Chapter 2270 Trust

   "However, the Ministry of Household Affairs did not have money to allocate funds for local repairs, so the Yamen has been responsible for selling and distributing." Chu Heng said neither humble nor overbearing.

  Emperor Xuanming squinted his eyes, walked two steps in the hall with his hands behind his back, turned around and asked, "Chu Aiqing, is there a way to make the official newspaper develop further?"

"Your Majesty, I suggest that the official newspaper yamen should be established separately. After all, there will be demonstrations in the local area. Moreover, the content of the official newspaper in the capital, there is another content that needs to be responsible for the local official newspaper yamen officials, such as It takes time for some criminal cases, or even big cases, to spread to various places. If the government is allowed to control it, I am afraid that there is not enough manpower, and it is easy to lose authenticity in this area. If it is not handled properly, it may cause resistance from the local people .” These are all brought about by the inconvenience of transportation.

  Chu Heng thought about it a long time ago. He didn't say it before. It was to persuade Emperor Xuanming to open an official newspaper office. Naturally, he said something good.

   Now, he is not stupid, he will definitely seize this opportunity to promote the official newspaper Yamen.

   "This statement is reasonable." Emperor Xuanming heard it: "What is the content of your official report to the Yamen recently?"

   "Your Majesty, winter is coming soon, and I am going to announce how to plant cotton in the official newspaper. I have another idea about this matter, and I need to discuss it with the Emperor first."

"What idea?" Emperor Xuanming looked at him, obviously in a better mood than before. Compared with those who fight for their own interests, he naturally prefers Chu Heng who directly comes up with a solution. As long as this person doesn't Betrayed himself, so what if he gave him glory.

Chu Heng said: "Your Majesty, I have investigated the situation of the soldiers and common people in the Northland, and the soldiers will not say anything. Every year, they lack food, grass and clothing. This year, since potatoes and high-yielding rice seeds were planted in the Northland, the harvest It’s not bad, and what needs to be considered are cotton coats to keep warm.”

   "In the past, the Ministry of Households has always paid out money to the soldiers of Da Chu for military supplies. This year, there are other ways to earn this money."

   "In the past, the official newspapers have always taught the people to grow some crops. Now is the time to let the people open up wasteland to plant some cotton next year. With the guarantee from the imperial court that they will buy cotton at market prices, there must be some people who are willing to plant it."

   "In this way, there will be more cotton in Dachu in the future, and naturally, the price of cotton clothes will also drop."

"To buy cotton clothes, you need to open a workshop, which is under the control of the court. Over time, so many people will not suffer in winter. I have already figured out how to publicize the cotton planting in the official newspaper." Chu Heng Speaking of this, I presented a fold.

  Emperor Xuanming felt happy after reading it. As long as there are no accidents, the people all over the world will be grateful to him as the emperor.

  Chu Heng is indeed a wise man.

   "Okay, let's do this, you go to spread the news."

  Chu Heng nodded, and under the satisfied gaze of Emperor Xuanming, he lifted his foot and left.

   And after he left, he didn't see it.

  Emperor Xuanming called other officials into the palace to discuss.

  In the end, the attitude shown was obviously that Qi Shangshu was dissatisfied, and beat other officials who wanted to take action against Chu Heng.

  Five days later.

  The content of today's official newspaper is to publicize the plan to plant cotton.

  The people who bought the newspaper were a little surprised when they saw the news.

   "You can only use wasteland for planting, not fertile land. Is cotton easy to grow? What if one species doesn't survive."

  (end of this chapter)

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