Chapter 611 opening

  Ye Muyu tidied up her clothes lightly, not to mention Ziluo's age, even Xiaojin is old enough to understand this, the most important thing is to protect herself.

  Chu Ziluo understood this, and after hearing this, she quickly nodded obediently: "Mother, I understand, I'll go and tell my brother."

   "Okay, after finishing speaking, go and change your clothes, and we are about to set off."

   "Understood, mother." Chu Ziluo ran fast.

  Breakfast, Mrs. Hu has already cooked, including sauerkraut buns and bacon buns, and some vegetable porridge.

   After a simple breakfast.

  Ye Muyu took Chu Ziluo, Chu Jin, and Zhang Cong into the mule cart, driven by Zhang Shu and Han Zhuang. As soon as they went out, they met Qian and Chu Xing who were going to the county together in a cart.

  Seeing Ye Muyu and the others, Mrs. Qian greeted happily: "Mu Yu, will you take Ziluo too?"

   "Bring me a lot of insight." Ye Muyu responded with a smile.

   Upon hearing this, Mrs. Qian thought, yes, if Chu Heng is admitted to Juren in the future, Ziluo's status will be greatly improved, and it must be good to have more knowledge.

   Soon, both families arrived at the entrance of the village.

  The rest of the villagers in the village have already arrived, only the last few households are left, and Ye Muyu's family is not too late.

  Chu Liushi also came, but she didn't bring anyone else, she was alone.

  Ye Muyu called her to come to his mule cart.

   Seeing that there was still room for the mule cart, Mrs. Chu and Liu came up and stuffed a small paper bag into her palm.

  Ye Muyu looked down, it looked like something filled with powdered medicine, her pupils shrank slightly, she was a little surprised: "Mom, what kind of medicine is this?"

"Well, laxatives." Mrs. Chu Liu approached her and whispered: "I'm always worried. Although there is nothing wrong with the Tang family these few days, I am always worried in my heart. If you put it on your body, you can protect yourself if you have a chance."

   "Mom, then I'll accept it." Ye Muyu didn't expect Chu Liu to think so far, but she was also prepared.

  Preparation is in the final analysis just in case and for courage.

   "Well, pay more attention."

   Soon, all the villagers gathered.

  Scattered, but there are forty or fifty people.

   Tang Wang and Tang Xueren also went to the county.

  Leave Tang Chuan in the village.

   Along the way, there are bullock carts of each family, carrying villagers to listen to each other.

  Most of them lived near the school, and those who were at home at the time needed to make statements.

   Half an hour later.

  A large group of people finally arrived in the county.

  The city gates in the county have been opened.

   However, the interrogation was more stringent than before.

   A large villager from Xingshui Village came in, which attracted the attention of the soldiers guarding the city gate.

  Check one by one.

  As soon as there were more people, the news of the trial of the murder case spread quickly.

   One spread to ten, ten to hundreds, most of the people in the county knew the news.

  When the people of Xingshui Village arrived at the gate of the county government office, some people from the county with good deeds had already arrived at the gate of the county government office.

  Chu Liu looked at the large number of people in his family, so he relaxed a little, and waited for a village head to find the yamen guard guarding the yamen gate and explain the situation.

   Soon Chu Jin, Zhang Cong, and some other children at the scene asked to be taken into the county government.

  Chu Liu was a little anxious.

  Ye Muyu had expected this to happen a long time ago, and glanced at Han Zhuang beside him. He nodded to show that he understood, and then disappeared into the crowd.

  Ye Muyu breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this. If it wasn't for Han Zhuang, a skilled helper, she wouldn't be relieved.

   "Third daughter-in-law, the children just go in like this? Can we just stay outside?"

  (end of this chapter)

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