Chapter 2186 Idiot

   "Second sister-in-law, you are the same, second brother is also very good to you." Ye Muyu had already guessed that Mrs. Wang would come today, and she stopped talking for so long because of the content in today's official newspaper.

   Now that the other party finally asked, she felt that this was normal.

  So very calm.

  When Mrs. Wang left, she was fooled by her reaction.

  Walking on the road, I couldn't help sighing to Chu Cai next to me: "Look at the third brother, he has always been so kind to the third brother and sister, and the third brother and sister are very calm about the family rules that the third brother said today."

  Chu Cai didn't hear what she meant, and nodded honestly: "The relationship between the third brother and the third sibling is really good."

  Wang Shi: "..." Why is her man a piece of wood!

   Can't even say a nice word?

  Chu Cai rolled his eyes at Wang, and was still a little confused.

   "What did the third brother tell you just now?" Mrs. Wang hated iron and steel, so she ground her teeth and changed a similar topic.

Chu Cai thought for a while, and after all, according to the habit, he told her everything, without hiding it: "The third brother told me about his recent situation, and then told me that he has been sending people to protect our family, but for the sake of To prevent us from being deceived by others, he will remind us, so as not to be unguarded when meeting others."

   "Do you think I'm you?" Wang complained discouragedly. She had completely given up. If she wanted to let her honest and dull man say something nice, it would be better to have a dream sooner.

  Chu Cai didn't have the nerve to refute, he was really kind-hearted, and he wouldn't think of everyone as bad.

He accepted his wife's eyes blankly, and scratched his head suddenly, "Oh, I remembered, the third brother also said that the family rules he mentioned in the official newspaper are the rules of his house, after all, we separated long ago Nope."

"... Oh." Wang was so angry that her lungs hurt, and she glanced dangerously at the man beside her, thinking unceremoniously, otherwise, she should make this stinky man ugly, and then he won't be able to enjoy it Blessings of man!

Then I heard Chu Cai say something slowly: "However, I think the third brother has always done things reasonably. The concubine and the concubine are the source of disaster for the family. How many good and rich families lose all their money because of the fighting between the concubine sons of the first line. My family will be ruined, I might as well make more wooden furniture."

  Wang's expression distorted for a moment, followed by a smile, and patted his shoulder: "I also think that the third brother's actions make sense, otherwise he would be so capable, you can learn from him very well."

  Chu Cai also nodded in agreement: "I knew you would agree with me."

   "Who in the clan doesn't thank the third brother? Maybe in a few years, there will be some scholars in our clan. It's a pity that our generation is too old to learn."

  Ms. Wang was secretly happy in her heart, but she didn't make it clear on her face, but she walked much more briskly.

  Let Chu Fu see something.

   But he also cleverly pretended not to see it.

   After all, my family's conditions are better than some of my classmates in the school.

  He didn't want to be so old, and his own father made a concubine younger brother.

   Early the next morning.

  Ye Muyu took advantage of the fact that the wives of the various prefectures in the capital were still thinking about not visiting.

   I went out and went to the pharmacy first.

  When she walked in the door, she saw Lu Sangqi in the seat, seeing a patient. She smiled meaningfully.

   "Sang Qi, why do you have time to stay here recently?" Ye Muyu walked over and asked intentionally.

  (end of this chapter)

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