Chapter 833 Punishment

  Pull the person down directly, and then, after a while, the sound of the plank sounded, and Wang Wei was gagged and couldn't even make a sound.

   "Do you want to confess yourself, or should I ask?" Ye Muyu didn't seem to hear the sound of the board outside.

   Song Min frowned and knelt on the ground.

  Hearing this, without the slightest hesitation, he told everything that happened in the past two days.

   It turns out that Wang Wei stole the money at night, but was caught by Song Min who got up at night. In the past two days, the two were not in the same mood, and other people also noticed it.

   When Song Min wanted to sue, Wang Wei always begged him for mercy, rushing to do everything else.

  As soon as the days are delayed, it will be delayed until today.

   "Why didn't you sue when he said just now that you pushed him to break the flowerpot?" Ye Muyu asked.

   "I don't know if Madam will be angry, I plan to wait until Madam's anger subsides before I tell you." It seemed that he still didn't give up on suing.

  Ye Muyu felt much less uncomfortable in her heart. She didn't mind the servants below being too upright, but she was afraid that the other party would be unfaithful.

  If Wang Wei really needs to pay back the money in silver taels, just ask her directly, and if she wants to withdraw one month's monthly silver first, she will give the other party a chance.

  It's a pity that it's fine for that person to frame others with his words, but his nature is even more difficult to change.

  She hates trouble, so she naturally dealt with it directly, and she didn't even want to give him a little sympathy.

   "Do you know where your mistake was this time?" Ye Muyu asked.

   "Small one, I don't know."

"Since you don't know, then I'll tell you, first, you're too blunt and don't know how to adapt. Anyone who listens to Wang Wei's words will put the blame on you, and you can only think of this I reported the matter, but I didn't see my situation clearly, if it was a different master, maybe I would have dealt with you long ago."

   "Second, I was too impulsive, and the flowerpot was broken due to the fight."

   "I will fast for one day and pay you money for the pot."

   "Okay, let's go out." Ye Muyu waved his hand.

  Song Min glanced at her in shock, kowtowed obediently, and backed out.

   "Call shopkeeper Tang to come in." Ye Muyu glanced at the cold tea, but didn't care, and continued to pick it up and take a sip.

  Tang Dongfeng rushed in and hurriedly saluted her: "Madam, it's the slave's fault..."

   "Tell me first, do you know about this?" Ye Yu asked directly.

Tang Dongfeng nodded: "The servant knew about this, just thought about it, and tested the two of them by the way, to understand their tempers, but yesterday the servant received the news that the mirror was in stock, thinking that the business was important, so he went to the business first. I'll deal with it when I get back, I didn't expect to disturb Madam..."

   "This matter is indeed your fault. Even if you have to be busy with other things, you should find someone to pay attention to the two of you."

   "The market is not open now, and there are no customers. If you disturb the customers and affect the business of the shop, the trouble and impact will be the difference between your thoughts."

   Tang Dongfeng blamed himself a little: "What Madam said is that the slave is arrogant."

  He really didn't take the two of them seriously, so naturally, he left with peace of mind, but he didn't expect that a small person could make such a big fuss.

   "There can be no next time." Ye Muyu said.

   "Madam, I understand." Tang Dongfeng agreed without hesitation. He knew that Madam had already treated her softly.

   "There is also Song Min, who has some flaws in his temper. You should guide and guide more. When doing business, you should be more slick, and you can't learn."

  (end of this chapter)

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