Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 612: Xie Yu for help

  Chapter 612 Xie Yu for help

   "Mother, don't worry, we can't get in, this is a requirement of the law, we can only accept it."

   "Little Jin and the others will be brought into the lobby from there for questioning later, please pay more attention."

   "Okay, okay." Chu Liu knew that it was useless to be anxious at this time, so he could only try his best to calm himself down.

   This feeling of being oppressed by the power made her feel unwilling, but now, she was more worried, and her eyes were fixed on the side door, impatiently.

   Xie Jia.

   Xie Yu was followed by two guards, and hurried out of the gate, heading towards the county government.

   Butler Xie learned the news after a stick of incense, and was so angry that he pointed at the servant guarding the gate and cursed: "Why are you reporting such an important matter now? If something happens to the young master, I'm the only one to ask."

   Butler Xie didn't say much, quickly found a manpower, and rushed to the county government.

   But when he arrives.

   It was found that the county government went very smoothly.

Housekeeper Xie was a little puzzled, so he pushed forward to find people from the Chu family. He knew more information. Not too small.

   Originally, he had advised the young master many times not to go out at this time.

   Within ten days, I sent the young master to Fucheng to catch up for the exam.

  Who knows, the young master did not know where he got the news that Landlord Wang wanted to take action against Chu Xiucai's family members today, so he rushed over after deceiving him.

   Butler Xie can only pray, the young master is among the crowd.

Housekeeper Xie squeezed to the front, but he didn't see Xie Yu. He felt a little uneasy. He turned around and saw Mrs. Chu and Liu. He knew him. He hurried forward and bowed his hands and asked, "Madam is Chu Xiucai's mother." ?”

   "You are?" Chu Liu asked subconsciously.

   Butler Xie hurriedly said: "I am the housekeeper of Xie Mansion, have you seen my third young master?"

In fact, Chu Liushi only took a serious look at Xie Yu's appearance at the banquet at the bookstore last time. After Butler Xie reported his family name, she finally remembered, but she was a little puzzled by his question: "Three Master? I didn't see you coming in."

   "What about Chu Xiucai's wife and young master?" Housekeeper Xie saw that Chu Ziluo was nearby, so he asked this question.

  Chu Liu: "Just now, I went in with a yamen servant, and went to the yamen to get Xiaojin out."

  Before this, Chu Jin and other children had already testified in court.

   Butler Xie felt a thump in his heart, but didn't show it on his face. He cupped his hands and said goodbye: "Old lady, then I won't bother you. I'll go find the young master elsewhere."

Chu Liushi grabbed Chu Ziluo's clothes with one hand, turned her head and frowned to watch Butler Xie leave. She always felt something was wrong in her heart, but she couldn't tell. She wanted to ask Butler Xie again, but felt that the two were unfamiliar. Too many people may not be willing to answer, but offend others, not to mention that Housekeeper Xie seems to be in a hurry.

   "Where can the third young master of the Xie family go?" Chu Liu muttered in a low voice, unable to wait any longer, pulled up Chu Ziluo, and said to Liu Hai on the side: "Let's go to the side door to see if Ah Yu and Xiao Jin have come out."

   "Okay, old lady." Liu Hai opened the way ahead.

   Mrs. Qian also hurriedly followed, and when she came out, she waved to Chu Xing who was guarding the mule cart at the entrance of the alley outside the county government office: "Third brother, come quickly, let Lao He watch over the mule cart for you."

  When Chu Xing heard this, he gave the rope of the mule cart to his uncle in the same village. After he thanked him, he hurried to catch up with his mother.

   "Mom, where is this going?"

  (end of this chapter)

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