Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 617: related to the county government

  Chapter 617 is related to the county government

   After a while, Han Zhuang came in and explained the situation, "Madam asked the old lady to stay at Xie's house, it's safer, and he will come to pick him up before going back."

   "It's fine as long as it's okay, this scares me." Qian patted her chest in fear for a while.

  Chu Liu guarded the two children, and nodded to him: "Then you go to the third daughter-in-law first, and we will stay here and wait."

   "Yes, old lady."

  Here, in the county government office.

  Master quickly caught up with County Magistrate Xu, and said in a low voice: "Master, just now the housekeeper of Xie Mansion came to look for the servant, and said he was from the Cha Mansion. Look at this..."

   "What does this have to do with the mansion?" County magistrate Xu frowned, a little unhappy.

  The master looked at his face and acted, and heard the words: "That doesn't matter?"

   "Let's wait and see how those two interrogate. If it really has something to do with the mansion..."

  Master's heart was aroused, and there were only the old wife, a young master, and a young lady who the magistrate Xu followed from his hometown in the mansion, and the rest were only two or three concubines sent by others.

   No matter how you look at it, you are an adult's own person.

  If the adult's own people are connected with the abduction of the third young master of the Xie family, the relationship between the master and the Xie family will be...

   "There must be some misunderstanding." County magistrate Xu frowned.

   At this moment, a government servant approached and saluted the two of them: "My lord, master."

   County Magistrate Xu waved his hand, frowned and said, "Just tell me the result of the interrogation, what's the situation?"

   "Returning to the adults, one of them confessed, saying that this matter was under Aunt Chu's orders."

   "What?" The master exclaimed, and covered his mouth decisively in the next second. Sure enough, when he looked up, he saw the county magistrate's face was extremely ugly. He was worried about this just now, but he didn't expect it to become a reality in the blink of an eye.

  Xu County Magistrate's face sank like water: "Is this true?"

   "My lord, that man has already confessed, and even took out Aunt Chu's hairpin."


   County magistrate Xu was so angry that he punched the wall, and the master quickly calmed him down.

  He reached for the hairpin, turned around and strode towards the inner courtyard.

   "My lord, wait for the little one..." The master hurriedly chased after him, and at the same time told the yamen servant to continue the interrogation.

He no longer expects to hide it from the Xie family. After all, just now in order to reassure the Xie family, the county magistrate Xu allowed the housekeeper Xie to listen in. Madam heard it.

  The fact is the same.

  Because Mrs. Xie and Master Xie just arrived at the county government office, and they are meeting with Xie Yu.

  Xu county magistrate entered the backyard with the master.

   I ran into the maid who was beside Mrs. Xu rushing over.

   "What's going on?" County magistrate Xu was already in a irritated mood, and when he saw the servant girl rushing, he immediately shouted angrily.

  The servant girl's face turned pale, and she quickly bowed to salute: "Return to the master, Madam asked the servant to invite the doctor, and something happened to Aunt Chu."

   "What happened to Aunt Chu?" The master exclaimed.

  Magistrate Xu frowned: "What's going on?"

   "Master, my aunt was forcibly drugged..."

   Upon hearing this, County Magistrate Xu flicked his sleeves and strode towards the courtyard where Aunt Chu was.

  The master waved his hand and asked the servant girl to invite the doctor, but all kinds of conjectures popped up in his heart. Is this suicide in fear of crime or someone stretched out his hand in the backyard of the county government?

  No matter what it is, it will involve a lot of things.

  The two quickly entered the yard where Aunt Chu was.

   Aunt Chu was rescued, and she was lying on the bed, breathing in more air and exhaling less, she had suffered a lot.

   "Master, why are you here?" Mrs. Xu saw Magistrate Xu, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes.

  (end of this chapter)

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