Chapter 2185 Envy

  The voice is moving, the eyes are black and bright, when looking up at him, there is praise and admiration.

  Chu Heng's heart was sore, he stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms, kissed her on the tip of her nose, and said in a muffled voice, "You won't blame me for doing these things, putting you and the children in danger?"

Ye Muyu put an arm around his waist, looking at his eyes full of trust, "Ah Heng, how can you say that, I will always believe in you, have you ever heard of a saying? The best defense is offense, If we are weak, we will be bullied by others, and only when we become strong will no one dare to touch us."

   "And I am willing to accompany Li during this process." Ye Muyu buried her head in his arms, snuggling and trusting.

  The conflict in Chu Heng's heart dissipated instantly because of what she said.

  With a wife who always supports him, what more can a husband ask for.

   "Ah Yu, thank you."

  Ye Muyu just tightened his strength to express his attitude.

   Waiting to appease Chu Heng, Ye Muyu saw that it was getting late, and quickly stood up straight, with reddish ears: "Let's go out quickly, don't let the second brother and the second sister-in-law wait."

   "Yes." Chu Heng went to wash up first.

  Ye Muyu went out to entertain the Wang family first.

  In the evening, they eat fresh vegetables from Zhuangzi. Because they have their own greenhouse, the dishes in Chu Mansion will never worry about lack of ingredients.

   Mrs. Wang and several children were very satisfied with the meal.

   Wait until the meal is finished.

  Chu Heng called to stop Chu Cai alone, and talked to him for a while in the study.

  Ye Muyu asked Mrs. Wang about the shop at home with concern.

  Ms. Wang was very grateful when asked by Ye Muyu: "Thank you, third brother and sister, if it weren't for the stewed spices you gave, the business in my shop would definitely not be so good."

   "Because the price is flat, many men who work in the northern city are willing to eat in our shop. The business is so good that they can consume all the ingredients prepared every day."

   "This is the second sister-in-law's own hard work. Besides, I also took a share, but the money is for nothing. Don't thank me." Ye Muyu and Chucai's family pay attention to their brothers.

   After all, help the needy, not the poor.

   Instead of watching Wang's turmoil because he can't be idle, and because of the high prices in the capital.

   Simply came up with a stewed pork recipe and asked her to open a small shop in Beicheng.

  Although the business is not as good as that of a big hotel, it is still no problem to earn more than ten taels a day.

   Calculated, there are three or four hundred taels a month.

  In Beijing, there are many rich people, but their lives are ordinary, and there are many well-off people, but their lives are not so luxurious.

   After all, the gap between the rich and the poor in Beijing is quite large.

   But one hundred taels is enough for Chucai's family, and the surplus can last for a month.

  This still takes into account the monthly financial expenses of several children in the family, as well as the servants raised by the family, etc.

  The remaining taels of silver can be saved for other plans.

   This is just the income of a shop.

  At the beginning, Ye Muyu taught the Wang family to take the low-key way of making money. Although the business in the shop was good, he never revealed his wealth, and the helpers in the restaurant were all bought by his own people.

  Because the unit price is so low, many people can't imagine that a restaurant in Beicheng can earn hundreds of taels a month.

   No wonder Mrs. Wang was so grateful to see Ye Muyu now.

"Well, third brother and sister, many people outside are talking about the third brother." Knowing that she was about to leave, Wang couldn't help but wink at her: "It's unexpected that the third brother is so infatuated. Brother and sister, you are blessed."

  (end of this chapter)

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