Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 2147: The joy of raising a baby

  Chapter 2147 The joy of raising a baby

   "Let's just say that there are several famous jewelry shops in the capital. The jewelry I sell can't compare with those from these shops." Chu Ziluo spread his hands helplessly.

"You want to make a name for yourself and become a time-honored jewelry brand in the future." Ye Muyu understood as soon as she heard it. She just wanted to be her own brand, but it had been hidden under the reputation of a tailor-made clothing store before. It is not conspicuous anymore.

   No wonder Ziluo wanted to set up a separate shop.

  After all, the ready-to-wear shop is now there. Since the Gao family’s shop was taken down when they dealt with the Gao family before, it has become one of the most famous clothing shops in the capital.

  From the one-of-a-kind dresses made of dyed cloth dyed with various high-quality dyes, to parent-child clothing, and woolen sweaters that became popular later, people in the capital love and hate Yonghe Garment Shop.

  I don't want to take care of the Chu family's business.

  But the products produced by the Chu family's ready-to-wear shop are very good, and there are many officials who have no grievances with the Chu family. Naturally, these ladies and ladies in the back house are willing to buy them.

  When there are too many people, there will be a craze. Those who have grievances with the Chu family can't go out to participate in the banquet and be compared.

  Under such circumstances, Yonghe Tailor Shop has become the object of pursuit of ladies and ladies in the capital.

   Naturally, under this kind of brilliance, jewelry is suppressed.

   "That's right, you can think of this question, which shows that you have understood one of the essences of doing business." Ye Muyu praised without hesitation.

   Isn't it.

  If you want to grow big, you have to develop your brand. Otherwise, no matter how good the product is, there will be a limited amount of business, and there is no way to ask for a high price.

Establishing a brand is different. Let customers form a subconscious feeling that the jewelry of this brand is good, so they can grow bigger and bigger. At that time, she has working capital, and if she wants to innovate or break through, she will have financial support. Healthy business cycle.

"You take the deed from this shop, and we will follow the normal lending rules and write an IOU." Seeing the seriousness in her eyes, Ye Muyu knew that she didn't like to play tricks, so follow the rules, this child Probably even happier.

  The fact is true.

  Chu Ziluo waited to read the contents of the loan, and did the math. She only needs to repay fifty taels a month. According to ten years of repayment, and then counting the interest, the total price is about six thousand taels, which is also the normal market price of the shop.

  She only has more than one thousand taels of silver in her hand now. She originally planned to buy a small shop in the north or south of the city.

   But now that there is a better choice, even if there is more interest, she is not willing to be wronged anymore. After all, the geographical location of the shop also adds some invisible value to the jewelry in the shop.

  She decisively signed her name and pressed her fingerprint.

"Mother, since according to what you said above, the collection and repayment will only start next month, then I will pay it next month." Chu Ziluo thought that the jewelry shop needed a lot of gold and silver, and she had to It is estimated that it will cost a lot of money to decorate the shop.

   Now save as much as you can.

  Fortunately, there are still some stocks in the ready-to-wear shop. She only needs to design a few pieces of high-quality jewelry, which will be used as a signboard for this opening, and that's enough.

   "Okay, naturally follow the rules." Ye Muyu said with a smile.

  Although she spoke so strictly, she was very relieved to see that her daughter did not reject her. She really didn't want her to help and wanted to work **** her own.

  (end of this chapter)

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