Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 616: will give an explanation

  Chapter 616 will give an explanation

   "Xie Rong, report to the police, someone has stupefied this young master!" Xie Yu stood up abruptly and said angrily.

The county magistrate who had just walked in heard this and knew that the matter was not small. Everyone in Nanchang County knew that the Xie family was the largest family. But accidents happened one after another.

   Isn't this slapping him in the face of the county magistrate?

   Besides, the Xie family, he can't afford to offend, this is the most important thing.

   County magistrate Xu strode in: "Third young master, I will give you an explanation on this matter."

   "Thank you, magistrate, I have some news to tell you. I was stunned by someone beside the county government office." Xie Yu had already learned from Ye Muyu that she was abducted in the county government office.

  While this news made him angry, he also thought of the best solution to this matter.

  Xu County Magistrate's face changed slightly when he heard this: "Come here, go and interrogate those two people, focusing on why they stayed near the county government."

   "Send people to guard the surrounding area of ​​the county government office."

  Xie Yu was not in a hurry, "Then wait for good news from your lord."

"The third young master goes to the living room to rest first, and I go to interrogate the prisoner first." County magistrate Xu didn't want to offend Xie's family. After all, he and Xie's family have supported each other these years, and Xie's family is also a help to him, otherwise he would have Forced to join forces with the rest of the wealthy businessmen, they may not even be able to sit securely.

   County magistrate Xu left.

   Butler Xie hurriedly asked his young master what was going on.

   Xie Yu didn't say much, after all, he was still in the county government office at the moment, he just said: "I just arrived at the county government office, before I could squeeze in, I was dazed and arrested."

   "Where is the servant following me?" Xie Yuning asked with an eyebrow.

   Butler Xie said: "They were also knocked unconscious from behind. They have been found and locked up."

   "I think someone from the county government was also involved in this matter."

   "What?" Butler Xie's expression changed drastically: "Could it be that Mr. Xu..."

   "It looks like he has nothing to do with it, you send someone to check."

   "Okay, master."

  Housekeeper Xie was full of anger, turned around and wanted to leave, but stopped again: "Young master, Chu Xiucai's mother and two children are at home. The servant was afraid that something would happen to them, so he made the decision to keep them."

   "You did a good job, send someone back to inform them of the news, so that they don't worry, sister-in-law is fine."

   "I'm waiting for my parents to come here."

   "Okay, young master, the slave will go now." Xie Rong arranged for people to stay to protect Xie Yu, while he himself went to do things vigorously.

   Xie Jia.

  Master Xie and his wife rushed to the county government office in a hurry.

  Mr. Chu Liu took two children and sat in the living room of Xie's house with Mrs. Qian.

   Just when the four of them were in a hurry, servants from the Xie family came in to inform them that Ye Muyu was fine.

  Mrs. Chu and Liu let go of her concern, and hurriedly asked: "My little brother, where is my daughter-in-law at this time?"

   "The person outside is called Han Zhuang, he must be from the old lady's family?" asked the servant of Xie's family.

  Chu Liu nodded: "Exactly."

   "The servant went out and brought him in."

"However, before Housekeeper Xie left, I asked the old lady to keep it. The slaves can't make decisions privately..." The servant's implication was obvious. In addition, I learned that the wife and the master had gone to the county government office, saying that they had found the third young master. Well, the mansion is busy, if something happens to the guest, he will definitely be cut by then.

  Chu and Liu naturally didn't want to cause trouble for Xie's family, so he nodded quickly: "Thank you, little brother."

   "The old lady is polite."

  (end of this chapter)

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