Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 640: There are secrets in the affairs of the day

  Chapter 640 There is something hidden about the events of that day

   "Afterwards, the third young master of the Xie family borrowed his family's influence and sent the thief to the county government."

"Maybe you don't know that the Wang family even had the guts to tie up the county magistrate in the end." Chu Liu sneered, suddenly picked up the teacup next to him, and threw it on the ground angrily. With a bang, the teacup broke into pieces, "Zhang, Qingxiang , You kneel down for me."

  Ms. Zhang trembled with fright, and was already stunned by the news. Hearing her words, she knelt down with a plop.

   "Mom... I didn't expect things to be so serious."

  After hearing that Ye Muyu was kidnapped, Mrs. Zhang felt uneasy. According to the character of the third brother who cared so much about the third younger sibling, she would definitely not be able to go around.

  Chu Qingxiang stared wide-eyed, and her eyes were full of shock. Although she was a little unwilling, she didn't dare to resist in front of the patriarch, Chu Liu, especially when her father also knelt down and knelt down.

   "The Wang family is so courageous. When you got along with the third miss of the Wang family, you never thought that the other party must have the confidence to act so arrogantly?"

"Without the third child, you are just ordinary people, no, even if there is a third child, we are just ordinary people! The Wang family is the landlord, how could we provoke it!" Chu Liu's chest heaved in anger, coughing twice .

  Chu Zhiwen hurriedly stepped forward and patted her on the back: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, you are very old, what are you angry about?"

"It's not you, I don't care about anything, the child at home has a bad temper, and I don't see you to guide me." Chu Liu scolded him when he caught him. This is very rare. She is very rational and sensible on weekdays, and she never speaks of Chu Zhiwen outside. The hero's face, but today, he scolded so hard that even Chu Lin turned pale.

   "Mom, it's my fault, don't be angry..."

"Yes, yes, don't be angry, I was wrong too..." Chu Zhiwen has seen his old wife get angry. Once she gets angry, something really big will happen. This time, the third daughter-in-law was almost implicated and lost her life. No wonder she is so angry up.

  Following Chu Liu's mood, he coaxed her and showed weakness.

  Ms. Chu and Liu glared at him: "You are the one who is the best at making friends."

   "Sit down, don't be an eyesore here, I haven't finished talking yet."

  Chu Zhiwen smiled all over his face: "Okay, okay, I won't delay you to clean up the juniors. If you need to do something, I will do it."

   "Hmph!" Mrs. Chu and Liu felt better.

   The eyes she looked at Chu Qingxiang and Zhang became calmer, which didn't mean she wasn't angry anymore, on the contrary, she became calmer.

   "Qingxiang, do I need to ask again? What exactly did you tell Miss Wang Jiasan?" Chu Liu asked lightly.

  Chu Qingxiang's eyes flashed with panic.

   "Grandma, I just said that I am engaged to the Song family and I don't want to call it quits." Chu Qingxiang bit her lip and said.

  Ms. Zhang's eyes were full of doubts: "Mother, have you misunderstood something? Qingxiang doesn't have the guts to provoke the third lady of the Wang family. Isn't it because Miss Wang is narrow-minded, so she might cause trouble for us?"

   Speaking of this, she felt a little wronged. She had scolded Wang Yan so many times these days.

  Such a high-ranking lady, why do you want to **** your daughter's fiancé, and why do you insist on making trouble for yourself? You can't live a good life, but if you make trouble for others, is it sick?

Chu Liu didn't want to talk about Zhang's stupid idea of ​​protecting Qingxiang anymore, she looked at Chu Qingxiang meaningfully: "I also believed that before, but this time, I asked someone to ask Miss Wang Jiasan in the prison , Haruka, guess what she told me?"

  Chu Qingxiang missed half of her heartbeat.

  (end of this chapter)

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