Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 642: After getting married, don't come back if you have nothing to do

  Chapter 642 After getting married, don’t come back if you have nothing to do

   "I may not have made it clear to you just now, the landlord Wang has colluded with the bandits, and there are even people above him!"

   "This time, if General Shen hadn't come in time, let alone Song Lu, our family's lives would have been lost!"

   "You go to fight, I won't say you are wrong, but you didn't understand the background, ability, and power of the other party, so you hit the stone with an egg and implicated your family, do you recognize it?" Chu Liu's voice was stern in vain.

   "I don't recognize it." Chu Qingxiang gritted her teeth and said, "The Wang family wanted to deal with us, and it was because the third uncle himself crippled Miss Wang's third lady's arm, and he didn't bear it, which brought disaster."

  Chu and Liu laughed angrily: "Without your words, would the third miss of the Wang family care about my Chu family, or trouble your third aunt?"

   "Mother, I was wrong, don't be angry, I will discipline Haruka well in the future." Both Chu Lin and Mrs. Zhang knelt and begged for mercy.

  Chu Liu only stared at Chu Qingxiang, "Also, your third uncle also contributed to solving the Wang family this time. If he has the courage to offend others, he has the ability to solve the troubles caused afterwards."

   "And you are just a selfish villain hiding behind other people's backs."

  Chu Qingxiang's face turned pale in an instant, and she couldn't refute Chu Liushi's words. She fell to the ground, shame and embarrassment made her face dull, and even a little unable to lift her head.

   "Think about it for yourself. Is there anything wrong with what I said today?"

   "Qingxiang, today is my last advice as an elder. Some things cannot be forced. If you really want to force it, just think about the price. Don't go to your third uncle's side in the future."

   This means to cut off Chu Qingxiang and then get involved with Chu Heng.

  When Mrs. Zhang heard it, she was out of breath from crying, but she didn't dare to say a word of intercession.

   "Your third uncle's family has nothing to say sorry to you, no one should help you, just like no one can force you to help."

   "Family, everyone supports each other for the sake of benefit."

   "I hope you understand this."

   "Before you get married, stay in your own room and don't come out." This means grounding your feet.

  Chu Qingxiang didn't speak, but she didn't refute either, so she accepted the punishment.

   "Cough cough." Chu Liu coughed twice, and Chu Zhiwen quickly stepped forward to help her into the room: "Why are you still mad at yourself?"

"It's not easy to be an elder. If you stay and stay, you will become enemies. If you are a little unsatisfactory, all the good things in the past have been rejected." Chu Liushi passed by Chu Qingxiang, and slowly left, but the words she said fell into her ears. .

  Chu Qingxiang cried more and more, feeling ashamed and annoyed.

  Chu Lin stood up after Mrs. Chu and Liu entered the room. His eyes fell on Chu Qingxiang, his eyes full of disappointment: "So, you blamed us just because the marriage didn't go as you wanted?"

   "Since that's the case, after you get married, you don't have to come back when you have nothing to do. With your two younger brothers at home, you will always have something to eat."

  After Chu Lin finished speaking, he left in a panic.

  Ms. Zhang slapped her thigh and cried softly: "Qingxiang, how could you do such a thing? Your grandma hates plotting schemes the most. From now on..."

"Forget it, don't come back too often in the future. After all, after you get married, your life is mainly in your husband's house. Mother, you don't have to worry about it." Although Zhang was shocked, she was a daughter whom she loved since she was a child. You can't violate the attitude of your parents and husband.

  Chu Qingxiang's face turned pale: "Mother, I only want to help the Chu family with my calculations..."

   "Okay, don't talk about it, you go back to the house first."

   It was rare for Mrs. Zhang not to follow her.

  (end of this chapter)

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