. It was on the main street, not far from the road in the palace. Basically, the officials who went to court would go to the first street when they came out. It can be said that every inch of land is worth every inch of gold.

   After all, being close to the palace also means being close to the houses of dignitaries.

  Especially those nobles and high-ranking officials of the palace, all live in the area outside the palace. Although Ye Muyu and his houses are also here, they are all at the end, and there is a distance from the palace.

   But at least in the inner city.

Most of the officials' houses are in the outer city or even further away. They go to court every day, and they probably have to get up at two or three o'clock in the morning. rank.

  Of course, the house in this good place will not be sold, it is all in the hands of the emperor.

  The emperor rewarded his courtiers with houses, not just talking about them. If there is no good house, how can he reward it.

Of course, if the officials in these houses are ransacked, they will return to the emperor, waiting for the next time to reward the meritorious officials, and go back and forth. Therefore, it is said that accompanying the emperor is like a tiger. Things that go in are not uncommon in every dynasty and generation.

   "Are you going to take the noble route?" Seeing her, Ye Muyu chose this shop without any hesitation. After thinking about it for a while, she came up with this guess.

Chu Ziluo nodded: "Mother, that's right, the jewelry I sold in the ready-to-wear store has already gained some reputation, but after all, the store mainly sells ready-made clothes. To be honest, you have too many ideas, my mother. Jewelry has become a foil, although the wives and ladies are quite satisfied, but they can't be unique, let alone the reputation of my jewelry."

  (end of this chapter)

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