Chapter 641 Confession

  With red eyes, she looked up at her tremblingly: "Grandma, Miss San must have framed me on purpose."

   "Framed you?"

   "Why does she have to frame you?"

"To her, you are just a country girl who **** her off. As for lying to me deliberately to deal with you?" Chu Liu's expression was still calm, but Chu Zhiwen knew her, so he was really angry, even is disappointed.

  He couldn't help but frown. Could it be that there are secrets in this matter that he doesn't know? Haruka really lied to them?

  Chu Zhiwen looked at Chu Qingxiang with more inquisitive eyes.

  Chu Lin listened for a while, and added the reactions of both parties, no matter how stupid he was, he understood.

  His eyes fell on Mrs. Zhang: "Mrs. Zhang, tell mother honestly what's going on."

   "Mother, I really don't know." Mrs. Zhang had no idea why Mrs. Chu and Liu said that, she was extremely wronged.

   "She is so stupid, she was cheated, you don't need to ask her."

  Chu Lin's face was also ugly, and he reprimanded Zhang Shi and told her not to speak.

   "Qingxiang, what's going on!" Chu Lin glared at her angrily.

Chu Qingxiang knew she couldn't hide it anymore, so she lay on the ground and cried: "Grandma, I just said that even if she wants to marry Song Lu, Song Lu will not agree. She has divorced before, and she has a bad temper. Song Lu Not a man who wants to rely on his wife's family."

"Since you are not being honest, then I will say it directly. The original words of the third lady of the Wang family are, you said: Since the third lady has money and status as you said, why is Song Lu still unwilling to marry you? It can be seen that, Song Lu cares about Miss San, she is not a virgin and... Miss San might as well give up, in fact, my third uncle knows quite a few young talents, maybe there is someone who doesn't mind Miss San?"

  Dang Chu Liu narrated what Chu Qingxiang said that day in an extremely calm voice.

  Both Mrs. Zhang and Chu Lin were stunned. They stood in place, looking at Chu Qingxiang with doubts in their eyes. Is this their always sensible daughter?

  Why would you say such exaggerated words.

  Chu Qingxiang's face turned pale in an instant, and she subconsciously tried to defend herself: "Grandma, I'm just angry... talking nonsense..."

   "Whether you are talking nonsense, you know best in your heart."

  Chu Zhiwen also said angrily: "Did your grandma call you to see if there is any room for improvement in this marriage, and asked you to satirize Miss Wang's family?"

   "I'm not saying whether you did the right thing, have you forgotten what happened to Wang Chuan and his son?"

   "Just because of the lackeys around the third young master of the Wang family, they had to sell the house and move out of the county to the unfamiliar Lin county."

   "Now tell you, where did you get the courage to take the initiative to offend the third lady of the Wang family!"

  Chu Qingxiang was so criticized that she turned pale, but her eyes were full of unwillingness. She closed her eyes and only cried without speaking.

  Chu and Liu said coldly: "Qingxiang, are you deliberately trying to take advantage of your third uncle?"

   "I feel that your third uncle didn't help you, so your marriage has twists and turns."

   "But, why did you help your third uncle? Why should your third uncle help you get what you want?"

  Chu Qingxiang finally raised her head, and cried unwillingly: "I just want to marry Song Lu, and I was also a nanny at the beginning. Mother, you told me about this marriage."

   "For this marriage, I worked so hard, why can a random person ruin my happiness within reach?"

   "Besides, when I marry Song Lu, it will also help third uncle, and he will not lose."

   "Not bad?" Chu Liu squinted his eyes: "Why did your third uncle leave home early to take the exam? Do you think it's really just to catch the exam?"

  (end of this chapter)

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