Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 2271: build a factory

  Chapter 2271 Building a factory

   "It shouldn't be difficult to read what's written in the newspaper. You just need to take care of it carefully. But if the court guarantees that it will be charged at the market price, it's a way to get money."

"Yeah, I have a lot of family and little land. I usually don't spend much time farming in the village, so I can only come to the county to find work. If I can grow cotton, I can plant two or three acres of land according to the above calculation. You can earn three or four taels a year!"

"I usually work in the county, and I only earn four to five hundred yuan a month. I don't have any work in winter. I work for half a year at most, and it's only two or three taels of silver. This kind of cotton is not bad, and I can take care of it at home. child."

   "Do you really believe the yield per mu mentioned above? Can there be so much? You must know that the wasteland is reclaimed, and there is no fertility at all. If there is not so much yield per mu by then, wouldn't it be game over."

   "Look, here is a method of fertilizing land, is it really useful?"

   "Really, just try it and you'll know."

   The voice of discussion was discussed among many people from the countryside.

  The people living in the city don't pay that much attention to this matter. Their own source of income is not farming, and they have long since ceased farming after so many years.

   But in comparison, in the whole of Dachu, the people in the countryside account for at least 80% of the population, and even the residents in the county towns all have land, so this news is still widely spread.

   It's just that, compared to growing cotton, the method of burning fertilizer is obviously more exciting to the people.

   There were people discussing for several days.

at the same time.

  Emperor Xuanming also arranged for officials to go to other places to build factories after his morning court.

  At the same time, the factory built also has a paper mill.

Toilet paper and cheap book paper are also very profitable. Because Emperor Xuanming forcibly arranged them. Although there are officials in the court who oppose them, there are also many royalists and neutrals. interests are touched.

  Some of the aristocratic families themselves made their fortunes by relying on high-end paperweights, so they are naturally reluctant to let go of their interests.

  Emperor Xuanming said to read and write for the people and make cheap paper. Even if these officials regretted it in their hearts, they could not stop his actions.

   Emperor Xuanming now has the hearts of the people!

   And most of the military power is in his hands.

  Even if the minister of the Ministry of War rebelled, the troops would not be strong enough to deal with him.

  The common people are indeed more satisfied with the emperor because of making cheap paper.

   And this time.

  Yonghe Bookstore, which opened a long time ago, also became popular. Basically, as long as the family has a little wealth, they all go to buy the corresponding books.

  Because the price of Yonghe books is not expensive, the content is especially suitable for beginners. Even books such as the Three Character Classic for reading also have pinyin versions.

  With the imperial decree promulgated by Chu Hengrang Emperor Xuanming.

   No one really does pinyin business blatantly.

   This did not cause Yonghe Bookstore to make a lot of money. Just one month's turnover directly earned back all the capital.

  Of course, the reason why Yonghe Bookstore is so popular is that there are masters in it who teach some simple methods of pinyin and character recognition. Anyone who buys a book can go to listen.

   Therefore, after Yonghe Bookstore got on the right track, it was easy to make money.

At this moment.

  Qi Shangshu set off with Zhang Zhi, the servant of the household department, and went to the south of the Yangtze River for inspection.

   It's almost November now.

  It hasn’t snowed yet in Beijing.

   But it's already a little cold.

  However, it will be warmer if you walk from the capital to the south of the Yangtze River.

  (end of this chapter)

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