Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 610: go to the county government

  Chapter 610 Going to the county office

  Ye Muyu just came out of the wing room and was about to get up and take a shower.

  The person who came was the village chief.

  Li Youde didn't come in either, so he stood at the door and said, "Today the county will open a trial for Tang Bao's case, and both Xiao Jin and Zhang Cong need to go to the county government."

  Master Lin was taken to the county government that day.

   It was also because the two children were young that the county magistrate gave them time to relax.

  Zhang Shu hurriedly nodded and said he knew, he had already heard about it the day the Tang family returned to the village.

He was turning around to report the situation to his wife, when Li Youde stretched out his hand to hold him: "Don't worry, tell Ah Heng's wife later, some villagers will also go there later, gather at the entrance of the village, and set off together in a quarter of an hour .”

   "Okay, okay." Zhang Shu was relieved when he heard it.

  There are many people, so my wife is safe.

  Zhang Shu thanked the village head first, then closed the courtyard door, and went to report the news to Ye Muyu who was washing up.

  Ye Muyu was a little surprised, but also accepted it quickly: "Go and call Xiao Jin, Zhang Cong gets up, and Liu Hai will take us there later, you all stay at home."

   "Mom, I'm going too." Chu Ziluo quickly walked out of the wing room, she hadn't washed her face yet, she had just put on her clothes, and her hair was only half combed.

Ye Muyu spit out the mouthwash, waved Zhang Shu down to do something, then looked at her, and asked softly: "What are you going to do? Your brother must go too, or mother won't let him go. "

   "I'm worried that my younger brother will be afraid. That's going to court. Isn't mother afraid?"

"Mother is not afraid, mother still wants to protect your brothers and sisters." Ye Muyu stretched out his hand and rubbed her head, smiling gently: "Zi Luo is so obedient, mother is usually very worry-free, but this time I went to the county government office. I still don't know what's going on, my mother is worried that I won't be able to take care of Xiao Jin, and if Ziluo also goes, my mother will not be able to take care of him even more."

   "When the time comes, your father will definitely be angry when he finds out that I didn't take good care of you two, and I will also be sad that I didn't take good care of you two."

  Chu Ziluo suddenly covered her mouth and snickered: "Mother, don't be afraid, father will definitely be angry that we are disobedient and won't speak of you."

  Ye Muyu felt ashamed for a moment, "..." Was she being teased by her own girl?

   "Cough cough cough...Zi Luo, what nonsense are you talking about?"

   "Mom, I'm not wrong, dad only has you in his eyes, but my brother and I are very happy." Chu Ziluo smiled so happily that he hugged Ye Muyu's leg and acted like a baby.

  Ye Muyu felt that this topic could not be continued, after all, Ziluo was still young, she said decisively: "Father also likes you, but he wants you to learn well, so he is more serious."

   "Mother, I know." Chu Ziluo stuck out her tongue at her, and said, "My brother and I like our parents very much."

  Looking at the little girl's bright eyes, Ye Muyu's face was full of smiles, and he rubbed her face, "Ziluo, since you are going, let's go together."

   "But for a while, we need to spot Uncle Liu Hai and Uncle Han Zhuang. They are both very skilled. If something happens, run to them. It's more useful than running to your mother, you know?"

   "Mother, I want to be by your side... Mother is also very good." Chu Ziluo pointed at her opponent, looking at her eyes full of admiration.

  Ye Muyu's eyes were full of love, and she stretched out her hand to gently pinch her cheek: "Mother also hopes to stay by Ziluo's side all the time, but if Mother is not here, Ziluo's main thing is to protect herself and wait for Mother to come, you know?"

  (end of this chapter)

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